The village is close to the foot of several mountains. In the mountains hundreds of kilometers away, there is a sect called Fenghan Sect.

In the mountains behind the village, in the dense forest, a huge tree demon began to wake up.

"Haha, finally woke up.", the tree demon laughed.

The surrounding animals fled away one after another. Those that did not run fast were rolled up by the tree demon's branches, caught and eaten.

It turned out that this was an all-powerful tree demon. Just because of hundreds of years It was injured by the leader of the Wind Cold Sect, and has been sleeping and repairing.

Now hundreds of years have passed, the tree demon has finally awakened, and its strength has gradually recovered.

Since it has just awakened, its strength has only recovered a little, and it needs to continue Only by supplementing food can the strength be restored, but the nearby animals have fled far away, and its branches and vines cannot attack very far. The most developed ones are the roots, and the roots need to be gradually extended. The

Kudzu Village at the bottom of the mountain is very close to the Dryad. So the tree demon decided to first pass through the tree roots, slowly and continuously penetrate into the Pueraria gen village from the underground, and then unknowingly surround the village and wait for a while., the tree roots enveloped the entire village, and finally absorbed all the villagers. In this way, the tree demon can recover half of its strength.

The tree demon began to wriggle its root system, continuously extending the tree roots, from under the earth, through the earth and rocks, and faintly surrounded the village. The speed was not very fast, and it was estimated that it would be able to surround Kudzu Village in a while. While the tree demon extended the roots of the tree, he was secretly happy that after he regained his strength, he would be the first to settle accounts with the Fenghan Sect. The people in Pueraria Village did not realize the danger was coming.

On the other side, after Lin Feng settled down, he was going to go to the mountains to find some medicinal materials the next day to see what medicinal materials were available here.

Little Jianghuang ran over,"Brother, brother, sister is calling you to eat." It turned out that it was dinner time, Jiang Zhuru asked little Jianghuang to come over and call Lin Feng to eat.

"knew. thank you." Lin Feng said politely.

"Brother, the chocolate you gave me is so delicious. My sister and I ate it, and she said it was delicious.", said little ginger, shaking his head.

"Just delicious.", Lin Feng said with a smile.

"However, there are still 2 yuan left."The little turmeric was afraid that it would be gone after eating, so I left two pieces and wanted to eat it slowly.

"I'll give you a few more pieces after you finish eating.", Lin Feng said

"Great, thank you big brother.", Xiao Jianghuang said. There is no shortage of things in Lin Feng's storage space, including all kinds of food, treasures, etc., and there is no shortage of medicinal materials. Although he has experienced two dreams, his cultivation, his The storage space has not changed, but there are more things. Even in the master's house, there have never been so many things.

In other words, Meng has changed twice. He knows his cultivation level, but his storage space has not changed. This makes He was sure that he should be in some kind of secret state, dream, or illusion. And he was half awake, but his memory could not be recovered.

Lin Feng couldn't care so much, just take it step by step.

Lin Feng followed Little Jiang Huang to the middle room , I saw that Zhuru had cooked rice, three bowls of rice porridge, and two plates of wild vegetables, and there was no meaty taste at all. People here are not rich, and food is very simple. It is good to have rice porridge to eat.

"Let's eat.", Jiang Zhuru said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not polite,"Thank you", and sat down after saying that.

Little Jianghuang quickly sat down at the table, picked up the bowl and started drinking.

"Is this all you eat?", Lin Feng asked

"Yes, the harvest in the village and the entire town is not good, so we can only eat some wild vegetables and vegetables grown in the yard.", Jiang Zhuru said.

Lin Feng said hurriedly,"Wait a moment."After that, Lin Feng went back to his room, took out a big elbow from the space, then returned to the middle room and handed it to Jiang Zhuru,"This is the elbow I brought, you can make it."

Little Jianghuang's eyes were shining brightly as she looked at her elbows. They haven't eaten meat for a long time. It's rare for the whole village to eat meat unless they are hunting.

Jiang Zhuru looked at her elbows and said,"This, how can this be done?"

"It's okay. I'm staying here for a while, so I can't eat all your food. You're welcome, I can get some in the future.", Lin Feng said.

After Jiang Zhuru heard this, he was no longer polite. He took off the elbow and went to the back kitchen to cook.

After a while, the aroma was fragrant and lingered in the main room. Little Jianghuang's nose worked hard Inhaling,"It smells so good.""

When the elbow was served, Xiao Jianghuang felt that the rice porridge was no longer fragrant. He stared at the elbow and swallowed a few times unconsciously.

The elbow had been cut into several pieces, and Jiang Zhuru divided it into three parts. , one serving for each person. When the small turmeric was given, the turmeric gnawed directly, until his mouth was full of oil.

Probably because he hadn’t eaten meat for a long time, Zhuru and turmeric ate ​​it with great joy, and they didn’t even care about their image. On.

Lin Feng just drank the rice porridge, and then said to Jiang Huang,"I'm not hungry, you can eat this elbow.""

When Little Jianghuang heard this, she immediately pinched Lin Feng's elbow. Zhuru wanted to stop her, but Jianghuang had already chewed on her elbow. She had to give up.

While they were eating, the village chief Li Tianma entered the small courtyard. , and shouted,"Brother Lin, Brother Lin."

Lin Feng hurried out and saw the village chief Li Tianma supporting a weak patient. Lin Feng hurriedly asked the patient to sit down,"Village Chief, what's going on?"

"This is Dendrobium, a villager. He suddenly fell ill. He was chilled all over, his limbs and joints were cramped and it was difficult to bend and extend, and his hands and feet were cold.", said the village chief Li Tianma.

"Let me take a look." After Lin Feng said this, he took Dendrobium's pulse and touched Dendrobium's body. Sure enough, his hands and feet were cold. Lin Feng thought, it should be cold syndrome.

【All cold syndromes belong to the kidneys]

All cold problems are mostly caused by kidney problems.

【The cause of the disease is"cold", the symptom is"retraction", and the disease is in the"kidney" of the five internal organs. The kidney governs the north, represents cold in the sky, and represents water in the earth. It belongs to the yin within yin and contains the yang."The meridians circulate Qi and blood, support Yin and Yang, moisten the muscles and bones, and benefit the joints.":"Blood Qi likes warmth but hates cold. If cold makes you weep but not flow, if warm it disappears and goes away."

The meridians like warmth but hate cold. Blood Qi is in the meridians. Cold people will weep and be astringent, while warm people will benefit. If the kidney Zhongyuan Insufficient yang, endogenous yin and cold, unable to warm the meridians normally, the meridians will be unfavorable, and the flow of qi and blood will not flow smoothly.

At the same time,"righteous qi is stored in the body, and evil cannot be eliminated." If yang qi is deficient, the blood flow is not smooth, and local meridians are lacking. If the blood Qi is maintained normally, cold evil will take advantage of the gap to attack, and the main force of cold will be withdrawn. The cold evil will block the meridians. At first, the joints will be painful and the activities will be difficult. Over time, the meridians will become acute, and the joints will be cramped and difficult to bend and extend. According to the pathogenesis analysis, so The cold evil of the disease includes both internal cold caused by Yang deficiency and the attack of external cold. Deficiency of the positive and evil invades, internal and external evils combine, and deficiency and excess are mixed.

If the course of the disease is long, in addition to deficiency of Yang Qi, there is also damage to Qi and blood. As well as the blood stasis caused by long-term illness and the phlegm brewed by cold depression, if the old cold is not eliminated, the phlegm and blood stasis are difficult to eliminate. The three evils of cold, phlegm, and blood stasis combine to form chronic diseases. It can no longer be treated simply by warming the kidneys and dispelling cold. It is mainly used to remove blood stasis and eliminate phlegm, and it may be used to relieve symptoms by warming the meridians to replenish deficiency. These syndromes are mainly characterized by acute meridian spasms and unfavorable joint flexion and extension. In clinical practice, local muscles and meridians may also appear due to acute meridian spasms. Those with pain, such as common gastrocnemius spasm, are generally called Zhuanjin syndrome.

In the previous section, [all winds and dizziness belong to the liver], and now it is [all colds and yin, all belong to the kidneys].

Cold diseases are caused by yang deficiency, so the treatment It is necessary to warm the meridians to replenish deficiency, warm the kidneys and dispel cold. Dendrobium is also accompanied by the three evils of cold, phlegm and blood stasis that combine to form chronic diseases.

Therefore, Lin Feng has to be prescribed the 'Stone Wetting and Cold Dissolving Decoction' to warm the kidneys and dispel cold. Hanrongshi Decoction can warm the kidneys and dispel cold, clear away heat and relieve phlegm, promote qi and remove blood stasis.

"Village chief, I will prescribe three doses of medicine for you first. After I boil it first, I will take one dose first. You can ask Dendrobium to take the rest back home, one dose every day.", Lin Feng said

"OK", the village chief replied.

Dendrobium on the side also gathered enough strength to say,"Thank you, Dr. Lin."

{ps: Eight cardinal principles of syndrome differentiation, wind and cold, external and internal deficiency and excess of yin and yang. }

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