Lin Feng thought that he still had cooking skills and the food he cooked was more hygienic. Hex Technology would definitely not be there. Who knew whether the food produced in the store was clean? Moreover, most of the ready-made ones are steamed buns and the like, and there is no takeout here. But he still spent 1 tael of silver to buy a lot of steamed buns.

He suddenly had the idea that he might start a takeout business here, which seemed to make money, and then recruit a group of beggars to be riders.

After buying the steamed buns, Lin Feng went to the vegetable vendor and bought some meat. The vegetables in this world seemed to be similar to those in his hometown. There were also carrots and green vegetables, but they were called by different names.

Lin Feng spent 5 taels of silver to buy a lot of ingredients and returned to the beggar's den carrying a large bag of ingredients.

Hearing the news of Lin Feng's return, the children ran out of the house one by one. Seeing Lin Feng carrying a large bag of things in the courtyard, they all gathered around and looked at Lin Feng eagerly,"Brother, what can you bring? Something?"

Lao Qiu told them that Lin Feng went to buy food, so everyone was looking forward to some surprises.

Lin Feng looked at the group of children and took out the buns he bought with a smile. The aroma was so fragrant that it penetrated people's hearts. Sanya was the first to shout,"Baozi, buns." The other children also cheered and watched eagerly. Their saliva couldn't help but flow down.

"No rush, no hurry, everyone has it.", Lin Feng comforted them and assigned 2 buns to each person. The children took the buns and couldn't wait to eat them.

Lin Feng was anxious and shouted,"Eat slowly, don't choke." He was afraid that the children would choke. With

"It smells so good.", the children said in unison

"Woohoo, it’s so delicious," the three girls said while eating and wiping their noses.

"Okay, you go and play, I will cook for a while, and you can eat after it is done.", Lin Feng said

"Okay, Brother Lin.", said the children.

"By the way, where is Lao Qiu Tou?", Lin Feng didn't find Old Qiu Tou, so he asked the children.

Ye Chen chewed the buns and replied:"Grandpa Qiu went out and said he would come back later."

"Well, I got it, then you go and play, I'm going to cook."After Lin Feng finished speaking, the children did not disturb Lin Feng anymore, and quickly dispersed, taking the buns and running away to play.

But Ye Chen did not leave, Lin Feng looked at him and asked:"Why don't you go and play?"

"I...I, I want to learn to cook from you.", Ye Chen hesitated.

"Cook? why?", Lin Feng felt curious

"If I learn to cook, then I can be a cook for others, so that I can work and make money, and I can support my younger brothers and sisters.", Ye Chen replied.

Lin Feng felt that although this child was only twelve years old, he was somewhat mature mentally and could consider taking care of others and secretly praise others."That's right, then you can learn to cook from me."

"Really? That's great.", Ye Chen said happily. Ye Chen knew that general craftsmanship was not taught to outsiders. He felt very lucky to be able to learn the craftsmanship.

"You go get some firewood, and then we set up a pot in the courtyard, and then you go get some wooden boards to support a table and stools.", Lin Feng ordered

"Okay, Brother Lin."When Ye Chen heard the arrangement, he immediately started to do it without any delay.

Lin Feng and Ye Chen first supported the pot, and also the tables and chairs. A table was supported next to the pot, and then the pots and pans were taken from the room. Come out and place them.

After everything is ready, the next step is to choose and wash the vegetables. When the other children saw Ye Chen helping Lin Feng wash the vegetables, they also ran over to help wash the vegetables. They were all very busy. Lin Feng just Lin Feng smiled, feeling like a warm home that he had not seen for a long time.

Lin Feng was going to make six dishes and one soup. At the same time, he said to Ye Chen,"To cook, you must first be able to cut the vegetables. The vegetables must be cut evenly, and it must be conducive to rapid absorption and cooking. quick. There are several main points: 1. Adapt to the needs of cooking; 2. Neat and uniform specifications; 3. Master the texture, which varies depending on the material; 4. The form of the raw materials is beautiful; 5. The coordination of the shapes of various raw materials in the same dish; 6. Reasonable Use raw materials.",

Ye Chen listened carefully to Lin Feng's explanation of cooking.

"There are generally 21 knife techniques for cutting vegetables: straight, push, pull, saw, press, shake, pat, roll, row chop, straight chop, heel chop, front chop

, reverse chop, flat chop, push knife Batch, broach batch, shaking knife batch, rolling batch, straight knife ji, push knife ji, broach ji Ji (ji, meaning of engraving), you take a look, I will demonstrate it. You practice the basic skills first, and after you become proficient, I will teach you 21 sword techniques."

Lin Feng continued:

"Basic operating postures of knife workers. When operating knife workers, you should maintain a posture that is convenient for operation and reduces fatigue:

1. Both feet should stand naturally and firmly, with an appropriate distance from the vegetable pile; the upper body should be slightly tilted forward, and the chest should be slightly straight, and do not bend. The back is arched; the eyes are focused on the parts of the pier where the hands are operating.

2. When holding the knife in your right hand, hold the knife hoop with your thumb and index finger, and grasp the handle of the knife with your whole hand. The left hand controls the raw materials to make them stable and non-sliding, so that the knife can fall easily.

3. The wrist should be flexible and strong when holding the knife.

4. The placement of the vegetable pile should be suitable for your own height."

Under Lin Feng's detailed explanation, Ye Chen wrote down the 21 knife skills one by one. Ye Chen also carefully wrote down the 21 knife skills, and then tried and practiced with the knife himself. The other children watched Lin Feng and Ye Chen chopping vegetables as if they were watching a trick.

Erya immediately cheered,"Brother Ye Chen can also cook, he's so awesome." All the other children were very envious.

Because Ye Chen was very smart, he quickly mastered the knife skills. Lin Feng took a look and said in his heart, This kid is pretty good, so he said to Ye Chen, you are so smart and learn quickly, so you can do the chopping in the future.

"Well, Brother Lin.", Ye Chen readily agreed. Being able to learn cooking skills was a rare opportunity for him. With such a good opportunity, he secretly cheered for himself and vowed to seize it. After cutting the vegetables, the next step was to stir-fry and stir-fry. The requirements were higher, so Lin Feng first asked Ye Chen to learn basic techniques such as techniques, spoon turning, fire control, etc. Ye Chen also quickly mastered these skills. Although he was not very skilled, he was still in style. In the process of cooking, the pot The oil inside heats up first. After adding the prepared ingredients, it will make a"chichichichi" sound. At this time, stir-fry slowly to fully combine the ingredients with the oil, and keep turning so that the ingredients are heated evenly.

Then the ingredients The color gradually becomes golden and bright, giving off a subtle aroma. Then add some seasonings to adjust the taste. When the ingredients are cooked, you can start the pot. While watching, Ye Chen carefully memorized Lin Feng's flowing movements and listened to Lin Feng's explanation. While

Lin Feng was explaining, he sorted out the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements and found that the Five Elements are also useful in cooking.

【Wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. The five elements in the diet correspond to the five flavors," the liver (wood) desires sourness, the heart (fire) desires bitterness, the spleen (earth) desires sweetness, the lungs (metal) desire pungentness, and the kidneys (water) desire salty food. The harmony of the five flavors in the food is helpful for good health. , if one is too much, it is easy to harm the body.

In addition, if you are sick, you should avoid the taste.

For example, if you have liver disease, pungent food is prohibited. Pungent belongs to metal, liver belongs to wood, and metal can be wood. Therefore, people with liver disease cannot eat spicy food.

The same goes for the same thing. , it is forbidden to eat salty food for heart disease, sour food for spleen disease, and sweet food for kidney disease. Bitter food is forbidden for lung disease.

In addition, the liver likes sour food. If the disease is in tendon and tendon, and acidity belongs to the liver, then sourness is not allowed for tendon disease.

In other words, there are not many diseases with the same properties. Foods that are incompatible with each other are not eaten.

In the diet, we also pay attention to the harmony and balance of yin and yang, and the reasonable combination of yin and yang foods.

For example, meat is yang, vegetarian vegetables are yin; hot vegetables are yang, cold vegetables are yin; stir-fried vegetables are yang, and boiled vegetables are yin. It is yin; sun-drying is yang, air-drying is yin; spicy and heavy flavors are yang, light food is yin, etc. When frying fish and meat yin foods, it is advisable to add yin vegetable seasonings such as mushrooms and fungus; stew beef and mutton. When waiting for yang foods, it is advisable to add yin vegetables such as carrots and white radish, which can not only remove the odor and add flavor, but also make the yin and yang peaceful.

The more Lin Feng summarized, a lot of truths kept popping up in his mind, which gave Lin Feng a deeper understanding of Yin-Yang and the Five Elements. He didn't expect that he could pay attention to his health when eating vegetables. It seems that in the future, when eating delicious food, he should first consider the yin and yang and the five elements, and then whether it tastes good or not.

The dishes Lin Feng cooked were: eggplant roasted pork, hot and sour potato shreds, cabbage tofu, Dongpo pork, radish roasted pork, stewed cabbage, tomato and egg soup.

Whenever a dish is freshly cooked, the aroma wafts in the air, making the children's mouth water. They watch eagerly as the dish rises from the pot and is brought to the table. I can't wait to go up and take a big bite right away.


【Knowledge Points] - Please take notes and remember that the liver (wood) desires sourness, the heart (fire) desires bitterness, the spleen (earth) desires sweetness, the lungs (metal) desire pungentness, and the kidneys (water) desire salty foods.

Liver disease prohibits spicy food, and heart disease prohibits salty food. , spleen disease prohibits acidity, kidney disease prohibits sweetness. Lung disease is forbidden to be bitter.

If there is a patient, pay attention to the five elements when using food corresponding to the illness.

People with weak livers should not eat spicy hot pot, people with coughs should not eat bitter melon, etc.

The kidneys desire salty food, earth suppresses water, and the spleen's earthy taste is sweet. Kidney disease avoids sweetness.

Everyone can pay attention to it in life.


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