Lin Feng thought again. The teacher said that he had to pass through the four continents and then go to the heaven on Mount Xumi. The four continents were beyond the Seven Golden Mountains. It was at least hundreds of millions of kilometers. One day in the Four Heavenly Kings was equal to fifty years on earth. He could live A life span of five hundred years in heaven (9,125,000 years on earth). In one morning here, twenty-five years of human life have passed; the further you go to the upper world, the longer the time becomes. For example, one day is 100 human years, and one day in Elysium is one human catastrophe." That's how many billions of years! Think about it. , Cultivation to the golden elixir has a lifespan of one thousand years, cultivation to the Nascent Soul has the lifespan of 10,000 years, cultivation to the transformation of gods, the lifespan of 100,000 years, cultivation to the immortal life of 500,000 years, and the life of the Taoist Immortal Master is one million years. You can see the gap in cultivating immortals! The World Immortal has a lifespan of nearly ten million from the beginning!

The Great Iron Circle of Hell is 6.8 million yojanas high, about 60 million kilometers, while Mount Sumeru is only 80,000 yojanas, about 800,000 kilometers.

In front of him is Mount Sumeru, Lin Feng really doesn’t know He dared to believe his eyes. He came to Mount Sumeru. The part of Mount Sumeru that comes out of the water is about 880,000 kilometers high (80,000 yojanas), the part that enters the sea is also about 800,000 kilometers, and the surrounding area is about 3.5 million kilometers (320,000 yojanas).

There was a wide road in front of them. It was actually the same as the road to the Qibao Pond in the dream. However, the road here was wide and they didn't know how wide it was. They originally thought it would be so high and so big, and they didn't know how long it would take to walk, but they didn't know it but it felt like it would be long. Soon, they arrived at the foot of the mountain. Lin Feng found that his clothes had changed. He was just looking for the way in front of him and didn't care at all. The clothes gradually became one and became very light, without feeling at all.

The Four Heavenly Kings are half a yojana long, which means they are 6,000 meters long. -20,000 meters. The clothes are one yojana long and half a yojana wide. The clothes weigh half a liang. That is to say, the clothes are 11 kilometers long, 6 kilometers wide, and weigh half a liang. As he ascends to heaven, his body and clothes change naturally.

Lin Feng continued Going up, there are three levels of"Seven Treasures Steps" on the mountain: upper, middle and lower, leading all the way to the top of the mountain. This is the real heavenly road! On both sides of the road, there are seven layers of treasure walls, seven layers of railings, seven layers of nets and seven layers of rows. The trees, the doors, walls, windows, railings, trees, etc. in the middle are all made of gold, silver, crystal, glass, etc. Flowers and fruits are plentiful here, fragrant winds are everywhere, and countless strange birds sing in harmony with each other.

These four heavenly kings are halfway up Mount Sumeru, which means they have to walk more than 400,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to reaching the moon. However, the time and space here are different from before. It seems that he walks at the same speed as usual. If you look at it from the previous continent, the speed It's just flying, not to mention that Lin Feng can fly. Therefore, there is no sense that it is that far away.

There are thick flowers and fruits all the way, the trees are very tall, there are all kinds of fruits, many of which can't be named. There are actually fairy peaches, really Big! The size is as big as a bowl. This is the size of a peach from Lin Feng's eyes. If you look at the height of Yangming Mainland people, I'm afraid it's as big as several buildings.

Lin Feng remembered that the teacher said that reincarnation in the heaven is also the same. It’s difficult to cultivate and cultivate saints. I never understood it before. Now I probably understand a little bit. In such a comfortable and enjoyable environment, if you only care about having fun, how can you have the mind to practice? Besides, we haven’t reached the Four Heavens yet!

I didn’t meet any people or people along the way. Gods and the like. I guess I can't see them until I reach the Four Heavenly Kings.

As I walked, I suddenly saw a soldier-like person standing guard on the roadside in front of me. He was probably the heavenly soldiers here. Each of the heavenly soldiers was actually in the early stage of entering immortality. The lowest level of strength in this place is the immortal level!

Lin Feng thought that he would not be blocked and not allowed to move forward.

Sure enough, when he walked to the door, the heavenly soldiers stopped them and refused to let them in.

"Why not let in? Lin Feng asked

"Stop Asura from coming up. You don’t look like Asura. What are you doing here?"The Heavenly Soldier asked. Meisha was startled when she heard Asura.

"I want to go to the Zenith of Desire Realm. Lin Feng replied

"No, you can't go, you need a token from the King of Heaven."The Heavenly Soldier said

"What should I do if it doesn’t work? Lin Feng asked

"Then you have to charge tolls."The Heavenly Soldier replied

"There is no shortage of anything in the sky, and there is no shortage of money, so why do we need to collect tolls? Lin Feng asked again

"The so-called toll means that you have to hand over a magic weapon or fairy stone, not collect money."The Heavenly Soldier replied

"How could this be? What do you want it for?"Lin Feng said

"You are not reincarnated, but you came here through some force. You are not allowed to enter here, so you should go back!"The Heavenly Soldiers avoided Lin Feng's question and urged.

"What is fairy stone?", Lin Feng asked

"Immortals from the lower realm use spiritual stones, while immortals from the upper realm use fairy stones to increase their immortal power!", Tianbing replied.

Lin Feng then understood that immortal stones cultivate immortal power, and by practicing with immortal stones from the lower realm immortals upwards, one can enter the upper realm immortals. Cultivating the upper realm immortals is not a problem.

However, because Lin Feng entered the holy cultivation portal , although he is the Five Ming Medical Doctor, he can become an Upper Realm Immortal or even the Supreme Immortal of the Upper Realm without using immortal stones.

"You two, I don’t have a fairy stone, only a spiritual stone. Although the spiritual stone is not as good as the fairy stone, the spiritual stone can also allow you to practice. If you have the opportunity to practice again in the future, it will be faster, right?"Lin Feng said.

The Heavenly Soldier thought about it and thought,"Then bring it."

So Lin Feng took out 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones and gave them to the Heavenly Soldier. After the Heavenly Soldier accepted them, he let them in.

Lin Feng entered the Four Heavenly Kings and Queens and continued to move forward. I walked for a long time, and no one stopped me along the way. Later, the view gradually broadened, surrounded by pavilions, woods, rare treasures, etc., and there were many people coming and going, some walking, some flying, the sky There is wonderful music floating in the middle. When we reach the open area in the middle, we look around. The men here are all elegant and graceful, and the women are all stunningly beautiful. In the distance, there is a tall city on each side, majestic and majestic.

"Are these heavenly maidens, fairies from the upper world?! This is countless times better than the one on Yangming!"This is the first time Lin Feng has seen the fairy from the upper world.

Lin Feng guessed that he has arrived at the Four Heavenly Kings. The four great kings are. A thousand yojanas (approximately 10,000 kilometers) east of Mount Sumeru there is the king Titou Lai Zha. His city is called Xian. Above; His name is also called the King of Growth, Moli Qing. He holds a sword with green light. A thousand yojanas

(approximately 10,000 kilometers) south of Zifeng. There is the city of King Pilulu, named Shanjian; His name is also called King of Guangmu, Moli Shou. , holding a purple-gold dragon and a snake, obedient.

To the west is the city of King Bilupaksha, named Zhou Luo Shanjian; also named Duowen Tianwang Moli Hai, holding an umbrella of Hunyuanzhu, with a duty of rain. To the north is Bishamon The city of the heavenly king. The king has three cities. Among the four heavenly kings, King Bishamon in the north has the greatest merit. His name is also called the king of Dharma. He holds a jasper pipa on one side and has good responsibilities.

That is, the four heavenly kings have good weather and good weather.

Lin Feng Flying into the air, he looked around at the buildings and terrain here. Based on the terrain he observed and the related descriptions that came out unconsciously in his mind, he roughly knew the situation in the Heaven of the Four Heavenly Kings. To the east was the Heavenly King Lai Zha. Xianshang City is about 66,000 kilometers (six thousand yojanas) long; this city has seven layers, seven layers of railings, seven layers of nets, and seven layers of rows of trees. They are all decorated and intertwined by Zhou Za. These are made of seven kinds of treasures. There are countless beautiful birds singing in harmony.

To the south is the city of Shanjian of King Virulu, 66,000 kilometers away; to the west, more than 10,000 kilometers (1,000 yojanas) away, is the city of Shanjian of Zhouluo of King Viruphasa..

To the north is the city of King Bishamon. This king has three cities: one is called the Awe-inspiring Castle, the second is called the Tenking Castle, and the third is called the All-Returning Castle. Each city is the same as the one before it, both vertically and horizontally. 66,000 kilometers. It is also seven-layered, with seven-layered railings, seven-layered nets, seven-layered rows of trees, decorated around the perimeter, and also decorated with seven treasures and even countless birds singing in harmony. There is a garden in the north, and over there is the return castle of King Bishamon. Lin Feng decided where to go.

Just when he was going to the north, he suddenly saw many gods going there. Lin Feng was very surprised, so he asked the gods passing by. The gods told him that there was a Bodhisattva there who wanted to go there today. It is a rare opportunity to teach the Dharma.

Lin Feng thought to himself, what kind of Bodhisattva would there be in the heaven and what kind of Dharma would he teach? Could it be the same as Master Zhenyuan?

So he followed the other heavenly beings to the north of Tianwang City to see what was going on. Something happened.

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