Lin Feng learned through Xiaolian that there are many sects in Yangming Continent. Zixia Sect is only a second-level sect. There are six top sects in Yangming Continent: Taiyin, Jueyin, Shaoyin, Taiyang, Yangming, and Shao. Yang Zong.

The six sects actually correspond to the three yin and three yang. Those who can be named like this must be named by a big shot. Xiaolian doesn't know why they are called these names, but they have been called like this for a long time. The history of this continent millions of years ago is unknown.

Among the five internal organs, the liver, heart, spleen, lungs and kidneys belong to yin, and the gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and bladder belong to yang.

The three yin and three yang correspond to the five internal organs and are the twelve meridians.

Taiyang: small intestine meridian of hand Taiyang, bladder meridian of foot Yangming

: large intestine meridian of hand Yangming, stomach meridian of foot Yangming.

Shaoyang: Triple Burner Meridian of Hand Shaoyang, Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang

Taiyin: Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin, Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin Jueyin

: Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin, Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin.

Shaoyin: Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian, Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian.

It is further divided into:

Three Yin Meridians (Hand Taiyin Lung Meridian, Hand Jueyin Pericardium Meridian, Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian), Hand Three Yang Meridians (Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian, Hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Meridian, Hand Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian), and Hand Three Yang Meridians. The three yin meridians of the foot (Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang, and Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang) and the Three Yin Meridians of Foot (Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin, Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin, and Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin) are also called the"normal meridians".

Lin Feng thought about the twelve meridians for a while. At this time, Li Zixia, the leader of Zixia Sect, walked in quickly.

Lin Feng turned back to look at Li Zixia who was rushing,"What's the matter with Sect Master Li?"

Sect Master Zixia hurriedly saluted,"Senior Lin, today the head of Jueyin Sect, Jue Baogan, came to visit our sect and suddenly fell ill. We are helpless. What can we do?" I hope seniors can help!"

"oh? You bring him here," Lin Feng said

"Okay, Senior Lin." After Zixia Sect Master said that, he turned and left. After a while, he saw Zixia Sect Master leading a group of people, two of whom were carrying a chair, and a middle-aged man was sitting on the chair. It was probably Jue Bao Gan, the head of the Jueyin Sect, who came to Lin Feng. The middle-aged man looked very weak. Jue Bao Gan kept looking at Lin Feng. He had no cultivation skills and seemed to have some doubts in his heart. He knew that his illness was What's the situation? It's a disease left over. Zixia Sect Master strongly recommended this person, which shows that this person must be extraordinary. Otherwise, Zixia Sect Master wouldn't treat him so politely and respectfully.

Lin Feng glanced at Jue Baogan and thought, this person The name is also interesting. Jue and Jueyin have the same pronunciation as Jueyin, which includes the Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin and the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin. The name is exactly the same as the name of the meridian. I don’t know who gave it to me.

Lin Feng asked again,"Have you spoken orally recently? Unbearable thirst, increased urination, weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, irritability, mouth ulcers? Jue

Baogan's eyes lit up and he hurriedly replied:"Yes, yes, since I became the head master and practiced Jueyin Kung Fu, I have gotten sick every other year."

Lin Feng asked:"Do you get sick every four seasons of the year?""

Jue Bao Gan nodded wildly like a chicken pecking at rice. This disease has been tormenting him for a long time.

Lin Feng roughly understood the cause of the other party's disease. It should be Jueyin disease. Jueyin disease can be divided into four categories, and this sect leader alone accounted for it. Four items

【1. Syndrome of upper heat and lower cold: related to quenching thirst and rising qi to the heart according to traditional Chinese medicine. Patients may present with unbearable thirst, increased urination, body weight loss, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, irritability, and oral ulcers. etc., Wumei Pills, etc. can be used for treatment;

2. Syndrome of reversal of reversal of heat and relapse: refers to the repeated occurrence of reversal of reversal and fever in the limbs, usually at the knee joint and elbow joint, with symptoms of alternating cold and hot. Angelica sinensis can be used for treatment. Sini Decoction, etc.;

3. Jue Ni syndrome: that is, coldness in the limbs, which is manifested by a cold feeling in the limbs, usually below the knee joint or below the ankle and wrist. This can be treated with drugs such as Chengqi Decoction;

4. Syndrome of vomiting and vomiting: It can be caused by damp-heat, damp-heat, and deficiency and cold. Depending on the situation, the patient may present with retching, headache, hiccups, fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. For treatment, Tongmai Sini can be used. Soup. ]

The main manifestations of Jueyin syndrome are [heat in the upper part and cold in the lower part], cold in Jueyin, heat in Jueyin, and cold hands and feet.】

"Senior, may I ask what is the cause of this disease? Jue Baogan asked respectfully.

Lin Feng replied,"You have Jueyin disease, one of the six meridians.""

"Jueyin disease?" Everyone in Jue Bao Gan looked confused. They had never heard of this disease. He thought it was caused by practicing martial arts.

Lin Feng explained:"When the disease reaches Jueyin, the liver wood will be out of balance, and the pericardium will also be affected by evil. , when the fire in the upper part of the phase is hot, the fire in the heart is cold, so there is heat in the upper part and cold in the lower part. In the struggle between good and evil, when yang wins and yin declines, there will be more heat and less cold; when yin wins and yang declines, there will be more cold and less heat, so there is Rebellion wins over recovery. The pathogenic factors are internalized, the qi and blood are disordered, and the yin and yang cannot be connected smoothly, so there are various synergistic syndromes. The liver and stomach Qi is inverse or damp-heat is suppressed, excess heat is blocked, or the spleen and stomach are deficient and cold, so there is vomiting."

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what Lin Feng said at all.

Lin Feng explained again:"There is something wrong with the liver. The liver wood generates heart fire, which affects the pericardium and absorbs evil. The heart fire cannot go down, and the lower body is cold. The top is hot, which is called upper cold and lower heat. The heart fire should be downward and the kidney water should be upward. Only when water and fire are combined can there be a balance. There will be alternating situations such as more cold and less heat, more heat and less cold. The yin and yang are not connected, and the upper part is hot and the lower part is cold, resulting in various adverse syndromes, such as vomiting, hiccups, etc. if the stomach qi is reversed."

Everyone seemed to understand a little bit, but they still didn't understand. Lin Feng stopped explaining.

"Senior Lin, how do you think I can treat this disease?"Jue Baogan implored. This disease has really been bothering him for too long. No one in the entire continent can cure him, and all kinds of elixirs are ineffective. Now that Lin Feng can tell the reason for the name of the disease, it can definitely be cured.

"Can be treated."After Lin Feng finished speaking, he took out a black plum pill from the storage space. Lin Feng's space was full of medicines. He didn't know where they came from. He didn't even know who he was now. Was he in another dream? I don’t know at all.

Wumei Pill is mainly composed of black plum, asarum, cinnamon twig, coptis, phellodendron, angelica, ginseng, Sichuan pepper, dried ginger, and aconite. It has the effects of warming the internal organs, calming roundworms, and relieving pain. It can be used to treat epigastric pain. , vomiting, even vomiting of roundworms, cold hands and feet, or prolonged diarrhea.

Among them, ebony plum is used as the monarch medicine, and its sourness can calm roundworms; Sichuan pepper and asarum are warm and can dispel cold, and are used as ministers; coptis and Phellodendron are bitter and cold to clear away heat. Aconite, dried ginger, and cassia twigs are pungent and hot to dispel cold; Angelica sinensis and ginseng are adjuvants for replenishing qi and nourishing blood; licorice is a neutralizing and relieving medicine.

""Take this pill." Lin Feng handed the pill to Jue Baogan.

Jue Baogan took the pill and drank it without hesitation. Zixia Sect Master and others looked on and expected a miracle to happen.

After taking the pill, Jue Baogan only I feel that after the pill enters the body, it decomposes into two streams of spiritual energy, which enter through the pericardial meridian of hand Jueyin and the liver meridian of foot Jueyin. The two meridians are instantly opened. The spiritual energy throughout the body is unobstructed, all symptoms disappear, and the energy increases sharply.

Moreover, Jue Baogan suddenly discovered that his cultivation had been stuck in the Mahayana for hundreds of years, and suddenly there were signs of a breakthrough! This made him overjoyed. It was estimated that he would be able to break through in three days.

Jue Baogan quickly stood up and said respectfully to Lin Feng,"Thank you very much. Senior Lin."Jue Baogan took out a storage ring and handed it to Lin Feng respectfully,"This is a small thing, I hope Senior Lin will accept it.

Lin Feng looked at it and said to Li Zixia,"Take it.""

Li Zixia was stunned for a moment. She wanted to shirk it, but then she thought that Senior Lin might not like these things, so she stepped forward to take it.

After Jue Bao Gan handed it to Li Zixia, he took out a storage ring and handed it to her,"This is a little thought, I hope the sect master will accept it."

Jue Bao Gan knew that it was all because of Lin Feng that he could recover from his illness and quickly improve his cultivation. The function is also the help of Zixia Sect. I happened to visit today. Naturally, I inherited the favor of the Zixia Sect, and I must be on good terms with the Zixia Sect.

Besides, Senior Lin lives in Zixia Sect. It seems that it is just a piece of cake for Zixia Sect to be promoted to the top sect.

{ ps: You must master the functions of yin, yang, five elements, five internal organs and six internal organs, otherwise you will not be able to understand the content of dialectical diseases that follows.

Jue Baogan: Jueyin, pericardium, liver meridian.

The Treatise on Febrile Diseases is suitable for beginners of Chinese medicine. The Treatise on Febrile Diseases is divided into six categories and subdivided into many syndromes. Each syndrome corresponds to a prescription, and the prescriptions and syndromes are unified, such as the Wumei Wan syndrome. It is one of the above-mentioned symptoms, so it is named Wumei Wan Syndrome and the medicine Wumei Wan is used.

It’s similar to Western medicine, which medicine treats what disease. }

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