Lin Feng continued:"

There are three Bodhisattvas, one named Asanga, one named Vasubandhu, and one named Shizijue. They all made a like-minded wish to be reborn in Tusita Heaven after death. They went to the inner courtyard of Tusita Heaven to see Maitreya Bodhisattva; they also agreed that if someone passed away first and saw Maitreya Bodhisattva, they must come back to report it.

The first person to pass away was Shizijue, but after Shizijue passed away, as soon as he went Even for several years, he did not come back to report whether he had seen Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Later, Vasubandhu Bodhisattva was about to pass away. Asanga Bodhisattva came to say to Vasubandhu Bodhisattva:"If you see Maitreya Bodhisattva after your death, you must hurry up." Come report. Vasubandhu Bodhisattva finally came back three years after his death.

Asanga asked him,"Why did you go away for so long and only come back now?" Vasubandhu Bodhisattva then told him,"When I arrived at Tusita Heaven, I heard Maitreya Bodhisattva sit down and listen to his sermon like this, and then ran back quickly." Because the time there was very long, so although I just ran back as soon as I sat down, three years have passed here.

Asanga Bodhisattva asked again:"Where is Master Sujue now?" Vasubandhu Bodhisattva said this:"The master is enjoying heavenly happiness, and he uses the five desires to entertain himself. He is a retinue of this outer courtyard outside. Therefore, he has not seen Maitreya Bodhisattva since he went there.""

Therefore, ascending to the Tusita Heaven is divided into an inner court and an outer court. The inner court is not accessible to ordinary people. The fifth heaven of the Desire Realm is Huale Tian. In Huale Tian, ​​his desire will be fulfilled as long as two people look at each other for a while. The sixth day is the Self-Transformation Heaven, which is the top of the Desire Realm. The age of heaven on that side is 16,000 heavenly years, which is equivalent to 9.2116 million years in the human world.. If he wants to fulfill his desires, all he needs to do is say a word and it will be accomplished. Therefore, from the six days to the last day of the Desire Realm, his desires are the most indifferent.

After the six days of the Desire Realm, there is the first jhāna day. The first jhāna day For three more days, they all feed on Zen Joy, so they have no desire for men or women, and they have a neutral body.

I won't talk about the days after that, and I guess you won't understand or imagine it!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, Everyone was shocked. These were things they had never known and were unimaginable. Could it be that Lin Feng had really been there?. Feng Xiaoyue and Princess Yumei looked at Lin Feng with admiration

"Do you really know?!"Xuying asked Lin Feng after hearing this.


"Anyway, thank you for informing me. Although I can’t look for it, I finally got my wish." After saying this, the shadow disappeared.

"Since you know, then you can take us to heaven." Princess Yumei was excited.

"I can't take you with me. You can go back by yourself."

"No, then Sister Xiaoyue and you can take me." Yumei begged shamelessly.

"There is no heaven here, and there is no Four Heavens. The Four Heavens are on Mount Sumeru. This is not Mount Sumeru, it is just an ordinary mountain.", Lin Feng said

"ah? So you can’t go? Where is Mount Sumeru?"Princess Yumei asked

"Look for it, there is no more here, you can find the remains of the Immortal Emperor by yourself, Xiaoyue and I are going to another place.", Lin Feng replied

"I'll go with you," Yumei said.

"No need, the place we are going is not where you think, we want to go back to the city!", Lin Feng said."You have immortal-level weapons, so you probably have nothing to fear. You can practice more on yourselves."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he pulled Feng Xiaoyue into the sky and then disappeared, causing Princess Yumei to kick. Feet.

Lin Feng didn't want to offend Princess Yumei. He would have to go to other meridian star seas in the Fourteenth Meridian Star Sea in a while, and even Xiaoyue would have to leave.

Lin Feng soared into the sky and looked down, only to see the Two Boundary Mountains, and The Qitian Sect Mountain behind appears in front of you, with a plain above the mountain, and a city vaguely visible in the distance.

Lin Fengfei's height is not something that spiritual beasts can fly. Standing high, he can see far away, and the entire continent is in front of him.

"Isn't Mount Sumeru here?"Feng Xiaoyue asked curiously.

Lin Feng explained,"Not here, this world is composed of countless worlds. A thousand worlds are called small thousand worlds, and a thousand small thousand worlds are called one middle thousand worlds. The middle thousand worlds are the great thousand worlds, and the small thousand, middle thousand, and great thousand worlds are collectively called the three thousand great thousand worlds. This is the state of transformation of one Buddha.

This sea of ​​meridian stars is just a part of a small world.

The lowest layer of each world is a layer of air, called the wind wheel; above the wind wheel is a layer of water, called the water wheel; above the water wheel is a layer of gold, or hard stone, called the gold wheel; the gold wheel Above is the land composed of mountains, oceans, continents, etc.; and Mount Sumeru is located in the center of this world.

The water surface is divided into two sections, the upper and lower sections. The lower section is divided into four levels. The first level is named Jianshou Tian, ​​the second level is named Man Tian, ​​and the third level is named Hengji (jiao) (also translated as Chang Fang Yi) Tian. It is the residence of the Night Cross God, commanded by the Four Heavenly Kings. It belongs to the category of ghosts and is not captured by heaven. It is said that there is the Sun, Moon and Stars Heaven above the third level, where the gods of the sun, moon and stars live; the fourth layer is the Four Heavenly Kings Heaven, which is connected with the Four Heavenly Kings. The sun and the moon are on the same level. The top of Sumeru Mountain is the Trayastrim Heaven. This heaven and the Four Heavenly Kings all live on the earth. Above the Trayastrim Heaven is the Sky Palace (the heavenly palace is in the sky). They are the four heavenly realms of Yama, Tusita, Huale, and Hehuazususu in turn. The Six Desire Heaven is overlaid with the First Zen Heaven, and the world inhabited by all living beings in the five realms, including the people below the Six Desire Heaven, is a"small world".""

"So complicated? I don’t understand it at all," Feng Xiaoyue said.

"It is indeed very deep, you will know later"



"That's great, we can go to the real world," Feng Xiaoyue said happily. These days, Lin Feng has brought more and more shocks to Feng Xiaoyue.

"Let’s go back first, Tianlu is not interesting," Feng Xiaoyue said.

"Okay, let's go back, but this Qitian Sect is a good place and you can live here in the future," Lin Feng said

"Is the skyway closed?"

"Are you afraid that I can't go?"

"That's true too"

"After the Heavenly Journey is over, let's live up there. This place has a quiet environment and is suitable for your practice," Lin Feng said

"Well, okay,"

Lin Feng took Feng Xiaoyue back to the inn in the city. This so-called heaven really didn't mean anything to Lin Feng.

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