Lin Feng and Feng Bao chatted for a while, and then a female jailer came over and asked Lin Feng for interrogation.

The interrogation room was a bit big. There was a chair against the wall. Lin Feng was brought to the chair and sat down. In front of it was a long table with two women sitting there, looking like interrogators.

"What is your name?"

"Lin Feng!"

"Where are you from?"

"People from Ganmu Star Territory!"

"What are you doing here?"

"do business"

"What about temporary residence permit?"


"Who proves it? Who is the person who applied for and certified your temporary residence permit?"

"dark phoenix"

"Where is she?"

"I'm going back to my hometown to visit relatives. It will take a month."

"Does that mean no one has proven it yet?"

"That's it," Lin Feng said

"We will investigate, but if you want to get out, you have to accept the punishment"

"I am willing to pay a fine. How much is the fine? Lin Feng asked.

The interrogator smiled and said,"No money!""

"If you don’t want money, what’s the penalty?"

"You asked for this person yourself."

"What do I want? Lin Feng asked strangely.

The interrogator ignored Lin Feng and said,"Come in." Two women came in at the door, both good-looking."This man is yours today!""

Only then did Lin Feng understand what was going on.

"You are breaking the law!"

"This is what you promised!"The interrogator said.

The two women looked at Lin Feng like a wolf seeing a rabbit and walked towards Lin Feng. Just when Lin Feng thought something was going to happen, he asked the interrogator:"Sold him to a stud farm to work as a coolie. When will we find out? Let him go!"

"Captain, this is against the rules," said a female jailer.

"It doesn't matter. If you sell it for three months, you can still make some money. This person's price will be high.", the interrogator said.

Lin Feng had a false alarm. It turned out that he was sold to a stud farm, and whoever sold him got the money.

In this way, Lin Feng was transferred to the stud farm and imprisoned. The stud farm held all kinds of men. , there are all ages, one person and one iron cage.

The only destiny of these men is to be either a slave, a servant, a fighting slave in a fighting arena, a male favorite, or a slave laborer. Every day, women come to pick people. Those who are picked His name is Ji Mazai, and he is a basic person.

Lin Feng was also given a bracelet as soon as he came in. This bracelet was indeed not easy to open, but it was very simple for Lin Feng, but he didn't want to open it. Everything was kept low-key, and he followed Let's take a look inside to see what's going on.

The environment in the cage is very simple. Lin Feng looks left and right, just thinking it's fun. He thinks it's good to experience life like this. In the past, he was a proud hero and aloof, but now he also experiences what it's like to be a prisoner.

But here It was too monotonous, so Lin Feng decided to stay for a day and then go back by himself.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the gay boys. It turned out that someone came to buy slaves. It was a lucky thing to be bought to work, so everyone wanted to be bought. Selection.

Lin Feng didn't want to watch the excitement. He thought about going out quietly after a while.

The person who selected the slaves came in with a maid to see if there was anything suitable. The Kims and the boys all shouted:"You want me, you want me.""

The person didn't even look at them. She glanced at them and passed by. Suddenly she found Lin Feng and stopped in front of Lin Feng's cage.

"It's you!", the woman said

"oh? It’s Master Mo!"Lin Feng took a look and saw that it was the blacksmith Mo Yanran. He said

"Come on, the person in charge is here! where?! Mo Yanran shouted. After a while, a steward came and when she saw it was Mo Yanran,"What are your orders, Master Mo?""

"Let this man go!"

"this…!", the manager was a little hesitant

"Don’t let it go yet! This person has a temporary residence permit, but he forgot it with me!"Mo Yanran took out Lin Feng's temporary residence permit. Lin Feng saw that he had indeed thrown it at Mo Yanran's place.

The steward did not dare to neglect, and she did not dare to offend Master Mo, the national preceptor of Jinnv Kingdom, who was the person closest to the queen. The steward quickly opened it. Cage, cancel the bracelet, and release Lin Feng

"Oh, thank you for coming." Lin Feng pretended to thank you.

"Where, where, this is your temporary residence permit!"Mo Yanran handed it over.

Lin Feng hung up after taking it,"Is there anything else?"

"Thank you to Master Lin for teaching me the cold forging method. To express my gratitude, I would like to ask Master Lin to explain it!"Mo Yanran said politely.

"No need, I'll go back to the hotel first," Lin Feng said

"Well, I’ll invite the master another day. Where does the master live?"

"Qingyun Hotel!"

"OK!", Mo Yanran said. Mo Yanran knew that Lin Feng was a hidden master. Since the sword was improved with the cold forging method, the power of the sword has increased by 200%. The strength of the sword spirit also has the strength of an immortal. Of course, this sword is only as powerful as an immortal. Only the people with the highest strength can give full play to it. The most powerful people in the entire Star Sea are mostly earth immortals, and there are very few heavenly immortals. There are only one or two heavenly immortals in the Star Sea Alliance.

Mo Yanran was the treasure forged for the queen. The queen couldn't put it down with the treasure. Having it in hand is equivalent to tripling the queen's strength.

Mo Yanran also told the queen about being instructed by Lin Feng. The queen asked to find Lin Feng and treat him well. How important a top blacksmith is to this planet, not to mention the level. There has never been anyone who has surpassed Mo Yanran at the ninth level in the entire Star Sea Alliance. There are only two ninth-level blacksmiths in the entire alliance, one is Mo Yanran and the other is her master. There are only a few eighth-level blacksmiths.

Not only are the blacksmiths Not only forging magic weapons, but also spaceships, cannons and other magic weapons.

Mo Yanran also knew that you can't force yourself on an expert, so she said she would visit Lin Feng another day.

She first returned to the palace to tell the queen about the situation, and then entered The palace, met the queen

"Your Majesty, I met that powerful master today!"

"Oh, where?"

"At Qingyun Hotel, we are here to do business!"

"That’s great, we’re going to visit in person," said the Queen

"I don’t think this man is a businessman. Is he a spy?"Mo Yanran said

"spy? Will the spy teach you advanced forging methods? What's more, apart from forging, what else does our country deserve to be remembered by others?"said the queen

"This is also"

"I guess this person is a low-key master. We must treat such people with sincerity!"The queen said.

Lin Feng went back to the hotel directly. When Xiaoyu saw Lin Feng coming back, she stuck to him:"Master, why did it take so long to come back?"

"Aren’t you following Dark Phoenix? Lin Feng asked

"Dark Phoenix said no, let me take care of you.", Xiaoyu said

"I don't need to be waited on.", Lin Feng said with a smile

"No, I can do something for the master"

"Go to the hotel front desk and ask for an interstellar map!"Lin Feng said

"Okay." Xiaoyu went directly downstairs to the front desk and asked for an interstellar map.

Lin Feng took the map, looked at it carefully, and memorized the map. In the center of the map was the Tianba Star Continent in the Trifocus Star Territory, where the headquarters of the Star Sea Alliance is located.. The Tri-Jiao Star Territory is divided into three regions: the upper, middle and lower regions. The top is the Star Sea Alliance, and the lower two regions are controlled by the demons.

Xiaoyu looked at Lin Feng looking at the map carefully. Lin Feng noticed,"What do you think I am doing?""

"The owner is so handsome!"

"Oh, by the way, don’t call me master from now on. Men and women are equal. Is feudalism necessary?"

"What is feudal thought?"Xiaoyu said curiously.

Lin Feng couldn't explain it at the moment,"Anyway, don't call me master in the future.…!"

"What is it called? Call me Young Master?"

"Well, this works!"

"Okay, sir.", Xiaoyu looked happy. You must know that before she met Lin Feng, she was a slave who was bullied and might have died in the fighting field. Now Lin Feng treats her like a family member. She is grateful and admires Lin Feng..She was glad that she met Lin Feng

"By the way, Xiaoyu, where is your hometown?"

"I don’t know, but he was sold to the fighting arena from other planets after being lost since he was a child."Xiaoyu said

"Alas, poor woman." Lin Feng hugged Xiaoyu and comforted her,"In the future, we will change this planet to make everyone equal and realize a Marxist society!"

"Who is Marx?"Xiaoyu asked in Lin Feng's arms.

"Marx is a bearded man named Ma. He is very powerful!"Lin Feng explained.

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