Li Youdao heard Lin Feng ask him what he felt uncomfortable about, that is, what his symptoms were.

Li Youdao thought hard and said,"Recently, the stools are infrequent and dry, and sometimes the stools do not come out." Li Youdao finally found a symptom.

"Oh, you are constipated," Lin Feng analyzed. Constipation is a disease whose symptoms include less stool and dryness. Syndrome differentiation can have many types of constipation, including heat constipation, qi constipation, cold constipation, qi deficiency constipation, Blood deficiency secret, Yin deficiency secret, Yang deficiency secret

【Constipation is a disease, heat constipation is a syndrome, and dry stool is a symptom. The main ones are positive and false.

Empirical constipation:

Heat constipation mainly manifests as dry stool, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, dry mouth, bad taste in the mouth, upset, short and red urine, which can be treated with Maren Pills and Huanglian Shangqing Pills.

The main manifestations of gas secretion are dry and hard stools, but heavy bowel sounds, excessive flatus, difficulty in defecation, and discomfort after defecation. It may be accompanied by belching and upper abdominal distension and pain. The traditional Chinese medicine prescription Liumo Decoction (rhubarb, rhubarb, Wuyao, Citrus aurantium, agarwood, costus, betel nut) for treatment.

The main symptoms of cold secretion are difficulty in defecation, abdominal pain with cramping, bloating, cold hands and feet, hiccups or nausea. The traditional Chinese medicine prescription Wenpi Decoction (rhubarb, aconite, angelica, Glauber's salt, ginseng, dried ginger) can be used to treat it.

Qi deficiency constipation is mainly characterized by difficulty in defecation, fatigue after defecation, lack of qi and fatigue on weekdays, which can be treated with the traditional Chinese medicine Huangqi decoction (astragalus, dried tangerine peel, hemp seeds, and white honey).

Blood deficiency secretion mainly manifests as dry stool, dull complexion, dry skin, dizziness, heart palpitations, and pale lips and tongue, which can be treated with Yangxue Runchang Pills.

Yin deficiency secretion mainly manifests as dry stool, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and dry mouth, which can be treated with the traditional Chinese medicine prescription Zengye Decoction (Spicyrum, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Radix Rehmanniae). Yang deficiency secretion mainly manifests as difficulty in defecation, long and clear urine, cold hands and feet, soreness and coldness in the waist and knees, and cold and painful abdomen. Jichuan Jian (citrus aurantium, Alisma, angelica, cohosh, Achyranthes root, and Cistanche deserticola) can be used to treat constipation. ? What constipation?"Master Lin," Li Youdao said doubtfully.

"The symptoms you describe are symptoms of a disease called constipation."

"Oh, how to treat it?"Li Youdao became happy about being sick. If you are sick, you need to be treated. Senior Lin will improve every time he is treated.

"It doesn't matter if you are mild, it is heat secretion, which is heat accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include dry stool, short red urine, flushed face and hot body, or combined with abdominal distension and pain, dry mouth and bad breath.", Lin Feng said

"Yes, yes, this is the symptom.", Li Youdao said

"Pay attention to your daily diet and don’t eat too much fish and meat every day.", Lin Feng said,"Besides, you can just use bananas."

"What is a banana?", Li Youdao asked

"banana...",The word banana came to Lin Feng's mind, but there were no bananas in this place. What should I do?


The voice of the system appeared in Lin Feng's mind again,

【The medicinal materials needed by the host can be purchased in the mall, which can be exchanged with points or purchased with spiritual stones.】

"Is there any benefit to this?" Lin Feng looked excited.

"How to open the mall?"

【Please ask the host to say three times in his heart: The system is the best."

Lin Feng cursed secretly, why is this system so shameless? No, the system has no shame in the first place, but he had no choice but to say it silently three times in his heart.

【Ding, the mall is being activated....】

【Open the mall】

【Pop-up homepage ads】

【Enter the homepage]

After going around in a circle, I finally entered the homepage of the mall. The first tab on the homepage is medicines, the second is equipment and tools, and the third is food. The fourth is the practice.

Bananas are food. Lin Feng clicked on food, entered bananas and clicked search. Pictures and introductions of bananas appeared on the following page:

【Bananas are sweet in taste and cold in nature, and the cold nature can clear away intestinal heat. The sweet taste can moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation. It can lower blood pressure, relieve cramps, and improve constipation. It has high sugar content. People with high blood sugar should pay attention]

Lin Feng looked at the price again. 10 yuan A bunch of spiritual stones.

This small amount of money is nothing, he has a lot of spirit stones, and the treatment fee is also high.

Lin Feng directly chose to buy a bunch.

Lin Feng then conjured a bunch of bananas out of his hands. Everyone saw that the bananas turned into golden yellow color and had the slightest trace of Tao Yun. This was such a treasure. The others were so greedy that their eyes were about to fall off.

Li Youdao looked at the golden thing and knew it should be a banana. After Lin Feng handed the banana to him, he couldn't wait to take it, threw down a storage bag for the diagnosis fee, thanked Lin Feng, and quickly rushed out and went back to the sect to use it.

""Hey." Lin Feng was about to explain how to use bananas, but Li Youdao ran away. He had to sigh and put away his money bag.

"Next one," Lin Feng continued to shout

""Ah haha, it's my turn, it's my turn." Zhenlei Sect Master Lei hurriedly sat down. Seeing that Li Youdao had obtained the treasure of his predecessor, he should also be able to obtain it himself.

"What symptoms do you have?", Lin Feng asked

"Recently I have been feeling tired, dizzy and forgetful, and my waist and knees are sore and weak."

"How are you peeing?" Lin Feng asked

"Frequent and clear urination"

"You have kidney qi deficiency and some blood deficiency," Lin Feng said.

"Mr. Lin, what's going on?"

"It’s just that you have too much of that aspect, so you have to pay attention to moderation. Pay attention to a balanced diet.", Lin Feng said directly.

Upon hearing that aspect, Lei Huhu blushed a little. Recently, he obtained a Fierce Yang Skill, which caused that aspect to be particularly strong. He could only rely on venting, but after venting, the kidney energy was lost, but he didn't know it. Replenish Qi and blood

Qi and blood are the two basic substances in the human body, occupying a very important position in the life activities of the human body:"blood and Qi are the owners of human beings"""People have yin and yang, which is blood and qi. Yang governs qi, so if the qi is strong, the spirit will be strong; Yin governs the blood, so if the blood is strong, the body will be strong.

Qi has the functions of promoting, stimulating, and fixing, while blood has the functions of nourishing and moistening.

Qi is the driving force for the generation and operation of blood. It is the basis and carrier of blood Qi metabolization, so it has

""Qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of Qi".

Qi is the commander of blood, which includes three aspects: Qi can generate blood, Qi can move blood, and Qi can absorb blood. Blood is the mother of Qi, including blood's ability to nourish Qi and blood. It can carry two aspects of Qi.

Abnormal conditions of blood: blood deficiency, blood stasis, blood heat

【The concept of Qi is that the origin of the universe is Qi, and then extends to the human body. Qi is the general term for fine matter, which is divided into various molecules, atoms, etc. in modern times.

Qi is divided into tangible qi and invisible qi. Intangible qi is invisible matter, and tangible matter is vaporized form, which is the combination of invisible matter into tangible and visible matter.

The organs of the human body need Qi to replenish nutrients, promote material exchange, provide substances, and excrete substances.

Qi generates blood, which means that various substances of Qi aggregate to generate blood. , there are five functions of Qi:

1. Warming effect.

Qi is the source of body heat. Maintaining body temperature can prevent hypothermia and maintain normal physiological functions of organs. , Qi deficiency means you are afraid of cold.

2. Fixation effect.

Qi can prevent body fluids, blood, water and other liquids from being lost and remain stable. People who sweat frequently have weak lung qi.

3. Promoting effect

: Promotes the movement of meridians and blood.

4. Defensive effect:

It has the effect of resisting external evils and can prevent external evils from invading the human body.

5. Qiification effect:

Promotes the movement, metabolism and transformation of body fluid and blood.

Qi has five functions. If there is a problem with Qi, it will cause problems in the human body.

Qi will generally appear in three situations:

1. Qi deficiency.

Insufficient Qi leads to functional decline

2. Qi stagnation

Qi stagnation in a certain place leads to pathological changes

3. Qi inversion

Qi movement is imbalanced, and what should go down goes up. For example, stomach qi should go down. If it goes up, it will cause vomiting.

{ ps:

Remember the relationship between Qi and blood here: Qi is the commander of blood, and blood is the mother of Qi.

Qi is the master of blood, including three aspects: qi can generate blood, qi can move blood, and qi can absorb blood.

Blood is the mother of qi, including two aspects: blood can nourish qi and blood can carry qi.

(Memory: Shengxing, Shengyangzai)

Abnormal conditions of blood: blood deficiency, blood stasis, blood heat The five functions of Qi: warming, solidifying, pushing, preventing, and transforming. (Homophonic memory: Warming the cause to promote prevention and transformation)

There are three abnormalities of qi: deficiency, stagnation, and inversion (Homophone memory: Xu Zhili)

Memory: Sheng Xing nourishes the body, abnormal deficiency and blood stasis heat, warm the cause to promote prevention and transformation, look for deficiency and stagnation to reverse.

These are key and must be the basis for judgment in clinical practice.


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