The Demon Lord did not dare to show his anger and ran very far away. He looked behind him and then stopped.

He knew that Lin Feng looked like a mortal, but it was impossible for a mortal to see his cultivation. Either Lin Feng is a big boss, or Lin Feng has a big background, or has some magic weapon that can spy on other people's cultivation.

From the way he saw Lin Feng, even though he knew that he was in the Five Elements realm, he was not polite to him at all.

From this, he concluded that Lin Feng must be a master higher than him, and the only ones higher than him were human immortals.

This thought frightened him greatly. Apart from Zhongzhou, he had never heard of any other human immortals. He felt that he should go back and discuss it with everyone first.

The Demon Lord quickly rushed back to the Demon Clan and immediately summoned all the Demon Clan to come to the hall to discuss matters. There are not many remaining core forces of the demon clan, and there are not many demon clan scattered in various places.

After a while, all the demons gathered in the hall,

"What scent?"

"Yes, it has a scent and it smells very comfortable."

"Is it your fragrance?"

"Nonsense, I am a man"

"This scent doesn't look like a woman's scent"

"Yes, the scent seems to come from the Demon Lord"


Everyone was talking about it and looking towards the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord looked at everyone and then at himself, then he raised his arms and smelled his clothes. Sure enough, there was a fragrance. This fragrance When doing moxibustion, the fragrance of moxibustion left behind cannot be dissipated.

"Okay, stop talking about it. Quiet.", Demon Lord said sternly.

Everyone stopped communicating and all looked at Demon Lord

"Well, everyone, I came to you today because I have something important to tell you." The Demon Lord wanted to tell you about the encounter with the master. After all, it is difficult for them to get ahead if there are immortals in charge.

The Demon Lord has not yet After saying that, someone in the crowd said,"Why does the Demon Lord no longer have demonic energy?"

"Yes, it seems that there is really no more.", another demon said

"Could it be that the Demon Lord wanted to say this?"

"Ah, why is there no demonic energy in you anymore?"

"Oh, I don’t have any demonic energy anymore."

"Hey, hey, why don't you have any demonic energy anymore?"

"not good."

Everyone started chattering nervously again.

No demonic energy? The demons were also shocked when they heard what others said. He quickly looked at himself, and sure enough, there was no demonic energy in his body. He was as stunned as a piece of wood.

He was stunned again. Looking at the crowd, they were nervously pointing at each other. All the demons had lost any demonic energy.

Without the demonic aura, would they still be demons? Wouldn’t they be human beings?

The Demon Lord immediately took out the demons. Akira began to absorb it, but could not inhale the demonic energy at all, which meant that the demonic energy would never enter the body. All the demons in the temple also discovered this problem.

"What should I do?"

Yes, in the future, if we are no longer demons, we will be suppressed by both demons and humans.

"Yes, what should we do?"

"Lord Demon Lord, what should I do?"

"Yeah, what to do?"

Everyone was chattering and arguing again.

The Demon Lord felt that the noise was giving him a headache,"Shut up, everyone."

Then everyone stopped and looked at the Demon Lord with eager eyes.

"Let me think about it and I'll find out what's causing it. Please be patient and don't be impatient.", the Demon Lord comforted.

After thinking about it, he must have been in the medical center. Yes, it was changed after he came out of the medical center. Therefore, the medical center is the root cause. First, he lost his demonic energy, and then infected everyone. There was no other source of infection except the aroma of moxibustion.

The Demon Lord immediately thought that the aroma of mugwort must be the poison deliberately planted by that medical clinic. There is an antidote for poison, so he decided to go to the medical clinic to find the antidote. Or take advantage of Lin Feng's absence to steal the antidote

"Don't worry, everyone, we must have been poisoned. I'll go find the source and find the antidote.", the Demon Lord said to everyone

"That's great"

"Yes, Lord Demon Lord, do you want us to go?"

"No, I'll go alone." The Demon Lord couldn't swallow this breath. He was poisoned without knowing it, and he couldn't bear it. But another voice appeared in his heart asking him to calm down.

Since coming back, he found that there were two voices in his heart, One is murderous and violent, and the other is warm and loving.

These two voices have been fighting. The warm and loving voice gradually occupied his whole body and mind, and the murderous and violent voice gradually disappeared.

"Impossible, impossible, how is it possible, I am a devil, how can a devil turn into love!"The Demon Lord changed back to his violence with force, but the warm love became stronger and stronger.

He thought that the demons below were probably like him. In this case, the Demon Clan would really be gone.

The Demon Lord thought He must quickly go to the medical center to find an antidote before his violence completely disappears. He kept emphasizing in his heart,"It's impossible, I'm a devil, I can't be loving, it's impossible.""

But no matter how hard the Demon Lord tried, he could not change the fact that the violence disappeared.

Just when the Demon Lord was about to go out, all the violent energy in his body disappeared, leaving only one voice, that of warmth and love.

He looked at the demons in the hall again When he was a human, he found that the eyes of all the demons became warm, loving, and peaceful, without any fighting spirit or violence.

He himself no longer had any thoughts of looking for an antidote, and there was a surge of pain in his heart. Although there is still a trace of violent habitual thinking in wanting to do good things, it has gradually changed with the power of warm love.

"Everyone, we are now caring people, we are now people with a big heart, and we are passionate people.", the Demon Lord seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

"Yes, Lord Li Chong," everyone said to the Demon Lord in unison, calling the Demon Lord directly by his name.

"From now on, we will do good deeds every day, everyone does good deeds every day, and this place will be called the Love Gang from now on. How about that?", Demon Lord Li Chong said

""Okay, sir," a group of demons also responded.

"In addition, doing good deeds means helping people, and humans have been oppressed by demons for a long time. Although they have been suppressed, there are still many demon branches scattered around. We have the responsibility to protect humans and eliminate these demons.", Demon Lord Li Chong and all the demons have long forgotten that they are demons.

"Support the adults and defeat the demons"

"Destroy the demons and defeat the demon ancestors"

"Long live the love help"

"Long live the Love Gang,"

Li Chong said again,"Okay, since everyone is united, then I will be the gang leader, and everyone will be the members of the Love Gang from now on. From today on, our mission is to destroy the demons, protect humans, and do good deeds. This is the purpose of my gang"

"Support the leader"

"Support the leader"

"Feng Kun, please count how many demons are scattered around, and then we will destroy them one by one, and finally destroy the imprisoned demon ancestors. In this way, we will be famous among mankind, and we will have merit.", Li Chong said

"Yes, Gang Leader, I'll go right away. The farthest wave of demon branches is near Kundi Sect, and the furthest one is near Kanshui Sect.", Feng Kun replied

"Okay, let’s destroy the distant Kanshui Sect demon clan first, and then destroy the other demon clan.", Li Chong said.

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