
Luther took a long breath. He had just used the Eye of God with full authority to easily lock on all the Shihong superpowers and special forces around him, and continuously used it to decompose the ground, lie down and then recast it. By burying himself alive on the ground for a short period of time, he barely escaped all searches and pursuits.

Although he was not really out of danger yet, Luther took a breath and found a corner to sit for a while. This day was very important to him. It was too long.

After initially leaving the encirclement composed of superpowers and special forces soldiers and taking a breath, Luther directly recast a small aircraft.

Luther had to lament the blessing of authority. The god system under it is simply outrageous. The rebuilt aircraft is really easy to use. Not only is it powerful, small in size, and fast, but it also makes very little noise. In a lightless environment at night, it is impossible to use it carefully if you are not careful. Look, the aircraft is just like a slightly larger bird.

Besides, most people don't have the ability to look carefully. At the speed of the aircraft, no one can see clearly unless the dynamic vision is exaggerated.

If you have particularly good eyes, know the path of the aircraft in advance, and stare at it with special concentration, you may be able to catch the fleeting black shadow.

If not, you can only expect technology and supernatural powers to work. Only then did he have a chance to lock on this aircraft in the dark night.

With the help of such a powerful aircraft and the strongest navigation of the Eye of God, Luther flew to the edge of Jingwen City as quickly as possible without disturbing anyone..

Just when Luther was about to drive the aircraft all the way to the Shihong border, a phone call suddenly rang from Luther's pocket.

In fact, Luther didn't bring his mobile phone with him at all when he first obtained the system and left school. Before letting the explosion happen and taking away the scumbag, he threw his mobile phone on the fake corpse. On the one hand, this was to be realistic, and on the other hand, this mobile phone was completely different to Luther who had completely changed his appearance. It was the best decision to throw it away after it couldn't be used.

Since he didn't need to communicate with anyone, Luther had no need to buy a mobile phone, so he never bought it.

Until Luther needed to give Zhuge Wenjun and Qi Shujian When Shihong's senior executives left contact information with each other, he bought an old-fashioned flip phone in Jingwen City one night in advance, and he only gave this phone number to Zhuge Wenjun and Qi Shujian. In other words, anyone who could pass through The only people who contacted Luther on this mobile phone were the two senior executives of Shihong, and this call could only have been made by one of them. In the current situation, whoever called him was worth speculating on.

Luther hesitated for a moment, and finally answered the phone:

"Well, what's the matter?"


Zhuge Wenjun on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment and replied with a sigh:

"We really didn't expect that Mr. Fox Face, who didn't seem to have any powers on the surface, was actually a person with explosive powers... So you were also responsible for the previous explosion? Does this mean that your organization will send you alone to perform all tasks this time? Your organization is very confident in your layout capabilities and strength. Luther snorted coldly and said:

"What's the use of having confidence? Didn't he still expose his abilities and identity? I was even almost killed by your people!"

"……But according to the information we know so far, the final result is that you were not injured at all, but the girl was carried away and rescued."

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