After his first meeting with Zhuge Wenjun, Luther returned to the hotel and enjoyed a rare moment of leisure.

One morning a few days later, Luther, who was exercising himself with a morning jog, received information from Yu Shihong through the contact information he had exchanged with Zhuge Wenjun in advance.

On the night of the meeting at the Garden Villa, Zhuge Wenjun received a photolithography machine sample sent by Luther. After the other party tested it correctly and determined that it was a photolithography machine that was more advanced than the Shihong Republic currently, Zhuge Wenjun reported it. He went to Shihong's center and prepared to meet Luther for the second time. The message Luther received this time was exactly what the other party sent to determine the time and place of the next meeting.

Luther probably went over this time to discuss the details of the cooperation, especially the items related to remuneration to Luther.

What was a little unexpected for Luther was that the person he was mainly discussing with this time was not Zhuge Wenjun, who could be said to be a man of his word in the Wolf Hunting Province, nor Zhuge Xi, an extremely smart little girl. It was actually Shihong Central Someone from the government came to talk to Luther about it.

Although this surprised Luther, it also made perfect sense.

Although Luther first came into contact with Zhuge Wenjun, and it was Zhuge Wenjun who decided to trade with Luther, and the other party was still qualified enough to discuss candidates for this cooperation with Luther, but the photolithography machine has the For things of strategic value, it is definitely most suitable for people sent by the central government of Shihong to do the transactions. It is also more reasonable for them to allocate and distribute them nationwide.

Moreover, Zhuge Wenjun's current position is actually quite embarrassing. He has a large number of troops, and his control over the Wolf Hunting Province is too high. Although it is true that Shihong needs him to guard the Wolf Hunting Province, from a certain perspective From a perspective, the Zhuge family can really be said to be like the local emperors of the Wolf Hunter Province. On the surface, they certainly seem to have unlimited glory, but in fact they are quite feared by the central personnel of Shihong. After all, there have been many incidents in the ancient history of Shihong. Similar plots have been played out many times.

If under such circumstances, Zhuge Wenjun is given priority to obtain a higher-level photolithography machine, then to those at Shihong Central, Zhuge Wenjun's behavior may constitute transgression.

But in fact, with Zhuge Wenjun's current importance, he can still take over the photolithography machine and negotiate the deal with the fox himself. However, under the background that some members of Shihong's central government are very afraid of him, It would be best for him to report it to Shihong's central government. This would not only save him a lot of trouble and make those in the central government less alert, but he also wouldn't have to fight with this guy Luther.

In fact, during the first meeting, when Zhuge Wenjun was talking to the guy who called himself Fox Face, he could clearly feel the evil degree of the organization behind Fox Face.

An organization that even I have never heard of has mysteriously mastered a very advanced photolithography machine manufacturing process. There are also very feared explosive power users within the organization, and the level of the organization itself is not low. They robbed the empire's rare earth transport fleet in their first attack. To be able to do this, the organization must establish a large enough and effective intelligence network, and the capabilities of the organization members themselves must be strong enough to be able to accomplish this.

This extremely high-ranking, extremely powerful organization, which was originally completely hidden underground, robbed the empire's rare earth transport fleet just to produce some photolithography machines to trade with Shihong, directly exposing the organization's mystery and power to the world. In front of all the insiders, this makes no sense. According to the strength they have shown, they are fully capable of obtaining rare earths through more gentle methods. Now their organization has been exposed and their relationship with the empire is hostile. Although they can Through the transaction of photolithography machines, it established a friendly relationship with Shihong to check and balance the empire, but overall, this organization has failed to expose itself to the public.

In the end, all they earned was the remuneration from Shihong in the lithography machine transaction. Although the remuneration was indeed quite generous, if Zhuge Wenjun was asked to evaluate whether the transaction was profitable or not, he personally thought it was It is not profitable. The advantages of a powerful organization that is completely hidden and unknown to everyone are really too great. They can do more important and more important things without the knowledge of most countries or regimes in the world. Difficult things to accomplish.

But they gave up this huge advantage in exchange for a remuneration that was generous enough but not in short supply according to the status of their organization. This was absolutely unreasonable.

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