Just as Landry was thinking hard, after he and Hal were sold by the mysterious man, how on earth would the two of them escape from the pursuit of the imperial police and military with these two cars and the meager equipment, and how would they deal with the aftermath? During the high-intensity arrest and pursuit, the convoy transporting the batch of rare earths arrived on time.

The road Luther and others were waiting on was right next to the airport, so the traffic flow on this road was not small. However, most of the cars followed the flights, so there was a certain degree of regularity. There will be a surge in traffic volume before and after the flight.

On weekdays, around three o'clock in the morning every Friday, the traffic flow on this stretch of road will reach a valley. It may not be possible for a car to pass this stretch of road in half an hour, but today is different. Luther and others came with a whole convoy, more than twenty vehicles!

Moreover, almost all of these twenty-odd cars had thick skins. Luther from the Department of Mechanical Engineering knew at a glance that this car was bulletproof.

Later, through the observation of God's Eye, Luther discovered that only three large trucks in this convoy were transporting rare metals that were also very needed, and the remaining more than 20 armored vehicles were responsible for escort.

In fact, it stands to reason that although these rare earths are national strategic resources, they should not be equipped with this level of protection. Let’s not talk about the cost of protection. Just talking about such a large fleet, it will definitely attract more attention. force.

Although they have chosen to transport it in the middle of the night to reduce the possibility of being seen as much as possible, this can only reduce the possibility and cannot completely ensure safety.

In Luther's initial calculation, it was better to disguise the trucks and pretend that these trucks were for civilian use and were responsible for hauling daily necessities. This was not only safer, but also reduced the waste of manpower and material resources.

Luther was still naive at this point. When he reviewed it later, he found that this method could certainly be implemented relatively easily in Shihong, a country where guns are banned. But the problem is that gangs are rampant, and criminals can even Build the Hesfer Empire into a modern metropolis!

In this country, the quantity and quality of gangs far exceed those in other countries. The intensity of gangs in this country is really on the table!

The people in charge of related matters in the empire would most likely not dare to gamble. After all, the rare earths were quite precious. Although being accidentally robbed of a truckload by a gang of gangsters wouldn't hurt, it would definitely be upsetting.

Therefore, it is better to increase the protection intensity directly and directly dissuade the vast majority of the unworthy young people. The remaining ones, those who can rob these rare metals under this level of protection intensity, will naturally have fixed industries. Now that you are a boss, it will be much easier to find the target to settle accounts and get the goods back.

Of course, this is Luther's own inference based on the currently known information. Luther is not sure whether this is actually the case or whether the empire's government thinks so.

After reviewing his plan in a short period of time and finding no remaining loopholes, Luther took out the recorder that looked like a walkie-talkie from his pocket and pressed the play button.

Amidst the rustling sound coming from the tape recorder, and under Landry's astonished gaze, Luther asked the tape recorder in a rather plain manner:

"Are you okay?"


The recorder played its own recording after a short delay, seeming to be responding to Luther's question.


It was previously speculated that Luther bringing the two of them here was just a feint. After the unknown main force completed the final goal, Landry, who had let the two of them take the blame, listened to this rather brief conversation in a daze. Be clear about what's going on.

Immediately, a huge roar and a sky full of fire filled Landry's senses for an instant, and the powerful impact of the explosion almost knocked Landry, who was actually in good physical condition, to the ground.

The more than twenty armored vehicles passing in front of him were filled with extremely well-equipped imperial soldiers. Any one of them could easily kill himself even without a firearm. And they were not only fully armed, but also in bulletproof armored vehicles. Under the protection of the enemy, at this moment, they all disappeared in a series of explosions without causing any waves. Only the three large trucks transporting rare earths were not completely destroyed.

But they were only not completely destroyed. Under the influence of the explosion and the powerful shock wave caused by the explosion, two of the three large trucks were overturned, and the driver of the remaining truck was also exploded. He fell into a coma under the shock wave and temporarily lost the ability to escape by car.

Of course, even if he still had that ability, Luther and others would not intervene and let him escape, and the situation at the scene would not give him this chance.

The debris of the vehicle, the spreading flames, and the damaged road sections caused by the explosion all made the option of escaping by car completely gray.

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