Watching the sky spit out tongues of fire, Sakasky's magma fist smashed into the sea.

When the

magma and the sea meet, a large amount of water mist evaporates from the ground, and this mist cuts off the view of the chimeric ants, and the navy soldiers have a brief respite.

"Are we going to retreat, Sakaski?".

"The casualties of our Navy are too heavy, and with the current morale of the Navy, we are no longer able to complete this mission!".

Bastille approached Sakasky with the severed broadsword, and he said to Sakasky.

This is not his idea alone, this is the idea of most of the vice admirals.

Morin's army of chimeric ants is so terrible that the navy is no longer able to complete this mission.

They also knew that it would be a demoralization blow to the Navy to say it now, but for the sake of the lives of these Navy, he had to say it.

These navies are the cornerstone of maintaining the power of the sea, and they should uphold justice on the sea, not die here in obscurity, becoming the feces of these chimeric ants.

Sakasky didn't speak, his eyes staring straight at the Bastille.

Bastille and Sakasky looked at each other for a moment, his eyes looking at the sky.

Sakasky swept his gaze back at the vice admirals, and under his gaze, none of the vice admirals dared to look directly into Sakasky's gaze.

"Lieutenant General Sakasky, let's run away, these chimeric ants are terrible!".

"My wife Jenny is still waiting for me to come home, I can't die here. "

While everyone fell silent, a frightened Navy rushed up and hugged Sakasky's thigh and pleaded.

This navy has tears and snot on his face and looks ugly.

"What are you talking about?".

"There is no need for such a life-hungry navy in the navy!".

Sakasky's eyes narrowed slightly, and his right fist had turned into a magma state.

The Navy watched dumbfounded, as Sakasky's magma fist slammed into his head.


A headless corpse in a navy uniform smashed at Sakasky's feet, and the entire battlefield suddenly became silent.

"Is there anyone still talking about retreating?"

Sakasky looked at the navy, and he asked calmly.

The navy was all frightened by his iron-blooded methods, and for a while no one spoke.

"The water vapor is almost gone, get ready to fight!".

"Even if we all die here, we will drag Morin down. "

"As long as we can kill Morin, then our sacrifice will be worth it!"

Sakasky looked at the navy, and he said to them.

In order to deal with Morin, Sakasky now uses all these navies as a bargaining chip to hold Morin back.

Of course, this chip also includes himself.

At this time, the gunshots in the sky rang out again, and the navy knew that they could not leave, and they all fought against the chimeric ants with the determination to die.

For a while, the battlefield here became extremely tragic.

"Meteor Volcano!".

Sakasky's huge magma-shaped fist rained down on the chimeric ants in the sky.

This is Sakasky's trick, which is extremely powerful, but it also consumes a lot of his physical strength.

The battle had only been going on for less than half a day, and the lower echelons of the navy had already been killed and wounded.

Morin's improved batch of chimeric ants

is not like the previous batch of chimeric ants who only know instinct to kill, and the current chimeric ants are more rational than chaotic.

When Morin creates enough divisional commander-level chimeric ants, then these chimeric ants will be the best soldiers.

"I have to take action, the general-level combat power is really not something that can be solved by the number of people. "

Looking at the navy that had little left, Mo Lin commanded the Kunpeng to slowly move forward.

Now all the ordinary navy has fallen, and even the vice admiral has died several times.

Now all the other vice admirals were wounded, but only Sakasky still had no scars.

And with the Navy dead and wounded, Sakasky doesn't need to be distracted to support the Navy, and now he can exert more combat effectiveness.

Morin had already killed the navy with chimeric ants, and now he didn't need to waste the lives of chimeric ants.

After this terrible battle, the island has almost turned into a huge deep pit.

The pit is littered with chimeric ants and the corpses of naval soldiers.

Morin knew what Sakasky was up to, and he couldn't wait for the other admirals to besiege him.

Under Morin's orders, the chimeric ants instantly withdrew from the battlefield.

After the Vice Admirals killed the chimeric ants in front of them, they found that the chimeric ants had withdrawn from the island and surrounded them in the distance.

In the encirclement of the chimeric ants, the huge creature warship that approached them stood out.

"Is Maureen going to make a move?".

Looking at the Kunpeng as it approached, the swords in the hands of the vice admirals tightened.

"Mo Lin, this time the concubine is going to fight side by side with you, these lieutenant generals will be handed over to the concubine!"

Boya Hancock stood in front of Morin, and she said to him.

Boya Hancock has worked so hard in the past few years, she just wants to fight side by side with Maureen, and now is the time.

Merlin glanced at the lieutenant generals who had almost reached the limit, with the current strength of Boya Hancock, even if she couldn't kill those lieutenant generals, she would still have no problem protecting herself.

"Okay, those lieutenant generals will be handed over to you!".

Maureen acceded to Boya Hancock's request.

Hearing Morin's words, Boya Hancock's whole body became excited.

She slammed her long legs and slashed through the air at breakneck speed, killing the vice admirals.

"We meet again, Sakasky!".

While Boya Hancock was already fighting with the remaining vice admirals, Merlin was in front of Sakasky.

Sakasky and Maureen are old rivals, and the first time Sakarsky was deflated was in Maureen's hands.


first blot on Sakaski's naval resume was the battle with Morin's Chimeric Ant Legion.

Now there is a second stain on his resume, this time because of Maureen.

Able to plant twice in the hands of the same person, Sakasky was also the first in the top echelons of the Navy.

"Morin, I'm going to kill you this time!".

Sakaski's whole body flowed with magma, and he smashed his fist with an armed color and domineering straight towards Merlin.

Merin directly used his Meluam form to attack Sakaski.

The two of them have fought each other, and they both know each other's strengths.


The moment the two fists collided, Sakasky's body was like being beaten into a scattered magma by Morin.

(Today's third update is still a 2,000-word chapter.)

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