After hearing the information about Bedrock, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

I haven’t heard of bedrock for a long time. Everyone has almost forgotten about bedrock. Jiang Xuan can get ten yuan a day.

Isn't it because Fengdan can no longer suppress the water of the original embryonic sea?

The bedrock is a town. No matter how surging the water of the primitive sea is, you have to stay under the bedrock.

Although this feels a bit like tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

But anyway, this is the most perfect solution.

No one has to die.

Villette and Funina looked at each other and laughed happily.

In any case, this is the best result.

They expected that coming to the alliance this time would solve these problems.

But it should be difficult to say. After all, it is not easy for the alliance to deal with a crisis of this level. It must be considered.

Moreover, Fontaine is not an ally after all.

No matter how unpleasant it sounds, people in the alliance can move their countries to the MC world at any time.

The destruction of Teyvat was something they technically wouldn't worry about.

But when they really came over and saw the foundation of the alliance, Villette and Funina began to regret not making a decision earlier.

All their problems seemed not to be worthy of attention in the eyes of Alliance 15.

Easily, people sighed a few words, and then arranged how to deal with it.

From the beginning to the end, people didn’t pay as much attention to this matter as the good thing in the module just now.

They also understand that the problems faced by Fontaine are not problems that the alliance needs to deal with in a new way.

"You just said that in addition to coming to ask for help this time, you also came to join the alliance."

Jiang Xuan smiled and looked at Funina jokingly.

"Have you thought about it? No more judging the Seven Gods?"

Hearing this, Ying looked at Funina with a faint look.

Funina trembled, and then said angrily:

"Just mentioned it casually! I don’t really want to judge the Seven Gods!"

"Really, are you not even allowed to say a few big words?"

Jiang Xuan smiled, and then said seriously:

"It's not impossible for Fontaine to join the alliance. You should have heard about the future development of the alliance. I didn't hide my thoughts from you."

"The alliance needs to gather the power of the entire Teyvat, go to the stars, and become a true galactic federation."

"But at present, the alliance's technological system is still very fragile."

"We lack a large number of scientific and technological talents. It just so happens that Fontaine scientists are very famous throughout Teyvat."

"Especially now that the GregTech module is turned on. This module is a pure technology module and cannot be thoroughly studied by our people alone."

"Therefore, we need a systematic Academy of Sciences in Fontainebleau"

"But correspondingly, Fontaine’s music is also what we are most resistant to at the moment."

"Such things that would corrupt the people from within are not allowed in the Alliance."

In this regard, Navilette said quite seriously:

"We understand that Miss Navia is clearing out everything related to Les in Fontaine. After the solution is completed, we will repair the law again after returning."

"Lesi will be completely killed. Jiang

Xuan smiled, waved his hand and said:

"In this case, there will be no problem"

"At that time, we welcome Fontaine to officially join the alliance"

"I hope you will act quickly, and you may be able to catch up with our first exploration of the magic metal module."

"in addition……"

Jiang Xuan paused, looked at Navilette, and said meaningfully:

"If you want to restore the power of the water dragon, you may not need the sacrifice of Fukalos. There is a thing in the Genshin Impact module called the Seat of Fate."

"As long as you control the seat of fate, all the powers that belong to you and those that do not belong to you will be controlled by you."

"This is how Zhongli ascended to the original position."

"If you can also perfect the Fate Seat, maybe you can not only restore the power of the water dragon, but also make further breakthroughs."

Hearing this, Villette's eyes flashed, and he nodded, keeping this matter firmly in his mind.

As the saying goes, if you give someone a favor, you will get a favor in return. Now that I have come here, I have decided to join the alliance. There was even a complete way to deal with the crisis predicted by Fontaine.

Villette thought for a while and looked at Funina, who probably knew what Navilette was thinking.

After pondering for a moment, she whispered:

"Fontaine still needs some time to rectify domestic affairs after solving Lesi, and it will also take some time to resolve the prophecy crisis."

"If you join the alliance, you might be a little later."

"However, since it’s already been decided, there’s no need to delay it."

"A new technology module has been opened in the MC world, and the alliance is short of manpower to develop it. After I return, I will ask Navilette to help."

"First send some elite scientists over to help research technology modules."

"How about it?"

Ningguang's eyes lit up. Fontaine's scientists are the strongest.

Unlike the scholars at the Order Academy, they are more concerned with studying academic issues. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fontaine's scientists He is a pragmatist who is good at practical operations.

Based on the academic summary of GregTech modules by the scholars of the Order Academy, and then the actual operation and study by the Fontaine scientists.

In this way, new modules can be developed more quickly.

Jiang Xuan clicked He nodded and smiled:

"In this case, no problem"

"In this way, Fontaine has participated in the construction and development of the MC world in advance."

In general, everyone is very satisfied with this discussion.

Fontaine has solved the crisis and is about to join the alliance and start to develop completely.

The alliance has obtained Fontaine's scientist resources and can start to work soon. The eight classics have been studied.

Once the GregTech module is advanced and slightly developed, it can be applied to the construction of cities in various countries. Soon, the technology score of cities in various countries will reach 80. A new server will be opened.

Again By opening nine servers, the system can send new modules.

A win-win-win situation.

Jiang Xuan chuckled:

"Since you have to stay for three days, you can have a good time shopping."[]

"I asked Bai Xiao to be your tour guide during these three days. She will analyze where to take you as appropriate."

"You can also relax 733. Now that the predicted crisis is over, there is no need to worry about many things."

Hearing this, Villette, Funina and others nodded, said thank you, and turned around to leave.

Watching the three of them meet Baixiao and start touring the Red Stone Technology City, Jiang Xuan stretched out his hand. Lazy.

Jiang Xuan looked at Gan Yu and others aside. Today is a day of big events.

First, Kanreia returned to the country, and then a new module appeared.

Finally, Fontaine confirmed that it would join the alliance, and it needed the final Deal with some domestic issues.

Although there are many big things, they are indeed good things.

At present, the only one who has not joined the alliance is Nata, who is still at war.

Speaking of which, Jiang Xuan came to Teyvat so For a long time, they have never been very clear about the movements on Nata's side.

Even if they asked Ningguang and the others, they only knew that there was a war on Nata's side.

Moreover, Nata's movement in the entire Teyvat was very small.

Fontaine Scientists can often be seen coming out to investigate. There is no movement at all over Nata. It's like the entire Nata is isolated from the world. This reminds Jiang Xuan of the original rice wife. But how can Nata get along with her? He has nothing to do with it. It is impossible for Jiang Xuan to let a country with a civil war join the alliance. The alliance currently has no shortage of manpower. If you want to join, you must have the value you can provide. For example, Fontaine scientists are the most scarce resource in the alliance at present...

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