Jiang Xuan's words cheered up everyone who was already a little discouraged.

People can conquer the universe as humans, but they can't do it well if they have a killer weapon like the MC world?

Suddenly, everyone became energetic again.

Jiang Xuan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"It seems that you have figured it out, and that’s right. No matter what desperate things you think of, you must remember that we have an MC world."

"In this world, everything is possible!"

Everyone nodded seriously and picked up their notebooks again.

The ants still have the ambition to live quietly. As the top leaders of the Five Nations Alliance, how can they not want to make progress?

"So should I continue?"

Jiang Xuan asked, and the others nodded.

"What is the most important thing when setting foot in the starry sky? Is it population? Is it a weapon?"

"neither! It is a means of transportation and basic technology!"

Jiang Xuan pointed at the distance from the planet representing the MC world to the sun.

"What do you think is the distance from this planet to the sun?"

Everyone hasShaking his head blankly, Sora knew better and raised his hand.

25 Jiang Xuan Yile, this saves a lot of trouble, nodded and said:

"Sora, you say"

"It’s 1.5 billion kilometers!"

Jiang Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly felt like he was in class.

But the others were a little confused when they heard it.

One hundred and fifty million kilometers...

How many Teivat can be crammed into this distance!

And! , the sun seems to be so close, how far away is the MC world from the farthest planet marked Pluto?

"Sora, how far is the planet that represents the MC world from Pluto, the farthest planet in the solar system? Kong was stunned for a moment, and recalled something with his eyebrows.

"I have seen it in a technological world. It is said that there are perihelion and aphelion. The nearest point is... 4.7 billion kilometers?"

Jiang Xuan discovered for the first time that Kong was actually a good student, and immediately clapped his hands.

"You're right, it looks like you're studying well."

Kong smiled shyly, but felt a little proud in his heart.

In order to travel around the world, he had to learn these things hard, unlike Ying, who studied for three minutes and stopped learning after a while.

But the people on the side were even more depressed..

4.7 billion kilometers, even if Wendy flies from life to death, I'm afraid she won't even be able to fly a third of it.

"Then, the star closest to the sun, Proxima Centauri, is very likely to have life planets in this star system."

"You said, how long is it from Proxima Centauri to take off from the MC world?"

Jiang Xuan asked another question smoothly.

Kong blurted out this question. He also remembered that it was the first time he heard of this concept.

"Four point three light years!"


Ningguang and others were confused.

Fortunately, another calculation unit for light years has come out.

By the way... light years, doesn't it sound like time?

Jiang Xuan smiled and nodded, seeing that everyone did not understand what Guangnian meant, and said:

"Sora, let me explain to you the meaning of light years. Kong nodded and said seriously:

"The so-called light year is actually a unit of distance."

"But this distance is really too big, so we use light years to calculate it."

"The so-called light year is the distance that light travels in one year. You can imagine how far Wendy has flown in one year after her flying speed is equal to the speed of light."

Everyone is a little numb. The speed of light... what level of existence is that?

It takes more than four years for light to fly to Proxima Centauri. Then they will never leave the MC world and Teyvat in this life.

"One more thing to add."

Jiang Xuan turned around and wrote a series of numbers on the blackboard.

"The speed of light traveling for one second is 300,000 kilometers per second, so the distance of one light year is……"

Before Jiang Xuan finished speaking, Buyer had already figured it out and said with some numbness:

"Nine...ninety-six hundred billion kilometers? Jiang

Xuan smiled and praised:

"Buyer is very good at math, everyone should learn from her!"

Everyone was silent.

What's the use of being good at mathematics?

If you haven't read Buyer, the fastest way to calculate is the fastest way to get depressed? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Wendy pursed her lips and said with a blank expression:

"What on earth do those galactic federations do? Can we travel through such a vast universe to find the existence of civilized planets?"

"Is it possible that their speed is faster than the speed of light?"

Jiang Xuan spread his hands and said helplessly:

"I don’t know about this, but it doesn’t matter. The MC world is no worse than them. Once we open the module, there will be many ways to go into the universe."

After that, Jiang Xuan looked at the time. The sun was high in the sky, and it seemed that it was already noon.

Jiang Xuan simply put the blackboard away and said softly:

"Okay, that’s it for today. It’s almost time to eat. After a short lunch break, we will continue our journey."

Of course, everyone has no objections. Today, they learned about some conditions in the universe, and their world view was shattered to pieces.

It will take some time to recover.

Of course, everyone has not given up on the dream of becoming the Galaxy Federation.

Others can do it. , there is no reason why they can’t do it even if they have the MC world.

After gathering their spirits, they put away the notebook recording the universe, and everyone dispersed to prepare for cooking.

But Mona was listening with interest.

Seeing everyone disperse, she also prepared to talk to Jiang Xuan Ask about the starry sky.

To be honest, although she is an astrologer, she really doesn’t know much about the universe than Jiang Xuan and Kong.

Holding the notebook in hand, Mona approached Jiang Xuan

"have time? I have some questions for you about the universe."

Jiang Xuan looked sideways slightly. He had expected that Mona would be very interested in the universe.

Not to mention Mona, even Mona's teacher would probably rush over regardless of what she heard about the universe.

Speaking of which...

Mona's teacher, Keli's mother, Abedo's teacher... these people seem to be the elders of the Witches Association. The so-called Witches Association seems to be a bit strong.

Jiang Xuan asked Zhongli at the beginning, but he only confirmed Ai Lisi is very strong. Zhongli has never fought, so he doesn’t know which one is stronger.

However, he vaguely said 527 words that he is not sure about.

Thinking about it, being able to suppress the border of Teyvat is taboo to the gods, and even requires Turning a blind eye is not a simple role.

I want to meet these witches inexplicably...

These witches are all very powerful, whether they are astrology or alchemy, and Keli's mother is better...

Ammunition expert, the most shining In his resume, he blew up the wind dragon ruins, no, he blew up the tower ruins, which led to the huge basin now.

This guy... at least has a large-yield nuclear weapon.


They are all talents!

Such talents should be recruited Come work in the MC world and explore the technology to reach the stars together.

"Jiang Xuan? Are you listening to me?"

When Mona saw Jiang Xuan distracted, she put her hands on her hips with dissatisfaction and raised her voice and said something again.

Jiang Xuan came back to his senses and smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something, please tell me."

Mona didn't care about this, she just took out her notebook and said curiously:

"You just said that beyond the starry sky in your hometown, there is the solar system, the Milky Way, and the universe.……"

"This point is different from what the old lady...well, the teacher once told me."

"But it happened again with what was recorded in Alice-sama’s notes."

"I don't understand a little"

"Old woman... Bah! The teacher never told me about the starry sky in Teyvat. Every time he mentioned it, he just said with disdain,"What's the point of saying it's fake?""

"This is very important to me and has a lot of meaning in my astrology"

"Can you tell me something?".

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