Regarding the flying into space module, or even the starry sky module, it is quite inspiring for Ning Guang and others.

The Teyvat people rarely even know the concept of the universe, and the stars and skies are all false.

That's not to mention what kind of understanding of the starry sky and universe.

Now when Jiang Xuan mentioned it, others were immediately filled with curiosity.

Even Mona came over with great interest and temporarily stopped thinking about building blocks.

Simply speaking, Wendy is still cutting trees and building landscaping, so Jiang Xuan takes advantage of this time to tell everyone about the starry sky.

The development of the MC world is now fully on track.

The Redstone Technology City was launched, the restoration of Canria was imminent, and at least one and a half cities in other countries were under construction.

The world is developing towards a prosperous civilization, and all this has only happened in two years.

Jiang Xuan feels that given MC's development progress, it's better to think about the future as soon as possible.

Who knows, in a few years, the world will really be able to set foot in space.

Then Jiang Xuan... spent a few years to realize the original world in the MC worldA goal that took thousands of years to achieve.

The sense of accomplishment is beyond everything.

Everyone gathered around Jiang Xuan happily. Hu Tao and Guizhi got a bunch of snacks from nowhere and placed them in front of everyone.

Jiang Xuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still cleared his throat and said seriously:

"I have told you about the universe and stars before, but I have never told you in detail."

"At that time, I thought that sooner or later we would set foot in the starry sky, and we would develop all our power into the entire starry sky."

"When we look up at every star we see, we must know that there is space for our survival above."

"However, our previous development was very slow, so I didn’t mention it much."

"But now, I think it's okay."

Jiang Xuan paused and said boldly:

"More than a year ago, when many of you were away, Ningguang Zhongli and I said that we would build a technologically modern city."

"Build more cities and let the fire of civilization spread throughout the MC world"

"Then, this year we have Redstone Technology City, Mondstadt City, and Daozuma City"

"We have Liyue immigrants, we have Kanruiya immigrants, and there will be more immigrants in the future."

"It took us one year to ignite the fire of civilization. For this, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone."

Ningguang and the others smiled knowingly, looking back on this year's development with some emotion and pride.

"I said that the MC world will get better and better, and there is no upper limit to the good."

Jiang Xuan continued:

"The fire of civilization has been ignited, and all that remains is to keep it burning vigorously"

"It can be said that the previous plan has been over-achieved, and now it is time to set a third-step development plan."

Jiang Xuan said, slowly raising his head, his eyes bursting with unprecedented confidence and yearning.

He pointed to the sky from a distance

"I want our power and our jurisdiction to completely spread across the stars and the universe"

"Let civilization stand high in the sky!"

"At that time, the Five-Nation Alliance will no longer be called the Five-Nation Alliance, but should be called the Galaxy Federation!"

This kind of title is not clear to the people present, but inexplicably, a sense of destiny and mission is born, and goosebumps are erupting.

Ningguang itself was a little bored after the Redstone Technology City entered the use state, and he was instantly full of enthusiasm. , with a more profound goal

"Galaxy Federation……"

Sora felt a little sad, but what followed was uncontrollable excitement.

" it really possible?"


Jiang Xuan asked back:

"Before today, did you dare to think that Kanria could be restored within a year and become a human country again?"

Kong was silent for a moment, looked at each other with Deinsreib, and nodded heavily.

"I believe! Kanreia must participate in the great cause of the Galaxy Federation!"

Now, not only does he want to bring Kanriya back to the country and rise again.

He also wants to lead Kanriya on a path that he has never dared to think of.

Just restoring the country, what does it matter?

He has nothing to do, but he has to do one thing In the entire history of Teyvat, and even in the entire universe of Quantum Sea and Tree of Imaginary Numbers, few people have done something like this!

In the shortest possible time, single-handedly pushed Canrea to the forefront of interstellar civilization.

This is the real epic of the universe!

"First of all, Kong, you should know, please tell everyone what the Galaxy Federation is."

Jiang Xuan took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and raised his chin to Kong.

Among the people present, Kong was the only one who had traveled to many worlds. He should know the concept of the Galaxy Federation.

Kong nodded and said seriously:

"I have traveled through many worlds, but to be honest, I have seen too few of the real Galactic Federation and interstellar civilizations, and even only a handful of them."

"You may not know what this means"

"The Galaxy Federation means that there is more than one world, many starry sky universes, and many stars that you see when you look up, they control and rule"

"They have no country, and the land they control is not calculated by its scope." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"They use the stars to calculate their power"

"To put it simply, if Teyvat is a living planet, such a planet, a mature galactic federation, would at least have thousands of planets under its control!"

"To the Galaxy Federation, our so-called demon gods and heavenly principles are completely insignificant little characters."

"They control everything and rule everything. All life in the universe is their property."

"The combat power can easily annihilate planets, and the financial power...the wealth accumulated on countless planets is unimaginable"

"This is the real Galaxy Federation. If we can do it, Kanreia can be lucky enough to be a member of the Galaxy Federation, and I will die without regrets!"

"You must know that in the entire Imaginary Tree universe, in countless worlds, there may be less than a dozen civilizations that are qualified to do this!"

"The Galaxy Federation civilization is an interstellar civilization that transcends the ground. Their battlefield will always be the starry sky!"

"The only one who can talk to the Galaxy Federation is the other Galaxy Federation. If we put together Teyvat, people might not even take a second look."

"I hope... I must make Kanreia a member of the Galactic Federation"

"Do you understand? Only among hundreds of millions, billions, hundreds, thousands, trillions of world civilizations, there is a chance for a Galactic Federation civilization to appear!"

"We now have the MC world, and we have this kind of opportunity. If we don’t seize it, I will really die with my eyes closed!"

Dainsreb looked at Sora and couldn't restrain his excitement, and patted him gently.

"Be calm. As the leader of the country, you can't be so emotional."

"No! This is something that cannot be calmed down! Kong shook his head seriously and said with a sad look on his face:

"You don’t understand what the Galaxy Federation is. Only if you see it with your own eyes will you know what it means."

"I once traveled to a vast planet with Ying. On that planet, there were even stronger people than Ying and I."

"We thought this world was like this"

"Until that day, a battleship larger than the planet appeared……"

In front of his eyes, Kong seemed to recall the battleship that could not be seen at all, as if it was a sun.

"The Galaxy Federation discovered this planet on the edge of the universe. Surrender and be included in the rule of the Galaxy Federation, or die."

"This is the only option they give"

"So, that planet is ready to rebel……"

Saying that, Sora suddenly fell silent.

"and after?"

Hu Tao was a little unhappy that Kong was so pushy and urged.


Sora shuddered, a rare expression of fear on his face

"That world gathered all the powerful people and technologies, and sent out a blow that was hundreds or thousands of times beyond the laws of nature."

"However, the defense layer of the opponent's warship was not even broken."

"The other party was angered"

"Everyone heard the announcement from the battleship"

"The third cruise fleet of the Singularity Galaxy Federation, the main ship Junzi was attacked. According to the regulations of the Galaxy Federation cruise fleet, independent counterattack is allowed."

"The Star Destroyer antimatter main gun is charged, the energy is filled to 50%, and fired!"


"Ying and I escaped from that world at the most critical moment of our lives."

"Before leaving, I looked back……"

"The star, much bigger than Teyvat, was broken...".

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