As expected, if everything they heard about this world before was familiar to them.

All the people felt vaguely relieved.

Now, Jiang Xuan told these immigrants directly.

This city is completely and directly controlled by the people they trust most.

Even if they don't believe in Jiang Xuan and the world, the people of Liyue will still believe in Ningguang and the others.

The names of these three people are a powerful centering needle.

The people's emotions became more and more positive. After a while, Jiang Xuan continued:

"The third point is that you have more or less heard some rumors that this world is endless."

"There are countless resources in this world"

"Now, I can tell you that these are not rumors. The resources in this world are endless."

"This world is completely limitless"

"This means that all materials in this world are very cheap, and even as this world continues to develop, you can get more surprises."

As he said that, Jiang Xuan paused and took out an Eye of God.

"For example, only certain people can obtain the Eye of God on Teyvat. In this world, we have the ability to popularize it."

"Whether it's extraordinary power or a richer life, as long as you become familiar with everything in this world"

"You all can get it"

"The above are the most obvious points among the many advantages of this world, and perhaps, they will also be the points that you are most concerned about."

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking, he took a breath and paid attention to the reactions of the immigrants.

Jiang Xuan didn't know how the immigrants in the other two squares reacted, but the immigrants in the square in front of him were really excited. They were whispering to each other. Yes, the whole square is agitated.

Today's Hongshi Technology City is probably the busiest day since it was built.

Jiang Xuan, Ningguang and others are becoming more and more satisfied as they look at it.

Now Hongshi Technology 930 City looks like this, This is what they most want to see.

Today is just the beginning, and in the future, it will become more and more developed and prosperous.

Especially when the immigrants have mastered the knowledge of this world and commercial and trade activities are also carried out.

Even Ning Guang can't I dare to imagine how prosperous Hongshi Technology City will be.

People of Liyue who work hard during the day go to the pedestrian street after work to meet up with friends for dinner and drinks.

Or couples go to shopping malls for dates and shopping together.

Elderly people can go to Hongshi Technology Jiang Xuan can even bring them the habit of square dancing while playing in the city's parks.

After a busy day, he takes the rail transit back to his community.

Then he takes the elevator and returns to his home to rest.

Such a life , will spread throughout the entire Hongshi Technology City.

With the characteristics of the MC world and the size of the modern facilities of the Redstone Technology City.

To be honest, the daily life conditions of people living here will definitely be better.

Although for the moment, Everything is built here, and there is nothing.

But the characteristics of the MC world are such that as long as you are familiar with the gameplay, you can successfully build it in minutes.

Jiang Xuan was thinking about whether to find some entertainment for the people of Liyue that can only be played in the MC world. Activities.

This will also enrich their spiritual world.

However, after thinking about it, I can't think of a reason for the time being. I simply finish the current matters first.

Gently raising my hand, the people of Liyue all brushed up. became quiet

"After talking about the advantages, it is natural to talk about the disadvantages that need to be paid attention to."

Jiang Xuan said loudly, and the people of Liyue below became nervous instantly.

But to be honest, they had already been mentally prepared for this.

There is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world. There are so many good things, and it is normal to have some monsters.

The people of Liyue are not afraid of monsters.

They clearly know that this time they come to the MC world, not just to immigrate, but to complete the construction of Liyue.

Since it is the beginning of Territory expansion and death are indeed inevitable.

They have been mentally prepared for a long time.

However, they are a little worried about the monsters that besieged the city like the ones they encountered in Redstone Technology City before. Tide.

This kind of monster siege has never been seen in Teyvat.

Think about how many Qianyan troops died that time, and even the immortals died many times.

If such disasters come every three to five times, they will It's really not enough to point out people.

The expression on the Liyue person's face was really undisguised, and Jiang Xuan could see it at a glance.

Simply, he didn't let the Liyue person continue to think wildly, and said decisively:

"First of all, what you are most concerned about is the issue of monsters."

"During this time, you should also know a lot about the monsters in this world."

"Maybe it’s news from the General Affairs Department, or maybe it’s the news your relatives told you."

"All in all, I believe many of you already know the situation of monsters in this world."

"Especially the forty-nine days of the disaster some time ago, everyone must be aware of the losses caused by the disaster. Seeing that the Liyue man's face suddenly became heavy, Jiang Xuan continued:

"First of all, what I want to tell you is that regarding monsters, we have already transferred them before. They are absolutely safe in Redstone Technology City."

"I said that after the disaster, Redstone Technology City became a server and was controlled by three server administrators, Ningguang and the others."

"During the period before your arrival, after their continuous consultation, coordination, and repeated corrections, the current server code of Redstone Technology City was finally formed."

"In Redstone Technology City, no monsters will be born, and no monsters will enter the city."

"Redstone Technology City is an absolutely safe city. You can regard it as Liyue Port in another world."

"For example, the previous catastrophic monster wave will never happen again in Redstone Technology City."

In this regard, Ningguang and others also nodded in approval.

The Liyue people had already agreed when they saw Ningguang, and they estimated that the Red Stone Technology City was indeed safe enough as Jiang Xuan said.

At the moment, they also relaxed a lot Heart.

Even though I still felt a little uneasy in my heart, I looked at the heroic Qianyan Army standing around. My worries about the monsters suddenly dissipated.

"In fact, the monsters we really need to worry about are the (adbc) monsters outside the city."

"There are many things to note about monsters outside the city, such as zombies appearing in the dark."

"Be careful of creepers that can self-destruct, etc."

"But for these questions, you will have detailed procedures to teach you to learn these things later." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There are many and complex monsters in this world, such as the Chuchu slimes that are common in Teyvat. There are many monsters in this world."

"Zombies, skeleton shooters, etc., there are many in this world"

"But these are not the most difficult monsters to deal with. With the characteristics of this world, as long as you are not careless or besieged by monsters,"

"Basically, it is not life-threatening."

After that, Jiang Xuan opened the communication channel and said a few words to Mandrill. Mandrill understood, and quickly took out a thick notebook and walked up to hand it to Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan took the notebook and showed it in front of the Liyue people. A circle

"This thing is an illustration of all the monsters we have encountered in this world for so long."

"The above contains the characteristics of the time and place where all monsters may appear, and even how to deal with almost all monsters."

"Strictly speaking, as long as you have this notebook and master the knowledge inside, it won't be a big deal if you encounter monsters."

"Of course, there are some special monsters that are difficult to deal with, and they are also listed in the illustrations. You just need to follow the instructions in the illustrations to escape."

"Remember, the monsters in this world are not scary. As long as you know how to deal with them, there are many ways to deal with them."

"Of course, the above are all for those who will leave Redstone Technology City to work or even explore."

"If you don’t need to leave Hongshi Technology City, then this place will be a safer place than Liyue Port"

"And for those who want to see the outside world but are afraid of danger and dare not go out."

Jiang Xuan paused, and glanced helplessly at Ning Guang beside him, who was blinking at him frequently, as if signaling something to him.

Jiang Xuan was a little embarrassed, and after thinking for a moment, he sighed with a complicated mood.

He opened his mouth and said:

"If you really want to see the outside world"

"Welcome everyone to go to MC World Travel Agency on the 13th floor of Qunyuge Group Building to register for the group."

"The travel agency plans the most perfect travel route, the scenery, the humanities, and the history of Qian Yanjun’s struggle in the MC world."

"These are all options available to travel agencies"

"You can even choose to experience a one-day work experience stationed abroad, stationed in the lower world, stationed in the end, or even stationed in the Qianyan Army in the Twilight Forest"

"If you want to travel in MC World, choose Qunyuge Group MC World Travel Agency and feel at home.……"

At the end of the story, Jiang Xuan felt like he was already dead.

But Ning Guang beside him smiled brightly.

There is no other way. In order to stabilize the family's financial income, it is not a big deal to let Jiang Xuan advertise!

If it weren't for the fact that she was about to start a large-scale business activity, she wouldn't be so anxious to make money.

I used to look down on these little coins, but now I can't help it, mosquito legs are also meat.

Ning Guang thought about Mo La who would continue to spend money, and then thought about the time it would take to recover the cost.

I felt in my heart that I had to sell all the Jade Pavilions.

After Jiang Xuan finished these words, the square, which had been lively just now, instantly became silent.

In fact, even Qin and others sighed in embarrassment.

"Is advertisement?"

You Liyue man reacted for a long time and asked with a blank look on his face.

His companion quickly covered his mouth with quick eyes and hands.

He said cautiously:

"You are the only one who heard it! You still have to say it!"

"Redstone Technology City and this world spend so much money every day and support nearly 100,000 soldiers."

"What happened to advertising to earn some money?"

Hearing this, the Liyue people nodded awkwardly.

"This is the truth, but... Qun Yu Pavilion Group, isn't this Lord Ningguang's Chamber of Commerce?"

"Lord Ningguang is Mr. Jiang Xuan’s fiancée. Aren’t the things belonging to Lord Ningguang belong to Mr. Jiang Xuan? Nothing wrong!"

"I see... Then after we stabilize, let's go support Mr. Jiang Xuan and Mr. Ningguang."

"To be honest, I am very curious about what the Renyan soldiers do when they are stationed abroad every day."

Although the advertisement was caught off guard, on the whole, the effect has been achieved.

Ningguang nodded with satisfaction.

Although Jiang Xuan's face was risked once.

But compared to what he gained from Maura, this is It's acceptable!.

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