Although Jiang Xuan said before that the steps to make the Eye of God are very simple.

But when everyone thinks about it, just like the thermal weapon nesting doll, it requires a somewhat complicated process.

But... the process of making the God's Eye that I see now seems to be a bit advanced for Teyvat.

Take out the materials, put them away, and the product comes out.

To be honest, even making a wooden sword is more troublesome than this. At least the wooden sword has to consider the placement rules during synthesis.

But this is the eye of God!

Throw it in and it comes out?

Looking at it this way, is there still a need for a forging department?

The army couldn't figure out how many days it would take, and it was done without any guidance.

Everyone put down their pens and papers and started to complain, but in the end they still didn't say anything.

Gan Yu happily played with the God's Eye that Jiang Xuan gave her.

She doesn't care whether it's precious or not, she doesn't care how it's made, and she doesn't care if it's a mess on the street.

What she cares about is that this thing was made by Jiang Xuan first, and it was given to her immediately after Jiang Xuan was the first to make it.

In other words, she is number one again!

This is what Gan Yu cares about most.

As the first person to be with Jiang Xuan, Gan Yu would never allow his position in the palace to be shaken.

Thinking happily, Gan Yu kept holding the Eye of God in his hand, and it looked like he was about to polish off the outer shell of the Eye of God.

Jiang Xuan and Gan Yu had a tacit understanding, so he naturally knew what she was thinking. He pinched Gan Yu's horns and said softly:

"I’ll take a look at it when I get back. We’re all waiting for your feedback."

Hearing this, Gan Yu was a little shy and quickly put the Eye of God on his body.

He also placed it in the same most conspicuous position as the Eye of Water God and the Heart of Heat God.

Well... those two things were also made by Jiang Xuan is her most precious gift.

The moment the God's Eye was installed on her body, a pure electric current flowed through her.

Gan Yu's eyes moved slightly.

He slowly raised his hand, and purple thunder gathered into a ball in his palm. A round ball.

The bursting thunder was like an obedient pet, docilely following the rhythm of Gan Yu's heart.

Jiang Xuan pointed to the open space not far away, and Gan Yu understood.

With a thought, the thunder ball in his hand moved at an alarming speed. It broke the air, brought with it a thick burning smell, and hit the ground.

An explosion like TNT sounded, and a crater was blown into the ground.

Gan Yu thought about it again, took out the bow and arrow, bent the bow and nocked the arrow, and struck the ground like lightning. It condensed on the arrows again.

Then, he tried to enchant the long sword and turned the thunder into a shield...

In short, Gan Yu tried as many as possible various God's Eye combat systems.

I don't know how long it took, The experimental land was already scorched black, and there were some bumps.

Gan Yu was also out of breath, and the Eye of God he had just brought became dimmer.

It was not like the Evil Eye that the energy was exhausted and could not be used, but the Eye of God was used frequently. The elemental charge can't keep up, and the ultimate move can't be used.

But everyone just wants to see the difference between this made Eye of God and the normal Eye of Teyvat.

Seeing Gan Yu stop, Jiang Xuan also smiled and said She rubbed her arms

"Thanks for your hard work."

Gan Yu, who was still a little tired, suddenly narrowed his eyes happily and rubbed Jiang Xuan's hand.


Keqing held her chin and pondered for a moment, then nodded and said:

"There doesn't seem to be much difference in the strength of the two God's Eyes, but the battery life of the MC World God's Eye is better."


Gan Yu shook his head and said seriously:

"Strictly speaking, the Eye of God in this world is stronger!"


Ke Qing looked at Gan Yu with some doubts, and the latter said softly:

"Calculated according to the development of the Eye of God, the Eye of God that we all originally possess only has the strength it has today after a long period of development."

"But the Eye of God in the MC world, even if it has just been obtained, the pure elemental power strength has caught up with our existing Eye of God."

"This does not take into account our future development of this kind of eye of god. Taken together, the eye of god in this world is stronger than the eye of god in Teyvat."

"However, the disadvantage is that the elemental ability of this God's Eye needs to be developed by yourself."

Hearing this, Ning Guang laughed dumbly, shook his head and said:

"This should not be considered a shortcoming. We have a lot of experience in developing Eye of God."

"What's more, repeatedly developing the Eye of God is also beneficial to the control and evolution of our own Eye of God ability."

"Overall, the Eye of God in the MC world is a great thing"

"Low production difficulty, high strength improvement"

"Whether it is the improvement of our personal strength or the expected Eye of God army, it will be very convenient."

Everyone looked thoughtfully at the damage caused by the Eye of God Ganyu.

They have not returned to Teyvat yet, and it is not yet clear how strong this God's Eye is in Teyvat.

However, based on previous experience, this kind of The Eye of God became even stronger after returning.

Not to mention the issue of strength, just the difficulty of making this Eye of God... it is difficult for anyone to refuse.

Jiang Xuan looked at everyone looking thoughtful. Looked like this, chuckled and said:

"What you said is correct, but in my opinion, the biggest advantage of this kind of God's Eye, besides being simple to make, is its equipment characteristics."

"Equipment characteristics?"

Lisa's eyes moved, and she seemed to have thought of something.

"That's right."

Jiang Xuan nodded.

"This kind of God's Eye is produced in the MC world and naturally has the material characteristics of the MC world."

"You must know that the original MC creatures, except for a few existences, do not possess elemental power."

"From the perspective of law code, something like the Eye of God is called an external magic organ in Teyvat."

"In the MC world, it’s called additional equipment."

"The equipment can be disassembled and replaced."

Lisa's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if she had caught some surprising idea.

After a moment, Lisa suddenly said:

"In other words, the Eye of God made in the MC world is essentially the same equipment as weapons and armor?"

Jiang Xuan smiled and nodded.

"Enchanting should be a bit cumbersome, but the equipment characteristics alone are already excellent."

"I see! Lisa clapped her hands and looked at Jiang Xuan with some surprise.

"If the Eye of God becomes equipment, then it can naturally be switched and replaced at any time."

"In other words, the Eye of God produced by MC World is different from the Eye of God of Teyvat, and even has an irreplaceable meaning.……"

"These eyes of God can be replaced at will!"

Jiang Xuan nodded and said with a smile:

"so smart! As expected of you."

Lisa smiled and kissed Jiang Xuan.

Dadalia scratched her head and said awkwardly:

"What's the meaning? I still don't understand"

"Look, if I ask you to read more, you will fight and become illiterate!"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jiang Xuan glanced at Dadalia and explained:

"Lisa made it so clear. The Eye of God in the MC world is a kind of equipment."

"To put it simply and crudely, this kind of divine eye can be replaced at any time."

"You are the God's Eye of its seven elements. If you encounter any situation, you can always use the corresponding God's Eye to deal with it."

"Still don’t understand? This is another perspective of all-element abilities!"

"For example, if you have good eyesight and quick hands, you can use the seven elements at once by constantly changing the Eye of God during battle."


Dadalia scratched her head in embarrassment

"Got it, just like Ying, right?"

Jiang Xuan nodded.

"Pretty much the same meaning."

After that, Jiang Xuan led everyone back to the workbench.

He pointed at the workbench and said:

"You can make its seven different elements of God's Eyes by hand. During battle, you can selectively activate any of the God's Eyes."

"Although this kind of God's Eye can only be activated once at a time, as long as you are fast enough, you can still create the seven-element reaction by yourself."

"It's nothing more than that all seven God's Eyes need to be developed in order to truly unleash the power of the seven elements."

Listening to Jiang Xuan's introduction, everyone subconsciously imagined that they had seven eyes of God.

The seven elements gathered together, and for them, the temptation was quite great.

"In fact, seven elements are not necessarily required."

Ningguang shook his head and stepped forward to use the ore to synthesize several ownerless eyes of God.

"We already have the Eye of God that has been developed with a single element"

"We don’t need to replace this elemental god’s eye"

"Doing six will save some effort during development."

Everyone nodded, and each found a workbench to start synthesizing.

Regarding the Eye of God of various elements, everyone is still very clear about the production drawings.

In addition, Dashi and the others brought so many materials, not to mention these people present. Make the Eye of God.

With so many materials, you can arm thousands of Original God troops.

After a while, everyone finished making the Eye of God of other elements.

As Gan Yu said, the strength of the elemental power is in line with the God they have developed. The Eye of God is comparable to the Eye of God, but this is the Eye of God that has not been developed. Overall, the Eye of God in the Genshin Impact module has the characteristics of the MC world and is slightly stronger.

Dadalia kept excitedly adding The Eye of God hung on his chest.

Grass element, ice element, fire element, wind element... hanging on, Dadalia suddenly realized that something was wrong and froze on the spot.

Others also looked at each other in confusion.

Okay A piece of clothing was filled with the Eyes of God. It looked like a luxurious bulletproof vest made with the Eyes of God.

The key is... this bulletproof vest also glows!

It's so tacky!

Everyone's hearts are in unison I complained.

It is true that the Eyes of God created by the Genshin Impact module cannot be activated at the same time. Strictly speaking, you can only bring one and put the rest in your backpack, but... they have other Eyes of God that can be equipped at the same time. Eyes!

I have the Eye of God, the Evil Eye made in the factory, the Eye of God made by Jiang Xuan as a reward for defending the city... plus the Eye of God now made by the Genshin Impact module.

Who is a good person who has it all in one go? Hanging four eyes of God! So earthy!

So earthy!

Isn’t this rich man pure earth?

Everyone looked at each other, inexplicably, feeling a little shy.

Hanging four eyes of god on your body when you go out is fine during the day, but in the evening What about on the road?

Walking on the road, like walking colorful light bulbs?

With a bunch of people gathered together, the light emitted by the Eye of God itself can become a disco light.

Think about how they laughed at Jiang Xuan when he put on the colorful sunshine belt Jiang Xuan's.

Feng shui is turning... accidentally, I also developed my talent towards the colorful sunshine...

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