"Weather...day and night?!"

Bing Shen was a little moved and tightened his grip on the pen in his hand.

"This kind of law...can also be used to enchant? How can this be? Can enchantment do this?"

"Although enchantment itself is the imprint of the law, but... this kind of law that is the foundation of the world, even as a ruler, I can't understand it in its concrete form. Enchantment……"

Others also looked at Jiang Xuan with burning eyes, and the latter shrugged.

"Don't blame you, I think it's outrageous too, but this thing does exist"

"Weather enchantments, Love Song of the Blue Sky, Grace of Dew and Rain, Gift of Thunder, and Grace of Winter Snow"

"Day and night enchantments, blessing to the bright moon, praise to the scorching sun"

"The corresponding celestial phenomenon should be obvious, right? Jiang

Xuan paused and said slowly:

"Love Song of the Blue Sky Level 6, the attack power increases the damage in sunny weather, but in other weather conditions, the attack power decreases."

"The same is true for other weather enchantments such as dew and rain."

"Weather enchantments conflict with each other, and only one can be added"

"Day and night enchantments, Bright Moon Blessing, increase the damage at night and blind enemies, but reduce the damage during the day."

"Praise of the Burning Sun, the damage is increased during the day and the enemy glows, but the damage is reduced at night"

"These six enchantments can be said to be environmental enchantments. If you match them well, no matter what, you can unleash unimaginable power in the corresponding environment."

"Especially when combined with other enchantment entries that enhance the strength of"Seven Two Zero""

"Just imagine, after the addition of advanced strength, advanced impact, super sharpness, bright moon greetings, love song in the blue sky, etc.……"

"A diamond sword is hard enough to kill the devil, but it can kill the followers of the devil.……"

Everyone was silent, mentally calculating the damage caused by various enchantment entries.

After calculating them one by one, everyone was a little frightened.

It's just that the enchantment entries that have appeared so far are applied to the diamond sword, and it is conservatively estimated that it can kill ordinary demons.

The existence beyond the artifact!

Absolutely invincible in melee combat.

At the very least, Zuoyue and the others didn't think they could resist the attacks of this kind of diamond sword many times.

It vividly elevates an ordinary person's strength to an unimaginable level.

Excluding those ridiculously effective drawing swords and Jiang Xuan's World Domination Sword... the diamond sword with more enchantments is definitely a treasure that surpasses all melee weapons.

However, the specific matching is still a problem.

Seeing some understanding in everyone's eyes, Jiang Xuan was not in a hurry. After they had recorded these enchantment entries, Jiang Xuan continued:

"Are you ready? Weather enchantment, this is just the beginning."

Before everyone could react, Jiang Xuan said lightly:

"Rune enchantments, rune piercing, rune magic blessing, rune recasting, rune star pendant, rune sealing curse, rune resurrection"

"This is an enchanted entry that has been completely freed from enchantment and has reached the level of rune engraving."

"Puncture has an armor-breaking effect. In other words, even if Zhongli puts a Jade Shield on someone, he can ignore the shield and forcefully attack the main body."

"Magical Blessing, converts physical damage into magic damage"

"Recasting, after the equipment durability is cleared and broken, there is a chance that it will be restored to the original state."

"The stars fall, like my long bow of heaven falling, an arrow is fired, causing a small rain of arrows to cover"

"Seal the curse and attack the enemy. The enemy will be weakened by the curse."

"Resurrection... After death, resurrect with full health at the same place! I saved all the totems of immortality."

"Piercing arrows, like piercing, the bow and arrow can forcefully break through armor"

"These runic enchantments are real, outrageous enchantment entries."

"I think you all know the details in detail, so I don’t need to introduce it further, right?"

Everyone stared at Jiang Xuan blankly. After a while, they hurriedly continued recording with complicated emotions.

Rune enchantments really exceeded their imagination.

Armor breaking, curse, resurrection... these effects, listen to Everyone feels excited.

Even for people of your strength, these enchantments can make their strength soar again.

What about the ordinary armies?

There is no problem at all in saying that more enchantments will increase the lower limit of the overall MC world strength.

Jiang Xuan didn't give everyone a chance to ask, and continued:

"The next enchantment categories, Elhaysen, you may think are even more outrageous. These enchantments are subject-type enchantments."


Everyone in Xumi raised their heads in shock and looked at Jiang Xuan with confused faces.

"Subject enchantment, science, the damage increase is comparable to the weather enchantment, and there is a chance to create a big explosion at the target's feet."

"Mathematical enchantment, in addition to increasing the fixed damage, can also cause additional damage based on the enemy's maximum health."

"Sports enchantment, attacking enemies, and also providing yourself with potion blessings"

"It can provide up to five levels of jump improvement, four levels of life recovery, two levels of strength, four levels of urgency, four levels of speed, and three levels of resistance improvement."

"It is an enchantment that makes you braver as you fight."

Seeing that everyone was stunned for a moment, Jiang Xuan spread his hands.

"I know you think it's outrageous. To be honest, I think it's outrageous too, but if this thing appears, then don't think about why it appears."

"What you have to do now is just to accept these enchantments and then think about how to use them"

"The rest will be considered later when you have time."

Everyone looked at Jiang Xuan with mixed emotions. After a moment, they lowered their heads and continued to record.

"Next, there are curse enchantments. These enchantments have different curse effects, but they are all weird and very troublesome to explain."

"You just need to remember that there are curse enchantments, and I will explain them to you when you discover them later."

Regarding curse enchantment, Jiang Xuan only said a few words roughly. After all, the actual effect of this thing is not as shocking as the previous enchantment.

It is not a general-purpose enchantment.

At that time, we will analyze the specific effects in detail.

"The last category is additional weapon enchantments."

Jiang Xuan clapped his hands to cheer up everyone who was a little confused.

To be honest, I'm afraid that when everyone was studying, they never took so many notes in one go.

This is the first of the two self-selected modules..

The second module is the Genshin Impact module...

Thinking about it, Jiang Xuan glanced at Zhongli again. He wanted to see Zhongli's expression after he knew that he was about to become a must-play BOSS in the MC world.

"Weapon enchantments are too numerous and comprehensive." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ancient Sword Mastery, Life Steal, Purifying Blade, Insulting Blade, Mortality, Atomic Disintegration, Frost, Spell Breaking Blade, Poison Infused……"

"Critical Strike, Unpredictability, Repulsion, Desolationbringer, Shadow Haunt……"

"In total, there are probably nearly fifty specialized weapon enchantments."

"Each weapon type enchantment is quite powerful and effective."

"It's too complicated and troublesome to explain, so I won't say more."

"Generally speaking, if you see enchantment books related to weapons, you must get them."

"If there is anything you don’t understand at that time, I will explain it to you individually."

"Basically, after more enchantments are added, this world, all your armies, and basic strength will soar to a terrifying level."

"After spending some time to find some more enchantment entries... fully armed"

"It makes sense to say that your army is comparable to the top original gods."

"After all, although many of these enchantments conflict, they are evenly distributed among the 130 new modules."

"Even if there is a conflict, you can still add more enchantment entries"

"If a weapon has enough enchantment entries, it may not be comparable to the master-level staff, but it will definitely surpass the top-level draw sword.........."

"What's more, the drawn sword can also be enchanted! After saying that

, Jiang Xuan paused and suddenly said with some regret:

"It's a pity that more enchantments were added after Cataclysm. Otherwise, there would be so many zombies with enchanted equipment in Cataclysm."

"It will definitely allow us to rapidly advance the development of more enchantments."

"Although the enchantment entries are powerful, it is still very difficult to obtain these things. The villager trading center alone will probably need to be expanded by a dozen more."

Everyone also put down their pens and moved their sore wrists.

Gan Yu said softly:

"It’s good to open more enchantment modules now. If you open them before, those zombies will also have these enchanted weapons and equipment."

"Our battle to defend the city will be more difficult and the losses will be greater."

Jiang Xuan nodded, spread his hands and said:

"That's all I said."

Xinhai thought for a while and said softly:

"More enchantments in this module are worthy of our increased efforts in development, whether it is to improve the basic strength of the army or to increase the upper limit of our strength."

"More enchantments are very good first batch of team modules, and they are similar to the Wicca module."

"If we want to develop quickly, it is not enough to rely on the village trading center alone."

"But there are no shortcuts we can take."

After a pause, Xinhai's eyes lit up and he said with a smile:

"At the monster spawning tower, many zombies with enchanted equipment are continuously refreshed every day. This is one aspect of income."

"Our troops exploring the New World will most likely encounter many such monsters."

"Let the troops pay more attention. Although more enchantments are turned on and the enchanted zombies become stronger, the zombies have no intelligence after all and cannot maximize the effects of these enchanted weapons."

"We have thermal weapons, so it's quite safe."

"In addition, the most important channel is the lucky cube"

"Lucky blocks can unlock ready-made enchanted books and enchanted weapons"

"As we explore the New World, we will inevitably encounter more lucky cubes. When the time comes, let’s take advantage of Miss Gan Yu’s luck. I think the development of more enchantments will progress quite quickly."

"More enchantment mods are not like Drawn Sword mods where we have to start from scratch"

"The enchantment entry itself is something we have already understood thoroughly, and we have also built many development buildings about enchantment."

"As long as you spend some time, you may be able to develop more enchantments for your army more smoothly than developing wizardry modules."5.0" After all, the army is familiar with the enchantment system and has enough manpower to develop it easily."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is another reason why Jiang Xuan and Ningguang chose more enchantments.

Based on the foundation, the development speed is faster, and the progress of getting started will be faster than other modules.

Faster Improve basic strength.

Therefore, as long as the modules can be freely selected, Jiang Xuan can completely let everyone's strength enter the stage of soaring on a rocket in minutes.

"We now basically understand more enchantments, and it is indeed an excellent first-tier module. Zhongli nodded and continued:

"So, the first self-selected module is confirmed and the effect is great. The second self-selected module is better in comparison, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhongli suddenly had an illusion. He always felt that Jiang Xuan and Shenzi's gazes were somewhat profound.

It seemed that... they were suppressing some excitement?

The corners of Jiang Xuan's mouth could not be restrained from rising, and he nodded heavily.

"That's right, the second module is to increase the upper limit of our strength. Even for you, the development difficulty is lower than that of more enchantments."

"Maybe I don't need to explain anything."

Hearing this, Zhongli and others started to look forward to it.

Jiang Xuan did not show off and said softly:

"The second optional module is called... Genshin Impact"

"……What the hell? ? ?"

"Mod: Genshin Impact!".

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