Feeling Qin's gaze, Barbara quickly straightened her mood and forced a smile:

"It's okay, sister, don't worry about me, Mondstadt's matters are important, I won't be ignorant!"

"Only with her sister here can everyone in Mondstadt live a better life, and Barbara knows the priorities."

That's what she said, but Barbara was still a little disappointed in her heart.

It wasn't that she felt that Qin didn't pay attention to her and kept her in Mondstadt regardless of her. She felt that her abilities were not valued by Qin. The two sisters spoke openly and honestly. After talking to each other, Barbara also understood that Qin did not alienate her after becoming the acting captain.

On the contrary, Qin had been paying attention to her.

However, as the acting captain and the person who led Mondt forward, Qin should first pay attention to her. The entire Mondstadt is responsible.

What's more, Qin is no longer a simple acting leader.

If this continues, when Falga and the others return, Qin will directly become the real grand leader.

Her every move, It is related to the lives of the entire Mondstadt people, whether it is personal emotions or objective requirements.

Jean must give priority to Mondstadt before considering personal feelings.

Barbara likes her responsible sister very much and is willing to always support Qin in her work.

But what she was really sad about was that after her relationship with Qin recovered, she wanted to spend more time with Qin, but she didn't have such an opportunity.

Qin is too busy, and she doesn't come back to Mondstadt very often. Her work focus is entirely on Jiang Xuan's world.

Barbara still misses Jean very much.

Seeing the pure smile on Barbara's face, Qin was silent for a moment, feeling a little guilty in her heart.

She remembered what Lisa had said to her.

There were some problems in the relationship between her and Barbara before. The root cause was that Qin was too busy to have a frank chat with Barbara.

In fact, Barbara also had some low self-esteem.

Barbara is the best prayer pastor, but from the bottom of her heart, Barbara feels that she is not as good as the dazzling Qin.

His sister is the acting leader, the hope of Mondstadt, and the trusted leader of all Mondstadt people. 480 has countless fans around her, who unswervingly support her to become a true leader.

But Barbara felt that she could not do much to help Qin, so she felt a little weak when facing Qin.

What Lisa said made sense, but in Qin's heart, the fundamental reason for her willingness was because she didn't spend enough time with Barbara.

I finally restored my relationship with Barbara some time ago, but I haven't returned to Mondstadt because of the development in the MC world.

Leave Barbara alone over there.

As the leader of the group, no one would say that Qin was unqualified. She solved the dragon disaster and found an alliance for Mondstadt to advance and retreat together.

It brought countless rich resources, making Mondstadt so powerful that it is now second only to Liyue.

When all the people in Mondstadt mentioned Qin, they would give a thumbs up from the bottom of their hearts and praise how good it is to have such a leader.

But as a sister, Qin never felt qualified.

For Mond, she ignored Barbara again and again.

Asking herself, Jean didn't feel like she had made any contribution to Barbara's growth.

A long time ago, Qin felt that this was a necessary loss for becoming a group leader and a country manager.

No one can balance family and career well.

Until he saw Ning Guang, and saw the real ones... commanding the even bigger Li Yue, Ning Guang was still able to do so with ease, making Li Yue stronger without losing his personal relationship with Jiang Xuan.

And even more so.

While managing the rice wife in an orderly manner, it only took about two months to not only restore the livelihood of the rice wife who was in a mess, but also go a step further.

On the other side, he has not forgotten to teach General Yinghe to become a qualified manager and a qualified ruler.

Who says you can't balance career and family?

Don’t people really just have a career and a family?

In the final analysis, it is still a matter of personal ability.

In any case, it would not be appropriate to continue leaving Barbara in Mondstadt, and there would be no problem in letting Barbara come over.

It's not that the church can't function without Barbara, even if Barbara is the best doctor in Mondstadt.

Now that there are alchemy potions, there are no diseases that cannot be cured.

It would also be a good thing to have Barbara over.

After thinking for a while, Qin looked up at Kaia and said softly:

"How is the situation in Mondstadt?"

Hearing this, Kaia was overjoyed. Qin even asked this, obviously she had been persuaded.

Thinking that he would have the opportunity to no longer have to stay in Mondstadt as a left-behind child, Kaia quickly said:

"Of course everything is fine over there in Mondstadt"

"I have reformed the Knights in detail according to the plan you told me before. Now, ordinary trivial matters can be solved by the Knights themselves."

"Even if there is any major issue, there will be a dedicated department responsible for solving it"

"Everyone in Mondstadt is now living and working in peace and contentment, and it seems there won’t be anything special that needs attention."

"There is no need to worry about safety issues. Now after the restructuring, all branches of the Knights are very powerful, no less powerful than Genshin Impact."

"Furthermore, if there is something they cannot solve, they can simply ask the Dragoon Army to notify them. The Dragoon Army is very fast and can reach Liyue in just over an hour."

Having said that, Kaia looked at Qin expectantly.

He said this, so there is no reason for Qin to let him go back and stay, right?

Barbara, Noelle and others on the side also looked expectantly. Playing the piano.

Although they have only been in this world for a day, the novel world already makes them reluctant to leave.

What's more, by staying here, they can witness with their own eyes how Mond has become stronger step by step.

Than It was much better to stay in Mondstadt.

Qin did not disappoint them. After thinking about it for a while, she nodded gently.

"If that's the case, then you can stay. It just so happens that we will need manpower for many of our plans in the future."

"Barbara, you can help me a lot if you stay here."

I can also take better care of you...

Of course, Qin was a little shy and didn't say the following words. She just looked at Barbara with eyes full of love.

Let Barbara stay and spend time with her in the future. More, Qin can also make up for Barbara a lot.

Now, Mond's development is going smoothly. This is not Qin's boasting. She said that she is already qualified and has no problem.

The only thing that makes Qin a little entangled is the personal aspect.

Now there are only two pursuits left for Qin.

One is to take good care of Barbara and be a qualified (ajcg) sister.

The second is... to find a lover and be a qualified wife. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Inexplicably, Qin's face turned red and she glanced at Jiang Xuan secretly.

Fortunately, this little gesture was not seen by others, especially Lisa.

Otherwise, Qin would definitely be harassed by Lisa again tonight. Let Lisa instill some messy proactive thoughts

"Very good! Believe me, Captain Qin, you have given me a lot of information before, and I know many characteristics of this world."

Kaiya clenched her fists excitedly

"When I join, I will help you develop the world better! Diluc on the side curled his lips and said with a hint:

"Will you join Mondstadt or Canria? alberidge……"

"If I remember correctly, this surname is one of the founders of the Abyss Order, right?"

Song and the Kanria people not far away turned their heads and glanced at Kaia, but quickly retracted their gazes.

The other party was indeed a remnant of Kanria, and their ancestor was Alberich. This is very important in the Abyss Order. existence.

But... what does it have to do with Kaia?

Kaia has long since become a complete Mondstadt, and Camrea's restoration does not require his power.

Rather than letting Kaia join Camrea, with the Alberich's identity has become a high-ranking official in Kanria.

The people of Kanria still trust Kong more.

Kaia did not provide any help to the restoration of Kanria. On the contrary, Kong has worked hard for the past five hundred years to restore the country. Daye endured the humiliation.

Now that it has finally succeeded, why should an outsider like Kaia pick peaches? Just because his surname is Alberich?

Not to mention whether Kaia admits it or not, the Kanrian people are pragmatic. They They only believe in people who help them.

Kong is a perfect leader. After the restoration of Kanria in the future, Kong is undoubtedly the most suitable ruler.

There is no need for Kaia to return to Kanria to share Kong's power.

It is about the restoration of the country. Daye, even if Alberich comes in person, the people of Kanria will not recognize him.

Following him can only suffer in the abyss, following Kong, but he can come to this world to restore his country and live and work in peace and contentment.

And it is obvious that Kaia He didn't care about Alberich at all.

He rolled his eyes, spread his hands and said:

"Don't sound so unfamiliar, okay? I don't know anything about Alberich"

"Although I am a remnant of Kanria, I grew up in Mondstadt and am a Mondstadt. Moreover, Kanria will not welcome me. Diluc felt a lot more comfortable, but then he changed the subject and said:

"So if they welcome you, will you join Canria? Kaiya complained:

"Why don't you get enough oil and salt? If you say no, you won’t! Diluc snorted and said no more.

Endis coughed dryly and said:

"Mr. Kaiya has this kind of understanding. The people of Kanria are living a good life under the leadership of His Royal Highness."

"We are about to return to the country, and it is best not to interfere with us by a being with a somewhat special status. Kaia shrugged.

"You think I want to have this identity! Alberich is troublesome to hear. If possible, I wish I was a Mondstadt."

Kaia, Endis and the others looked at each other and completely ignored Alberich's question tacitly.

Qin on the side didn't care about these things. She rummaged through her backpack and found an advanced weapon. The healing staff was handed to Barbara

"This is the staff I found in the Dusk Forest. It is an advanced healing staff. It is very suitable for you."

"In addition to some advanced healing spells, there are also life-saving spells such as Lich Barrier."

"You take it first, and when you have a chance later, my sister will help you get a master-level healing staff, like Mr. Zhongli’s."

"You can advance, attack, retreat or defend. In this way, Barbara, you can become Mondstadt's strongest support."

Barbara looked at the exquisite staff in front of her hesitantly, and hesitated for a moment.

Even if she had just arrived, she understood that this thing should be very precious.

Things like drawing swords have become common in the army. Only the staff, and I still haven’t heard much about it.

Apparently this thing can’t be mass-produced yet.

"Take it, do you still want to be polite to your sister?"

Lisa came over at some point and put the staff into Barbara's arms with a smile.

Barbara pursed her lips.

"Thank you sister……"

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