
Jiang Xuan nodded slightly, showing no resistance to boredom.

To him, no force in Teyvat was any different.

From a micro level, the relationship between these forces is complicated, but from a holistic perspective, at least they all exist in Teyvat.

For Jiang Xuan, the only difference is whether it will help him develop the world or whether it will harm him.

This is a simple consideration as the master of the world

"As far as I know, there are countless forces in the abyss."

Zhongli spoke lightly. This was the first time in three days that he and Kong had talked about such serious matters.

As for the contract made some time ago... it was insignificant. He wouldn't dare to break it even if he had given Kong a hundred courages.

"You come to represent the abyss, which is a bit exaggerated."

Zhong Li shook his head slightly and closed his eyes.

In the abyss, the Abyss Cult is the least worth mentioning force.

If you really want to count, there are many powerful forces and existences in the abyss.

The First Throne, Fanes and the others , the demonic creatures native to the abyss, the demon god Teyvat and other forces who escaped to the abyss in the past...

Even considering that the abyss is connected to the quantum sea, who knows what is there below.

The Abyss Religion represents the abyss?

That's ridiculous. Sora also knew that what he said was too exaggerated. He was silent for a moment and explained:

"I come on behalf of the Abyss, not the Abyss as a whole, nor the Abyss Order alone."

"Rather, it is all abyssal beings that do not have absolute hatred for Teyvat."

Hearing this, Jiang Xuan became interested. He looked at Kong quietly and motioned for him to continue talking.

"The forces in the abyss are complex, and most of the abyssal creatures have absolute hatred for Teyvat and the Seven Kingdoms."

"But this does not mean that the Abyss absolutely hates Teyvat."

"I want to rectify the forces and lives in the entire abyss that hope to coexist with Teyvat. Kong said very seriously, Jiang Xuan nodded slightly.

"Then what? Kong was silent for a moment and said slowly:

"Cooperation is mutually beneficial and suppresses the laws of nature. Ningguang and others' eyes flashed, and they exchanged glances with each other. 513 gently patted Jiang Xuan's hand, indicating that he didn't need to speak.

Ningguang organized some words and chuckled:

"Not to mention how you integrate Abyss...you want to cooperate? What about capital? Is there any reason why we should agree?"

"Furthermore, as far as I know, the Abyss Cult also has no good intentions towards the Seven Kingdoms. You also said before in Mount Aozang that you intend to subvert the Seven Kingdoms and the laws of heaven."

"Why, let go of your hatred now?"

Kong also knew that it was time to negotiate with Ningguang and the others. He took a deep breath and said calmly:

"The Abyss Order is mostly composed of the people of Kanria. Indeed, the Seven Gods have hatred against Kanria."

"The Seven Gods of those days destroyed Kanria and cast an immortal curse, killing many Kanria people."

"But if you look at what happened back then, the Seven Gods couldn't control themselves. I don't hate the Seven Gods."

"I understand that if you don’t take action, your country will be destroyed."

"The root of everything lies in heavenly principles. Zhongli took a sip of tea and said calmly:

"But in the final analysis, we have also taken action. I don’t think what you think is what all the members of the Abyss Order think."

"The Five-Nation Alliance does not allow any forces that may cause unrest to join. Kong

Youran said:

"I do not intend to join your alliance, and the Abyss Order will not join your alliance. We only need to cooperate."

"At least, we are unanimous on the principle of suppressing heavenly principles"

"You need the intelligence network of the Abyss Order, we need your power and the resources of that world."

Ningguang glanced at Jiang Xuan, who didn't react at all. He just hugged Keli with a smile and whispered something. Ningguang understood that Jiang Xuan was too lazy to take care of this matter and let her handle it with full authority.

In this way, it can be done There was no room for performance.

With a confident smile, Ningguang said softly:

"Putting aside the matter of suppressing the law of heaven for now, I don’t think your Abyss Cult can help us in any way."

"In terms of strength, Liyue can suppress you with all his troops. In terms of resources, the Five Nations Alliance has abundant resources and has no worries about food and clothing."

"Regarding suppressing the laws of heaven, it only takes a while for us to successfully obtain the power to suppress the laws of heaven."

"So, what are you going to impress us with?"

"This is one of them. Ningguang took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and continued:

"If you want to cooperate and obtain the resources of Jiang Xuan's world, you must consider what you can provide to us and what you can provide to Jiang Xuan."

"With all due respect, if you put the entire abyss together, even Jiang Xuan will look down upon you."

"You should understand that Jiang Xuan is the Lord of the World. So, from the perspective of the Lord of the World, what can you do to impress Jiang Xuan?"

Kong frowned slightly. This question was what worried him the most.

Jiang Xuan controls the world and has everything. He has whatever he wants.

It's just an abyss. What can he come up with that makes people care?

Pack himself up and sell it. He probably couldn't come up with anything that would make Jiang Xuan's heart beat.


Pack it up and sell it?

Kong was moved, looked at Ying, and said decisively:

"As your elder brother, I can guarantee that if Mr. Jiang Xuan is interested in you, feel free to do it without any gift or even responsibility!"


Ningguang and others felt a little complicated for a while.

I thought that Kong would say a lot of things, but...

I never thought that it would unfold like this.

Sure enough, they are brother and sister. This kind of strange brain circuit is not something ordinary people can have.

"Go to hell, you pervert who is full of garbage!"

Ying took out a bucket of milk with her backhand and poured it on Kong. Then she put the iron bucket on Kong's head.

After doing all this, Yingcai looked at Jiang Xuan with great pride.

"Jiang Xuan, this guy is a madman! Don't listen to him."

Jiang Xuan smiled and spread his hands.

"But he is your brother after all. He has said so. I definitely believe it."

"From today on, he sold you to me, and I don’t have to be responsible."

Ying's face darkened, she snorted and turned away.

Kong wiped the milk on her head nonchalantly and looked at Jiang Xuan

"Mr. Jiang Xuan, do you agree?"

"When did I agree? Can't you hear the joke? Or do you think I am just someone who plays tricks on little girls and is unwilling to take responsibility?"

Hearing this, Kong pursed his lips. Now, he really didn't know what else could impress Jiang Xuan.

Thinking from the perspective of the Lord of the World...

Thinking about it is nonsense!

He is just a traveler traveling through the world. , he has never been the master of the world, how does he know what such a big man needs?

Is it possible that he needs more (cfeb) worlds?

Sora's eyes lit up and he said decisively: (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels net!)

"I can provide the world coordinates of many worlds. If Mr. Jiang Xuan needs it, those worlds can be in the palm of your hand! Jiang

Xuan held his chin and said thoughtfully:

"It sounds tempting, but I'm not interested."

Ningguang and others also laughed and said nothing.

World? So what if there are more worlds?

It's just a world in the universe of trees and seas. Not to mention how to control it, how to get there is a problem.

In contrast, Jiang Xuan's MC world.

There are endless big ones, and there are weird and unpredictable modules.

There is no limit to the prospect.


As the MC world is mined, more and more dimensional worlds will appear.

They have heard Jiang Xuan say more than once, MC world There is also a special portal module in the game.

Once opened, the MC world will also accommodate countless worlds, which can be compared to the tree of imaginary numbers.

Don’t think that when they say Jiang Xuan controls the world, they really control a world.

For now Look, the main world, hell, the lower world, the twilight forest... these are four worlds.

They are still ridiculous.

"Okay, stop being so pretentious and let me tell you directly."

Jiang Xuan snapped his fingers and said softly:

"I need a lot of manpower to help me develop and build the world. My world is endless and has no boundaries. It can easily fit the entire Teyvat."


Kong opened his mouth. He wanted to say that the Abyss Order could provide a large number of manpower, but considering the nature of the Abyss Order, he could not guarantee it.

What Jiang Xuan needs is someone who completely listens to him.

Not a risky force like the Abyss Order.

Kong's face looked a little bitter, and he lowered his head, not knowing how to continue speaking.

Ying curled her lips. Although she had always been bearish and disliked him, in the final analysis he was still her brother.

At this time, please help if you can.

Quietly pulled Jiang Xuan down.

The latter patted Ying's hand and looked at the sky calmly.

"I can give you a chance, and this will be the right choice you've been dreaming of."

Hearing this, Kong instantly raised his head expectantly.

"Rebuilding Canria."

Jiang Xuan replied lightly, and for a moment, Kong was stunned on the spot.

"To rebuild Kanria, I can choose a site in my world as the foundation for your country of Kanria."

"But in the same way, you must control this country well. I will not allow anyone who is disobedient to enter my world."

"As long as you go in, you will do whatever I say, no questioning or hesitation."

"You choose people, I believe you know what kind of people you should choose, let them restore their human identity and enter my world"

"But in the same way, from now on, they cannot leave my world unless necessary."

"In addition, there is yourself, your knowledge, and your experience of traveling to other worlds. Use these to help me open up the world."

"If you can do it, collaborate, no problem."

At this moment, Jiang Xuan finally exposed his true thoughts.

What he was eyeing was never the three melons and two dates of the Abyss.

It was the Abyss Order, or to be precise, all the people of Kanria.

As for the purpose...

He wants to immigrate to the abyss!

Thoroughly, let the MC world have signs of intelligent life taking root and sprouting.

Let this barbaric world develop towards a land of wisdom.

Just building a city is not enough.

These Kanria people, Teyvat There is no room for them, so these people are used as an experiment to establish a country in the MC world.

Although it is an experiment, Jiang Xuan does not feel that they are not tempted by this benefit.

For them, this is a piece of pie in the sky.

And Kong All they had to do was to ensure that those Kanria people would be loyal.

At the very least, Jiang Xuan asked them to do things without any hesitation.

Ningguang and others finally understood Jiang Xuan's plan, looked at each other and remained silent.

They originally planned to wait for the first modern city to be built, and then select a group of people to live there as a pilot.

Now, it would be better to use their own people for the experiment.

Kong looked at Jiang Xuan with complicated eyes.

Jiang Xuan gave it, It was a 100% benefit, and he had no reason to refuse it.

Restoring the country, becoming a human being, and having a safe country of his own...

This was the dream of the Kanreyan people. Now it was so easy to get it, just like a dream.

But Sora also Understand, there is no free pie in the sky.

He knew very well what Jiang Xuan really wanted.

After a moment of silence, Kong said softly:

"life, world, civilization……"

"Do you want to be the true creator god?……"

Jiang Xuan smiled confidently and looked at the sky quietly.

"why not?".

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