"Next, is the last thing."

After the Xumi people calmed down for a while and managed to calm down some of the feverish excitement, Nasida spoke again.

"About armies and alliances"

"Xumi joins the alliance. Since he enjoys the convenience and protection of the alliance, he should naturally contribute to the alliance."

"Alliances have common interests and naturally have common enemies."

"In order to face common enemies and develop common interests, Xumi needs a large number of manpower and troops."

"I decided to screen the Gilded Brigade in the desert. Many members of the Gilded Brigade are ordinary desert people."

"Just to survive, I had no choice but to join the Gilded Brigade"

"After screening, if qualified, the Gilded Brigade will merge with the thirty-man regiment to form the Xumi New Army"

"From then on, we jointly defended Xumi and fought side by side."

This matter is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

First, Xumi really needs a lot of manpower. Later, the transformation of the Xumi Desert and the dismantling of the anti-sand walls will also require people.

If a large number of troops are not prepared in advance, by then Everyone is going to participate in transforming the desert. Who is going to Liyue and who is going to develop the MC world?

Secondly, the gap between the desert and the rainforest has been around for a long time. Even now she is forcibly building a bond for these people.

It seems that Desert Zi The people of the desert and the rainforest people all worshiped her and were willing to listen to her words and do things.

But Nasida knew in her heart that it was only because of her arrangements that it related to everyone's interests.

The people of the desert wanted to make their homeland better. Become the next rainforest.

The people of the rainforest want to follow her, imitate the great deeds of the Great Merciful Tree King, and leave a name in history.

Coupled with the treatment method of Molin Disease, the people on both sides have all worked together.

But to be honest, How much harmony can there be between these people themselves?

Nacida could not guess.

Now, they all just believe in her bond. The rainforest and the desert are not truly integrated, but are based on Nacida herself.

Only then can they be harmonious. Get along with each other.

This is not the result Nasida wants.

How can we be completely integrated with each other in less than a day because of a few words and hundreds of thousands of years of estrangement?

From the bottom of my heart, many rainforest people still look at Not as good as the people of the desert.

The people of the desert still looked down on the people of the rainforest.

This was a big taboo for a country.

Nasida didn't know why King Dacishu didn't deal with this matter before, but she had to deal with it.

No matter what Whether it is the desert or the rain forest, we are all Sumeru people.

If we are Sumeru people, we should be as close as one family.

Now let’s make a good start. Let’s merge the Gilded Brigade, the representative force of the desert, with the 30-man regiment of the army of the rain forest.

Let them start Slowly, in the future, after the anti-sand wall is dismantled, the two sides will increase exchanges. The relationship between the two sides will be increased subtly by the teaching council. This requires long-term planning and long-term progress.

And military integration is the basis of everything.

This point , Jiang Xuan and others could see it at a glance.

Even though Jiang Xuan didn't care much about Teyvat's government affairs, Ningguang and the others always issued instructions on Liyue policies in front of him. It was so obvious!

Jiang Xuan was not without pride. smiled

"My Nasita is becoming more and more mature in governing now~"

"For now, Nasida has done the best she can."

Keqing nodded slightly and glanced at the expressions of the people of Xumi from a distance.

Even though the people of Xumi were still in a state of fanaticism, she could see at a glance the gap between the people of the rainforest and the people of the desert.

She didn't even need to look. Expression.

The people of the desert and the people of the rainforest stand in solidarity with each other. Even if some people occasionally stand in the other camp, they are still a minority.

"Strong regional discrimination."

Kujo Sora sighed, inexplicably thinking of the former Narukami Island and Haiqi Island.

To be honest, although the residents of Narukami Island and Haiqi Island are still somewhat separated from each other, it is not too serious. In their hearts, everyone It is clear that both of them are citizens of Inazuma. What's more, there is Xinhai on Haiqi Island to help adjust. They have been reintegrated during this period.

On Sumeru's side, the situation is much more serious than that of Inazuma.

Even Kujo Sora It feels like the relationship between some rainforest people and desert people is not grudges, but hatred.

"Fortunately, Nacida came up with the arrangement in the heat of public excitement. Ning

Guang nodded slightly and acknowledged:

"Now the people of Xumi are still immersed in the joy of transforming the desert and getting rid of the devil disease."

"These two things are related to the collective interests of the entire Sumeru, and Nasida's reputation has never been higher."

"Now is the best time to raise this matter. As expected, there will be absolutely no objections."

"Even if there is, no one dares to bring it up now. As long as today is over, let the Ecclesiastical Order quickly start to sort out public opinion."

"With Alhaysen's methods, he has countless ways to make the integration of rainforest and desert completely on the right track."

"The next step is to use time to kill the accumulated grievances between the two parties."

"But no matter what, as long as you tell this matter today, the matter will be half done."

Jiang Xuan and others quietly looked at Naxida not far away. During this time, Naxida was in Liyue, and she was not just flirting with Jiang Xuan.

She also watched Ningguang and the others handle government affairs.

In game terms Generally speaking, Nacida's level in managing the country and people's hearts has improved by leaps and bounds. Although she is not as good as Ningguang and the others who have reached full level, she must be an advanced player now.

With some practice, Nacida can become a truly outstanding player. As expected, the matter raised by Nasida was unanimously nodded and approved by the people of Xumi.

As everyone imagined, they would not dare to say it in the future, at least today, even if Nasida said that the sun is square Yes, everyone believed it.

Seeing that the people unanimously approved of this matter, Nasida felt happy, but she did not stop there.

Now is the time when the enthusiasm of the people is at its highest, and they will know everything they say. Yire agreed.

But she couldn't expect her people to be so enthusiastic all the time.

Now a small opening was opened, and then the interests would be tied up.

According to what Ningguang and Qin usually did, Nasida thought about it in her heart and made a decisive decision road:

"After the integration and reorganization of the new army was completed, some people were responsible for garrisoning Xumi, going to transform the desert and dismantle the sand walls." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Another group of people went to Liyue to station and listen to the alliance's instructions."

"Due to many problems, I can't tell you the specifics now."

"But I can tell you that you also have the opportunity to become Xumi's dragon cavalry army. Even with the improvement of the new army, many more powerful special forces will appear."

"Mastering extraordinary power is not a lie!"

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the Gilded Brigade in the desert and the thirty-man regiment in the rainforest became excited.

A few days ago, the Dragoon Army came to Xumi majesticly. Everyone will remember that domineering scene. Take it to heart.

What Nasida is saying now will basically come true.

Even transforming the desert and curing the demonic disease can become a reality. In comparison, the formation of the Dragon Cavalry Army does not seem to be worthy of surprise.

Think about it. , the members of the Gilded Brigade and the Thirty-man Group looked at each other, and suddenly they became friendly and eager.

Nacida breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

The bundle of interests was over, and the only thing left was to start with the army and let ordinary people The people of Sumeru are gradually integrated.

Nacida does not intend to completely naturalize the desert people.

On the contrary, Nacida has never thought about completely integrating the desert people into the rain forest.

Deserts and rainforests are the characteristics of Sumeru.

Nacida does not even intend to Completely transform the desert.

On the basis of retaining some of its characteristics, construct a larger oasis so that the people of the desert can live and work in peace and contentment.

Then, the identities of desert and rainforest are preserved, and both parties live in friendship and harmony.

This not only ensures the safety of Sumeru The diversity also ensures that Xumi will not have the same geographical barriers and hostility as before.

This is the most perfect development trend Nasida expected.

Nasida quietly glanced at Alhaysen, who nodded slightly calmly. Elhaysen understands what Nasida means.

Nasida does not need to worry about the next thing. She only needs to take the time to ask about the progress.

Ningguang has taught her that as a top manager, she does not need meticulous micro-management..

As long as she determines the general direction and makes a good start, her people will naturally take care of the rest for her. She must do everything by hand.

Although it sounds very hard and serious, it is just the next moment.

Hard work is hard work, and there is no one in Liyue. Works harder than her.

But the results are not as beneficial as Ningguang leisurely sitting in the rear and arranging a project casually.

However, it cannot be said that Ke Qing is busy in vain.

Tianquan Star and Yuheng Star have different responsibilities. The directions are different.

In the final analysis , now that people rule Liyue, Ningguang is the supreme ruler who has replaced Zhongli.

As for Naxida being in charge of Xumi, Ningguang and Zhen and others have been giving her surprise lessons and arranging work for a week. Process.

Nasida should be like Ningguang, holding the most important power in her hands, and delegating matters to the Teaching Council.

In this way, even if Nasida goes to Liyue for a long time, she can remotely control the progress of Xumi..

At present, Nasida is not as good as Daci Shuwang in terms of management experience, but she can’t stand Nasida’s mistakes.

Jiang Xuan is her biggest cheat, and Ningguang and the four kingdoms managers are Nasida’s think tank.

Management must be Mi, Ningguang and the others have ten thousand ways to ensure that they are labor-saving, fast, and stable. She narrowed her eyes happily and glanced towards Jiang Xuan and others. Naxida said softly:

"That’s all I have to say for the time being. Next, everyone can do their own activities and have a wonderful Flower Goddess’ birthday."

"If you want to know about the arrangements I mentioned before, please pay attention to the information from the Imperial Academy."

"The specific plan will be placed in the void and anyone can check it. Everyone is welcome to supervise the behavior of the Order Academy."

"As people of Sumeru, you not only have the right to live a good life, but also have the obligation to maintain your own life."

"In order to avoid a situation like Azar's happening again, all government affairs of the Holy Order must be supervised by all the people."

"Inspire each other and achieve each other."

After a pause, Nasida opened her hands with an innocent smile on her face.

"So... in the name of the Little Lucky Grass King, I wish everyone a happy Flower Goddess’ birthday!"

The people of Xumi looked at Nasida with burning eyes, were silent for a moment, and then shouted out in unison

"Lady Nasida! Happy birthday!".

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