The Xumi people stared blankly at the trees reaching into the sky.

The dappled sunlight cast through the gaps in the leaves is very dazzling.

But everyone just stared with wide eyes.

That was the light of hope, and they couldn't bear to miss a minute of it.

Especially the desert people, tears filled their eyes at this time.

I was so moved that my whole body trembled.

They don't know how great or incredible this thing is, like the scholars do.

They only know that this kind of tree grows up in the blink of an eye, and the land changes in the blink of an eye.

The desert will also undergo a major transformation, becoming a rainforest and a place full of vitality.

They no longer have to leave their hometowns. They can live and work in peace and contentment in their hometowns and make significant contributions to their hometowns.

Future generations can also live in an oasis free from wind and sand attacks.

At this moment, countless people in the desert completely changed their beliefs, and the shadow of the Red King disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it was Nasida who entered the heart of every desert people.

They knew that Nasida could fulfill her promise to them and bring them a comfortable life without worrying about life and death crises.

All the desert people bent towards this tree, towards Nasida

"Lord Nasida, you are the greatest gift the world has given us and the benefactor of all the people of the desert."

"Your will is the will of the desert and the will of Xumi"

"I am willing to sacrifice my life"one hundred and seventy" for Lady Nasida! Lady Nasida’s will is above all else!"

Scholars are not surprised by this attitude of the desert people.

Back then, King Daci Tree transformed the desert and gave the rainforest people a comfortable home.

To this day, all rainforest people remember the contribution of King Daci Tree.

And they personally participated in the great cause of that year. Scholars, but all of them are loyal and courageous, and are willing to give everything to the Great Merciful Tree King.

Now, it is the same as then.

Even if the transformation has not begun, even if it is just a tree planted.

Nasida's big eyes turned into crescents when she smiled , she finally took the most important step towards her idol, the Great Cishu King.

She pursed her lips and said softly:

"Everyone, do you have any opinions on dismantling the anti-sand walls and transforming the desert environment?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nafis immediately held his head high and looked around.

"Who dares to have an opinion! stand out! If Lady Nasida says to dismantle it, dismantle it immediately!"

"Lord Nasida said that all Sumeru people must participate in transformation and work together to transform the living environment for families in the desert."

"Whatever Lady Nasida says is whatever she says! Anyone who dares to question a word will be immediately arrested by the guards and sent to the city gate to keep Azar company!"

Nafis's arrogant speech did not make the Sumeru people dissatisfied.

On the contrary, the Sumeru people were even more excited than him, especially the desert people.

A member of the Gilded Brigade waved his fist and said with a red face:

"Anyone who dares not to listen to Lady Nasida is the enemy of all of us!"

"I am willing to take all the members of my Gilded Brigade, without any remuneration, to participate in this great cause, and start work immediately to dismantle the sand wall!"

The people of Xumi are excited

"dismantle! Nasida-sama will demolish it if she says so!"

"I want to be a pioneer!"

"fart! I'll go first! Lady Nasida, I am strong!"

"Lady Nasida, I am familiar with desert conditions, I can join the vanguard!"

"Within a month, it is guaranteed that not a single stone will be visible on the sand wall!"

"This is just like the miracle of the Great Merciful Tree King back then, a great cause with the participation of all the people. Anyone who dares not to participate is going against the entire Sumeru!"

"No one can stop me from accomplishing my great deeds under the guidance of Lady Nasida!"

Seeing that the people of Xumi were overly excited and even wanted to rush to the desert immediately, Nasida hurriedly waved her hand and said:

"Everyone, don’t worry, this is a big project and you can’t rush for success."

"I know everyone wants to participate. Don’t worry, everyone will not be left behind."

"The most important task after the Ecclesiastical Order is to conduct research and inspections"

"Determine the plan and select the vanguard within a week. Everyone’s work will not be in vain. They should still be paid what they deserve."

"The demolition and renovation work should be carried out together. First, the frontier transformation should be completed, and green plants should be used to block the desert invasion. Then, the anti-sand wall should be demolished simultaneously."

"In this way, the impact on deserts and rainforests can be ignored"

"I also need some time to apply for material support from the alliance"

"In addition to trees, there must be a steady stream of water to build lakes, and land must be planned so that desert people can farm and breed and be self-sufficient."

"In short, everyone, don’t be anxious and must proceed with a plan."

Nasida's comfort actually made the people of Sumeru even more excited.

Especially the people of the desert were in tears.

"Lady Nasida, she is so gentle. Faced with such a great undertaking, she still has to prioritize the safety of our people!"

"Lady Nasida's arrangements are so orderly that she is simply the embodiment of wisdom."

"So lucky, we Sumeru have never lost our wise gods!"

"A water source that will never be exhausted or polluted has appeared in Aru Village. It was brought by the traveler."

"Come to think of it, Lord Traveler is also a member of the alliance and has started preparing for us early."

"The alliance is great, Lady Nasida is so great! I think Lord Nasida is no worse than Lord Daci Shuwang!"

"Of course, transforming the desert was also a great achievement during the reign of King Daci Shu!"

"So...that bitch Azar deserves to die! Lord Nasida is obviously so great and possesses infinite wisdom, but this damn thing still wants to create a god?"

"If it weren't for the trash of the Great Sage, we in the desert would have lived a good life under the leadership of Lord Nasida! Why do we still need to wait five hundred years!"

"Five hundred many people have died in the desert because of the harsh environment? If Lord Nasida had not been imprisoned, why would we be like this? All the great sages should die!"

"I want to beat Azar hard again. Also, who of you knows the graveyard of the great sages of the past? I must dig up their graves!"

"You don’t need to say this kind of thing in front of a group of scholars and thirty people, right?"

"It doesn’t matter, we are going too, together!"

At this moment, Nasida's reputation in Xumi reached its peak.

If compared, it was probably Xumi when King Daci Tree transformed the rain forest in ancient times.

However, Nasida was not very happy after hearing the words of her people. , especially the sadness of the desert people.

Nasida felt very unhappy, lowered her head, and said in despair:

"Sorry everyone...I came too late……"

"It has nothing to do with Lady Nasida! Lady Nasida has worked very hard, and it’s all the fault of the damn great sage!"

A desert citizen looked at Nasida with burning eyes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It was the Great Sages who did not give Lady Nasida a chance, and they were the culprits!"

"It was clear that Lady Nasida was so gentle and kind, and had such amazing wisdom, but they all turned a blind eye."

"They are all from the lineage of great sages! They deserve to die!"

"Cancel the pursuit of the names of the great sages of all dynasties, they are the sinners of Sumeru!"

"right! They are the sinners of Sumeru!"

The shouts one after another made Nasida a little overwhelmed.

Nafes raised his hand and said decisively:

"The great sages of the past dynasties imprisoned Lord Nasida and persecuted Xumi. The meeting of the Council of Ecclesiastical Orders decided to cancel the names of the great sages of the past dynasties and pursue them as Xumi sinners."

"I will be scolded by the people of Xumi forever!"

As soon as he finished speaking, vigorous applause broke out........

Nacida sighed and said nothing.

Not far away, Jiang Xuan held his chin in deep thought.

"Do you think you can find the consciousness fragments of the great sages of the past, resurrect them, and then dispose of them like Azar?"

"Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that Nasida suffered for so long while most of the great sages could enjoy a comfortable death, right?"

Ningguang's mouth twitched. She didn't suggest Jiang Xuan use his precious resurrection points here.

What's more, the great sages of the past were ordinary people with fragmented consciousness, and they might have disappeared long ago.

Simply, Jiang Xuan himself also figured this out, shook his head regretfully, and said no more.

When Xumi's enthusiasm calmed down a little, Nasida continued:

"Regarding desert transformation, let’s start with Aru Village as a pilot project in the early stage."

"Aru Village has received help from Ying, so he should have some experience. The people gathered there are also the largest."

"Prioritizing the renovation there will allow more people to enjoy a comfortable life first. Candice

's eyes flashed, she looked at Nasida movedly, and said softly:

"Candice, the guardian of Aru Village, thanked Lord Nasida for her mercy on behalf of all the people of Aru Village."

"When it comes to transforming the desert, Aru Village will definitely be the main force to help Master Nasida complete her great cause. Nasida smiled shyly and said softly:

"As for the transformation of the desert, that's it for the time being. The Order will give me a reasonable plan within a week."

"A week later, the renovation officially began, with the simultaneous dismantling of the sand walls."

Elhaysen nodded decisively and said:


Nasida looked at the people of Xumi and continued:

"Next thing, after joining the alliance, the alliance will input a large number of special items to Xumi in the early stage, milk"

"And milk is a miracle medicine that can solve almost all diseases and curses! Including Molin disease!"

If the previous transformation was only for the welfare of the people in the desert, then the current milk is for the benefit of all the people of Sumeru. It can solve all diseases, especially the devil disease!

This is an unimaginable divine thing. For a time , the Sumeru people were a little unable to react.

Nasida was not in a hurry, and after looking around, she saw Dina Zedei, who was standing not far away with her father and mother looking at 4.9.

Nasida said softly:

"Dina Zede, please come."

Dina Zede nodded immediately and ran over quickly, causing her parents to be a little confused.

Dinazade... when can she run?

Standing next to Nasida, Dina Zede ran this distance, but He didn't even take a breath.

He looked at Nacida with admiration.

Nacida said softly:

"Dina Zedai, please show it to everyone."

"Yes, Nasida!"

After that, Dina Zedai decisively lifted up her sleeves and untied the bandages on her arms layer by layer.

Her parents looked at Dina Zedai nervously, and the Sumeru people also looked at Di Nazedai expectantly. Nazeda.

Dinazeda was in the late stage of Molin's illness. Most people knew that she was the eldest lady of the Humayi family after all.

Now that Nazeda has said so, no matter how incredible they find it, I have to believe it.

A terminal disease like Molin's disease... seems to be really cured!

Sure enough, when Dina Zedai completely untied the bandage and raised her arms high, everyone saw that in the sun, Dina Zedai Dai's arms were as white as jade, even glowing with gleaming brilliance.

But... those ugly gray-black scales had completely disappeared.

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