Jiang Xuan had expected that he would not be able to hide this kind of thing from Ning Guang and the others.

After all, the aura of changing from a girl to a woman is something they are all too familiar with after experiencing Condensation once.

Even if the reaction is slower.

Every time I go out with Jiang Xuan, I talk about researching new skills~.

When I came back, my face was radiant and I felt like I was floating when I walked.

Occasionally, if I go out for a long time, I can't even walk.

Gan Yu and the others are very familiar with this kind of thing.

But as long as she didn't want to tell the truth, Jiang Xuan would let her go.

As Ning Guang left the door, only Ning Guang and Qin were left in the MC world.

Gan Yu, Lisa and the others have returned to Teyvat.

Tomorrow is also Nasida's birthday, so they need to prepare well.

The soldiers of the four countries were dressed differently, but they all stood neatly and wore uniform diamond-enchanted armor.

Carrying a machine gun and RPG.

Personal space is filled with bullets.

However, at this time, these thousand fully armed soldiers were looking at the densely packed large boxes at the door with fiery eyes.

Inside was the treasure they had been thinking about for five or six days.

Draw your sword.

In the past few days, they had often seen Zhongli and the others drawing swords.

After all, their sword-drawing upgrade also requires a monster spawning tower to increase the number of enemies killed.

There are so many monster spawning towers, most of which are scattered in major bases.

Zhongli's weapon upgrade process, and even the active skills of drawing swords, etc., also made these soldiers excited.

Don't look at the fact that most of the people present are from the Dragon Cavalry Army. They can make themselves stronger. They don't care about the Dragon Cavalry Army or not.

What's more, my family knows their own affairs.

The Dragoon Army is majestic and domineering, and is currently the absolute strongest army.

But the truly powerful thing is never the dragon knight, but the dragon itself.

The dragon knights just control the dragons and control them to cooperate.

The combat effectiveness of the dragon knights is higher than that of light infantry and heavy cavalry.

It's just comparable to the slightly stronger Genshin Impact.

When drawing a sword, regardless of whether it is a foreign object, at least it is a weapon that can directly enhance one's own strength.

How could you not miss this thing?

Just as everyone was looking at this side eagerly, there was finally movement in the manor villa that had been silent for a long time.

Jiang Xuan took Ningguang and others out.

In an instant, thousands of blazing eyes looked at Jiang Xuan.

"Oops! Are you waiting so anxiously?"

Jiang Xuan joked, and everyone looked away in embarrassment.

Jiang Xuan didn't waste time.

"Let’s get straight to the point. From today on, you will be organized into the Twilight Forest Exploration Team, responsible only for exploring the Twilight Forest."

"Leave all other matters at hand to others. There is only one thing you have to do, which is to steadily explore and mine the Dusk Forest."

Everyone straightened their backs and responded in unison.

The momentum of thousands of people was so great that the entire MC world came alive.

It was also the evening break. I heard that there were major events about the new world here today. Others A lot of people came here. They looked here from a distance, with eyes full of envy.

These people are the vanguard of the Twilight Forest.

They are a symbol of honor.

Jiang Xuan nodded with satisfaction and said loudly:

"Great attitude! Keep up this spirit, I believe you will see a lot of introductions about Twilight Forest in the past few days."

"But you have to understand that no matter how much theoretical knowledge you have, it will still be difficult when it comes to practical operations."

"The crisis in the Twilight Forest is different from the main world. In that world, 90% of the monsters are extremely malicious to you and living creatures."

"Harsh environment, endless traps, if you are not careful, not only will you be unlucky, but you will also drag down your companions"

"I believe you also know the story of Dadalia triggering a trap, triggering a suicide bombing, and almost injuring his companions, right?"

Once again, Dadalia was whipped to death. The soldiers from Liyue Mond and Daozuma couldn't help but laugh. On the other hand, the soldiers from Zhidong were a little embarrassed.

The Ice God standing aside sighed. This matter is not just for Dadalia. Asia’s dark history is also the dark history of Winter.

If Dadalia hadn’t gone out early, the Ice God would have embarrassed him again.

"I have only one request for you to explore Duskwood. Jiang

Xuan raised his hand and said loudly:

"Even if you have a totem of immortality, you should treat your own life as only once, and treat the lives of others as only once"

"Be responsible for yourself and others, and give priority to the consequences of whatever you do."

"We must strictly follow the team's standards and do not allow any private exploration."

"Think about your family, think about yourself, life is not a child's play"

"The crisis in the Twilight Forest far exceeds that of the main world. Remember the guide given to you. The crisis in each area must be kept in mind."

"Explore steadily, eliminate all dangers, and collect all resources"

"This is a never-ending exploration mission. After an exploration, return to the main world to rest."

"Every third time you clear Twilight Forest, thousands of people will rotate"

"Remember the requirements for killing powerful boss monsters, and do not challenge the mechanics of this world."

"We have given you enough detailed strategies. If someone gets into trouble because they don’t follow the strategies,"

"His name will be engraved with a monument of shame, and the resurrection totem can resurrect him, but he will live in social death forever!"

"do you understand?"

Hearing this, the soldiers responded solemnly.

To be honest, they are really not afraid of death. They wear totems of immortality, and the four countries also have resurrection totems.

Even if they die, it is nothing more than resurrection.

But... there is something more terrifying than death, It is to die in society.

Just like Dadalia. He was killed by a bomb because he was careless while digging a grave. He has been ridiculed by Wendy and the others for a long time.

If Dadalia hadn't been a high-level official, the soldiers would not have dared to laugh at him openly.

Dadalia has long been autistic

"I won’t tell you more about the specific details of exploring Dusk Forest."

"After entering, you must remember that there is only one portal and must not be destroyed."

"You must keep in mind the route forward. You should know what my requirements are, right?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing this, the soldiers roared in unison

"The geese are plucked! Not a blade of grass grows!"

Ningguang sighed with a headache.

He didn't know how to complain to Jiang Xuan for a while.

This guy has completely taught his soldiers to become bandits.

Jiang Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

"very good! Very impressive, I look forward to your triumph!"

"You are the most elite soldiers selected and the first army to explore the Dusk Forest. You are a role model for all soldiers."

"You know what to do"

"Now, come forward and receive your drawn swords."

Hearing Jiang Xuan say this, everyone immediately cheered up.

Even the soldiers who were watching not far away stood on tiptoes and watched expectantly. It is true that they have no share in drawing swords now.

But if they are not guaranteed, they will in the future..

What's more, this batch of Twilight Forest Exploration Team is the first batch, and there will be rotations later. It's not a bad idea to see the swords in advance!

The speed of receiving the swords is very fast, and the soldiers are very enthusiastic.

Get the swords After the sword, no matter how strict the discipline is, I can't help but pick up the sword and look at it for a moment. These swords are all the most basic puppets.

However, the Qianyan Army didn't care. They didn't look at it less during this period. When they arrived at Zhongli, they upgraded and drew their swords.

They upgraded from basic puppets to weapons with the power of space.

They also roughly understood the process.

Even if they didn't understand, they would bring a few swordsmiths with them to the Twilight Forest this time!

Jiang Xuan Seeing that the soldiers quickly regained their composure and lined up again, they nodded with satisfaction and continued:

"Many of you should have seen it. This is the most basic sword-drawing puppet. As for how to upgrade this puppet later, it all depends on you."

"This drawn sword is yours."

The forging method of Ba Dao sword is strictly controlled by Jiang Xuan and others.

The degree is the same as that of hot weapons.

Only the blacksmith knows part of the production of Ba Dao sword.

Even if it is upgraded, the soldiers need to send Ba Dao sword to the blacksmith for upgrade.

After all, the sword will be upgraded to a weapon that controls the power of space. If it is promoted on a large scale, the danger is still great.

Jiang Xuan is not afraid of trouble, but Ningguang and the others do not want to cause trouble.

These swordsmiths have signed contracts and will never say Get out.

In the long run, the drawn sword will be a monopolized resource.

Being able to get a drawn sword is equivalent to getting another family heirloom for the soldiers.

"I hope that after exploring the Twilight Forest, the puppets in your hands will evolve into truly powerful famous swords."

"In addition, keep in mind the Dusk Forest exploration requirements. If someone violates the requirements, the sword will be withdrawn."

The soldiers nodded seriously.

"The swordsmiths know how to use a drawn sword, and they will guide you when the time comes. Jiang

Xuan paused and then said:

"Don't think I'm exaggerating about the Dusk Forest. There are countless dangers in it, and you can't be too careful."

"The totem of immortality never leaves your body, and your weapons never leave your hands. Whether you are exploring or collecting, you must strive for victory steadily."

"Don’t ask for merit, but ask for no faults. Some of you are the top combatants of the elite hot weapon troops, and more of you are the dragoons."

"Countries have put a lot of effort and energy into you, and all actions are based on safety."

"Dashi, you four commanders must shoulder all responsibilities. Any loss of one of you will be considered dereliction of duty. Do you understand?"

Dashi and other commanders of the armies of the four countries nodded heavily.

They knew what to do without Jiang Xuan's reminder.

These soldiers were not only their subordinates, but also their brothers who were like relatives and friends.

Jiang Xuan nodded and looked Xiang Ningguang said softly:

"Is there anything else you would like to add?"

Ningguang smiled and shook his head.

"That's pretty much what you said. It's just that security is the most important issue, resources and so on. Just take your time. We're not in a hurry."

"I do have one last thing to say, though."

After that, Ning Guang took a step forward, glanced around the soldiers, and said loudly:

"At the end of three explorations, those with outstanding results will be included in the reserves of the new army."

New legion?

The soldiers looked at Ningguang in confusion.

The latter raised his staff.

"The new legion, called the Thousand Wizards, holds the staff and controls the extraordinary!"

This big cake hit everyone on the head.

Having seen the staff of Jiang Xuan and others, they knew exactly what it was.

To put it bluntly, I'm afraid it is more powerful than drawing a sword.

I Being able to get the staff... pie in the sky is not enough to describe it.

Seeing that the enthusiasm of the soldiers was completely mobilized,

Ningguang chuckled, said nothing more, and glanced at Jiang Xuan.

The latter did not say much, Pointing to the portal not far away, he said loudly:

"Set off! Target Twilight Forest! The geese are plucked!"

"I wish you all a triumphant return to the Pill!".

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