Mond's dragons are stationed outside Xumi City.

After all, the dragon knight army is still very intimidating.

Ying and others had an unimpeded journey, and many people were seen hurrying towards the Academy.

Seeing that they all have weapons in their hands, there is no need to say more about their purpose.

The skirmishers were tied to the back of a dragon. The dragon roared, flapped its wings again, and rushed toward Liyue Port with a storm.


In the MC main world.

After all, Jiang Xuanhe had been squatting on the second floor underground and studying for a long time.

Although there is hope, Jiang Xuan will definitely not focus on module research.

From time to time, I have to hug and stick to the end.

But this time the module is either very simple.

Or, it was simply someone Jiang Xuan was familiar with before.

Wizardry, drawn swords, and furniture mods.

No need to say much about drawing the sword.

Of the 10,000 people who have played MC, 9,000 have played Draw Sword.

Out of nine thousand people, five thousand knew how to draw a sword.

Besides, Drawing a Sword is a very entry-level module, and it’s not very difficult.

It sounds like sealing knives, demon knives, magic knives and the like are very complicated.

But in fact, as long as you keep in mind, the Wumingdao puppet is the mother of ten thousand knives and has evolved in a different direction.

Various high-level monsters will drop powerful sword-drawing foundations, and their evolution direction is fixed.

This way, drawing the sword is much easier.

Jiang Xuan’s new Ba Dao Sword module accommodates many Ba Dao Swords, and even Ba Dao Swords are included in subsequent bundles.

It's a pity that Jiang Xuan doesn't have what he wants most, the end of all things and Khaos.

But think about it, releasing such an outrageous killing blade would indeed make people very worried.

The level of danger is too high.

As for the furniture mods, there’s not much to say.

Jiang Xuan's current inventory of materials is completely sufficient to mass-produce various furniture.

In this short time, he had already made a TV, a refrigerator, and a microwave oven.

All that is needed are materials that are easily available.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Xuan felt that this should be a sign of Tongzi's conscience and improve his happy life.

As soon as the furniture module appears, the second decoration of Jiang Xuan's villa can begin.

Although we are still far away from restoring the modern life of the previous world, we can at least live a more modern life.

As for Wicca... it's very difficult.

But due to the bundles of Wicca and Dusk Forest, everyone is familiar with it.

At that time, you only need to summarize new spells, new equipment, etc., and you can get started directly.

It’s just minerals, you still need to go down the mine to explore again.

This isn't a big deal either.

Generally speaking, these three new modules are highly practical, have high upper limits, and are easy to acquire.

A real welfare module.

As for the personal rewards given to Jiang Xuan by the system... the Sword of Dominance of the World and the Longbow of Fall of Heaven.

A perfect killing sword and the strongest bow and arrow.

Even for Jiang Xuan, these two weapons were quite outrageous.

Simply put, in this world, unless there is a Titan module.

Otherwise, there are no monsters that Jiang Xuan can't kill with one sword.

There are even rumors that this sword can kill players in creative mode.

The most powerful bug.

That is to say, this sword is in Jiang Xuan's hand.

Otherwise, he won't be able to sleep well.

Unfortunately, the rich rewards also mean that the difficulty of the next mission increases dramatically.

Light up all the drawing sword illustrations, and there must be a hundred drawing swords for each drawing...

To be honest, it is not difficult, but it is very time-consuming.

I have to mention that Ying Ying is currently holding the demon knife like a leech.

That is a weapon that requires killing thousands of monsters to forge.

The demon knife is like a leech, but there is also a blood knife like a leech...

There are layers of Arhat, and Jiang Xuan has to consider whether there are enough monsters to kill.

At the very least, I have to make a dozen more monster spawning towers.

However, the current modules are enough for everyone to use for a long time.

Taking more time to buffer is also a good choice.

Not to mention anything else, just the use of the witchcraft module, conservatively estimated, can't be fully understood within two months.

It just so happened that Jiang Xuan was allowed to improve the construction of the city during this period.

With furniture modules, the construction of modern cities is easier.

If you can give me a vehicle module next time... that would be perfect.

"Jiang Xuan Jiang Xuan!"

Finally, he jumped into Jiang Xuan's arms.

"I have memorized dozens of furniture synthesis tables! Praise me!"

Jiang Xuan put away the famous sword he had just forged, Silver Paper Bamboo Light.

This sword is the highest-level sword he can currently make.

Compared with the module that was just opened, there is nothing.

Yaohun and the like are even more rare. Never seen it before.

It would be nice to make a silver paper bamboo light.

At the very least, if this thing is broken, it can still be used as a sheath.

After touching Gui Xuan’s head, Jiang Xuan said softly:

"It's awesome after all, but... don't you know that I usually ask everyone to write down these synthesis tables and then use them when composing them?"

After all, his face froze, and the pride and joy on his face collapsed, and he stared at Jiang Xuan resentfully.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier! I've been struggling for so long, why?"

"To show your unique wisdom!"

Jiang Xuan pinched Gui Shi's cheek and chuckled:

"There are benefits to memorizing it, so don’t be embarrassed."

Finally, he hummed, lay in Jiang Xuan's arms, and muttered:

"What were you doing just now? I see you have been tinkering with drawing the sword."

Jiang Xuan shrugged.

"Just draw the sword, I synthesized a famous sword……"

"Famous sword? Is it strong?"

Finally, his eyes lit up and he looked at Jiang Xuan expectantly. The latter said helplessly:

"The intensity of the silver paper bamboo light is not high. I am just testing it. A truly powerful drawn sword is not so easy to make."

"Black Fox, White Fox, Yamabuki, Terrace, Muramasa, Sanhua, Yaksha, Orochi Crocodile Gate, Enma Sword……"

"These are considered powerful drawn swords, but the production requirements are difficult."

"Either you have to kill powerful monsters to drop embryos, or you have to kill thousands of monsters to train them."

"In short, take your time and don't rush."

After estimating the time, Jiang Xuan felt that Ying and the others were almost coming back. He was about to tell Gui Zhi that he would go out to call people and tell them about the three newly opened modules.

Gui Zhi rolled his eyes and pouted. He raised his mouth and brought it to Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan laughed dumbly.

"You (cffd) are such a clingy little baby"

"How do you like it?"

Gui Zhong looked at Jiang Xuan playfully, but the latter did not speak and answered her with actions.

Holding Gui Zhong's waist tightly, Jiang Xuan moved quietly.

As a qualified carnivore. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It makes sense to place beds everywhere in the manor villa, right?

Jiang Xuan euphemistically calls it decoration.

But decoration always comes in handy!

Although he finally said that he wanted to wait until he returned to Teywat, Let’s talk about this matter in a few days.

However, after all, the hard work in the laboratory has stimulated him a lot. It’s not easy for Jiang Xuan to endure it until now.

Eat meat!

If you can eat it one day earlier, you don’t have to wait. One day.

By the time I finally realized what I was doing, it was almost late.

"Didn’t I say it would be a few days later? Are you so anxious?"

"Of course."

Jiang Xuan replied casually.

"If I have no idea about you, as a young and invincible beautiful girl, can you accept it?"

"snort! quibble!"

Although I really want to wait until a few days to rest before taking this step seriously, but when my emotions get up, it is really hard to go against my heart.

Jiang Xuan gently rubbed his head and was about to say something.

Suddenly , there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

"Jiang Xuan, come out quickly, they are back!"

Gan Yu's voice sounded, and Gui Shi's eyes instantly returned to clarity, and he pushed Jiang Xuan away.

"Tsk... What a pity, the duck flew away."

Jiang Xuan shook his head with regret.

"fart! It's obviously a white swan, right? Obviously, today is not suitable."

After all, he poked Jiang Xuan in the face with a smile, packed up, and walked out the door.

"Come on, everyone is waiting for the new module!"

Looking at the graceful death, Jiang Xuan pouted.

If it weren't for his professional ethics that required him, Jiang Xuan would have given himself a day off today. He quickly stepped forward and slapped him. end

"What are you doing!"

Finally, he glared at Jiang Xuan angrily, and the latter shrugged.

"You charge interest but don’t eat the meat. Why don’t you let me smell the meat?"

Finally rolled his eyes.

"Have you not eaten meat yet?"

"To me, that doesn't count as eating meat."

"Okay, stop acting like a child, I won’t run away after a few days!"

Jiang Xuan didn't say anything else. He and Guizhi looked at each other and pretended to be good brothers again. They were arm- in-arm, chatting about the module they had just figured out.

Not long after, they returned to the living room.

Ying, Qin and the others It seems that he just came back not long ago, and there are still Disiya and Nilu sitting next to him.

It's just that these two people are now confused and shocked, and they obviously haven't recovered yet.

Jiang Xuan didn't say anything.

He just entered this world. After all, there are only a few people who accept the setting of this world.

No, or there are none at all.

Even an alchemy master like Abedo who is used to seeing unreasonable things, his scalp was numb when he first came in.

"You're back. Did you encounter any trouble?"

Jiang Xuan said casually, sat on a chair and took a sip of tea.

"Hum! Is there anything I can't do if this girl takes action?"

Ying raised her head proudly and said proudly:

"Xumi's matter has been resolved, but there is still a lot of aftermath work to be done."

"However, Elhaysen and the others said that the focus of their work now should be on the Flower Goddess’s birthday festival in a few days. By then, Nasida can have a grand birthday."

"Everyone in Xumi will celebrate your birthday!"

Nascida's eyes lit up, and she had some expectations in her heart. Although she tried her best to keep her calm mind, the slightly raised corners of her mouth betrayed her.

"Thank you, Ying……"

The birthday of the Flower Goddess...

Nasida had been looking forward to it for five hundred years.

From the moment she became the Little Lucky Grass King, she had imagined countless times what her own Flower God's Birthday would be like.

In the dream, Nasita entertained herself by having this kind of dream for a long time.

Finally, after today... this time, this festival finally belongs to her.

Jiang Xuan rubbed Nasida's head lovingly and thought about what birthday gift to give Nasida.

After pondering for a moment, I still felt that the big zongzi still moving on the side was a bit annoying.

Pointing at the rice dumplings, Jiang Xuan wondered:

"Put the rest aside first. What is this zongzi...? Hearing this

, Ying immediately cheered up and said with a smile:

"This is my great nephew, Skirmisher, no!"

"The thunder and lightning country collapses! Thunder cannon!".

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