Candice quickly looked up and took a look.

Sure enough, the water in the iron bucket fell onto the wooden pile and began to spread downward strangely.

The most outrageous thing is that it originally only had the capacity of one iron bucket.

When it was poured out, there was an endless supply, and it spread downwards at a completely unreasonable slow speed.

After landing on the ground, it spread to a radius of several meters.

Is that some kind of iron bucket of cave magic?

Candice found an answer in her heart.

Liyue had cave magic, and she knew about it.

As Ying, it is outrageous to have an iron bucket with cave magic, but it is not impossible.

Ying spread her wings and landed on the ground, clapped her hands

"You're done, the never-ending water resource achievement is unlocked!"

"It should be the achievement of desert philanthropists! Paimon complained with a smile and glared at her.

"You know better!"

After that, he ignored Paimon and walked to Candice's side.

"Well, you will no longer be short of water resources in the future."

Candice looked at Ying with some confusion. For a moment, she was not sure what was going on.

Such clear water is rare in the entire desert.

People in Aru Village did not dare to come forward for a while, and they all gathered around in surprise. Looking at it outside.

Use these water resources sparingly. Aru Village can last for a month.

Moreover, it is too clean!

The adults quickly stopped their children for fear that they would pollute these hard-won water sources.

My family knows their own affairs. , it is difficult to drink water in the desert.

If you pollute the water source, you will cut off other people's livelihood and will be hated by everyone.

Candice put down her thoughts and whispered:

"Thank you, Ying. This water is enough for everyone to save money and use it for a month."

"A month?"

Ying laughed dumbly.

"I told you, this is an endless supply of water that you won’t be able to use up in ten thousand years!"


Candice was confused and Ying didn't explain much. She asked a villager nearby to borrow an iron bucket.

He leisurely walked to the water, filled a bucket of water, and poured it aside.

107 Suddenly, the people in Aru Village felt distressed.

But this was a personal gift, so they couldn't say anything.

Candice opened her mouth, not knowing whether to stop her for a moment.

But slowly, everyone was speechless.

Even though Candice had such a stable mentality, she looked at Ying in disbelief.

After a while, Ying poured more than twenty buckets of water.

The ground was wet with water.

But the water source was not consumed at all.

It's exactly the same as it was before.

Ying finished pouring another bucket of water and felt something was inappropriate.

I turned around and saw a big pit on the side. Maybe it was originally a pool, but unfortunately it was dry now.

His eyes lit up, and Ying held the bucket and poured water into the pool.

Everyone looked at her in shock. About half an hour later, they touched the pool that was dozens of meters in size.

A layer of water source has been laid.

But the water flow on the pillar still did not decrease at all.

It's like it's never moved.

Water resources that will never be consumed... seem to be real!

Candice's arms began to shake.

For deserts, what can a place that can never run out of water do?

That is the lifeblood of all desert people.

Ying returned the barrel to the woman and said with a smile:

"Do you believe it now? As long as this water source exists, you can water the entire desert with water."

"If that pillar is not broken, your water will be endless. How about that? I didn’t lie to you!"

"in addition……"

Ying blinked, and the wind elemental power surged in his backhand, raising a large piece of sand towards the water source.

This time, everyone felt nervous.

This endless water source has proven that this is destiny.

If it was contaminated, it would be really disappointing.

But before Candice and others could panic, they noticed that the sand fell on the water source (cfeg) and disappeared strangely.

It doesn't fall to the ground and settle, but disappears directly.

Ying put her hands on her hips and said proudly:

"This water source will never be polluted, even if someone poisons it."

"Even if your area is prone to sandstorms, as long as that pillar is not broken, you don’t have to worry about contaminating this water source."

"Always maintain a pure and infinite source of water. Is this a big enough gift?"

Candice suppressed the throbbing in her heart, quickly stepped forward, picked up a handful of water, and drank it in one gulp. A pure and refreshing feeling came to her heart.

You can drink it!

The taste is not too exaggerated, it's just It's just very clean water, a little bit, more like mountain spring water.

Candice straightened up, turned her head and looked at Ying with complicated eyes.

After a moment of silence, she bent down seriously.

"Ying, please accept the highest respect from the people of the desert!"

"You gave all the desert people hope to live!"

Seeing that Candice had confirmed the authenticity of this water source, all the desert people were excited. They pinched themselves quietly to confirm that it was not a dream.

They also bent over the screen with a serious look on their faces.

No one was more excited than them. Clearly, how important it is to have water here that will not be polluted and will not be used up.

It is the continuation of their lives.

In other words, Ying allows all of them to live.

This big scene makes Ying a little bit panicked

"well! That... don't do that……"

"It's just a casual gift, don't be so serious!"

Candice was smiling and obviously in a good mood.

"No, it's worth it, Ying, you don't understand the desert people's desire for water."

"In the desert, water is more important than everyone's life! Not only for the present, but for our future and for all future generations of desert people."

"All are incomparably important."

After that, Candice waved, and the soldiers on guard immediately understood and swarmed around the water source. Their faces were serious, and they were in a state of defending their home and country.

Seeing this, Ying felt a little melancholy in her heart.

See She was so used to Liyue singing and dancing that she had forgotten.

In this corner of the world, there are still people struggling to survive.

"From today on, this place will be listed as a sacred place in Aru Village. Anyone who dares to trample on the holy water will be the enemy of all our desert people!"

Candice raised her arms high.

The shouts of the people of Aru Village also echoed throughout Aru Village. With this water source appearing, they can use water without scruples in the future, and even bathing every day is not a problem.

People of the Desert It’s not that they don’t like to take baths rarely, it’s just that they can’t bear to do so.

In the desert, how can such a luxurious water source be wasted?

But now, with... this endless water source will be the starting point of everything. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Back then, King Daci Shu brought rainforest to a barren Sumeru Desert.

From today on, with this endless water source here, maybe they can also transform their homes.

Kan Tisi walked quickly to Ying and looked at Ying anxiously.

"Ying, can you explain in detail how this water source needs to be protected?"


Ying's eyes became more complicated.

In the MC world, everyone in the MC world carries this bucket of water with them only when they play with water. It's no problem to throw it away.

To be honest, the value of this bucket of water is far worse than that of an iron bucket.

She just pretended it casually in Jiang Xuan Garden before she left.

But seeing Candice's serious face, Ying still didn't tell her about it.

She said patiently:

"This water source has some characteristics. As long as it is placed at a high place, it will spread continuously."

"Therefore, as long as the wooden pillars are not damaged, the water source will continue to spread. Candice suddenly felt enlightened, pinched her chin and said:

"In this case, we have to fence this place. The wooden pillars can be easily destroyed.……"

Ying pursed her lips and did not tell her that this wooden pillar would not be chopped down with an ax from the MC world.

Even if you cut it for a day and a night, it won't break down.

After thinking for a while, Ying said softly:

"Let me help you fence it. I happen to still have some fences here. Candice was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly waved her hands and said:

"No, no, you have already helped us so much, we can’t trouble you any more."

"Don't worry, it's just a casual matter!"

Having said that, I didn't give Candice a chance to continue to refuse.

I took out a wooden fence and placed it easily on the ground.

With everyone's confused expressions, it took less than a minute to complete the fence.

Finally , and kicked him hard with elemental power.

The wooden fence did not move at all.

Ying nodded with satisfaction, took out the fence door and installed it.

A perfect fence was successfully put on the ground.

"This... is so weird……"

Alhaysen murmured.

All his years of academic research had exploded.

Watching Ying unreasonably throw out the fence, take root on the ground, place other fences, and immediately merge together, as if they were born this way.

Ying clapped her hands, returned to Candice, and said with a smile:

"You're done! You can arrange the rest, and don’t take it too seriously. If the water source is gone, contact me and I will put some more in for you."

"I brought a bucket of water with me when I came out this time, otherwise I could put some more for you."

Candice carefully observed Ying's expression and saw that she really didn't care. She also guessed that this thing might not be a good thing in the Four Nations Alliance. She felt emotional in her heart, but she still nodded and said:

"Thank you, Ying."

After that, Candice chatted with the village chief on the side.

It was nothing more than arranging people to station and then let the villagers of Aru Village fetch water.

After a while, all the villagers came, holding a bunch of containers in their hands. , looking here eagerly.

Although the water source is endless, it cannot be wasted.

Desert water is hard-won.

After that, Candice took Ying and others back to the village chief's house.

She saw many people along the way. The villagers were rushing past happily, and Aru Village became lively.

Candice was very happy.

She hadn't seen the villagers in Aru Village so happy for a long time.

In the future, with water, everyone's life will be much better.

Candice didn't care what happened to these things, she just wanted to make Aru Village better.

But Elhaysen felt that things were too weird, and she was full of doubts and wanted to ask her.

However, before she could enter, the village Brilliant thunder bloomed outside.

Candice's heart tightened and she said in a deep voice:

"You guys go back first and I'll go take a look."

Ying felt that it would be something interesting. After all, she had been here in Xumi for so long and hadn't even fought a decent battle. She was already feeling itchy. She rolled her eyes and said with a smile:

"Me too, I'm very strong!"

Ying is about to go, and Elhaysen and Disia will naturally not let Ying go out alone.

After all, Ying was invited by them, not to mention Ying's strength. If anything happens, they will not The method was explained to Ning Guang and the others.

Candice thought for a while and felt that some helpers would be fine.

The violent thunder elements outside were much stronger than hers.

Having someone together would be considered multiple insurances.

She nodded. , Candice took everyone and set off...

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