outside the window.

After all, the dog was lying quietly at the window, looking eagerly through the opaque window.

The dusty authority in his hand exudes a faint khaki luster, and his delicate little face suppresses unspeakable excitement.

Mumbling, talking to himself

"See if this girl doesn’t scare you to death!"

"How dare you ask me to beat your legs in front of so many people, damn it!"

"This girl is young and beautiful, so I don’t want to lose face! Who and you are brothers!"

"If you don't play with me, you will do bad things with Gan Yu and the others! Let me keep working overtime on your redstone technology!"

"hateful! hateful! When you start, I will scare you to death! Let you not dare to have any thoughts about Xiao Ganyu and the others for a month!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint murmur came from behind Gui Zhong's ears.

"What are you going to do?"

"Needless to say, of course he used the power of dust to smear him with sand.……"

After all, he said something enthusiastically, but before he finished speaking, his face suddenly froze.

He turned his head stiffly and smiled stupidly.

Immediately he blinked and raised his hand to smack Jiang Xuan in the face with sand.

But before he could take action, Jiang Xuan grabbed his wrist and pinned him to the wall.

The dust that had just condensed fell down, and finally made me confused.

"Bah bah bah! Damn you guy, you bullied me again!"

Finally, he glared at Jiang Xuan angrily, and the latter rolled his eyes.

"Conscience of heaven and earth, if you hadn't wanted to cause trouble, would I have come out?"

"That's why you embarrassed me first this afternoon! You asked me to give you a massage in front of people from all four countries. I don’t want to lose face!"

Gui Zhi snorted, then looked down and noticed Jiang Xuan coming out shirtless.

Under the moonlight, he was holding his arms and banging him against the wall.

Gui Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt his cheeks getting a little hot for no reason..

His eyes wandered and he muttered:

"What are you going to do! How shameless! Let me go! Be careful I'm calling someone! I'm going to tell Gan Yu and the others!"

Jiang Xuan curled his lips.

"It's reasonable for you to complain to Zhongli. You didn't show any martial ethics and you wanted to sneak attack me while I was doing business."

Finally, his mouth narrowed and he said aggrievedly:

"After all, I’m a girl too, and if you’re like this... I won’t be able to get married!"

"Pull down! Jiang

Xuan glared at Gui Zhi and whispered:

"Get out of here, or I'll deal with you."

Finally, he showed his little tiger fangs angrily.

"You can't just let me go! It happens every time!"

"You're about to sneak up on me. I've already given you face by not starting a fair samurai duel with you. Could it be that you also want to have a duel with me in front of me?"

Hearing this, he finally shut up.

Jiang Xuan didn't regard her as a member of the opposite sex at all. He treated her completely like a good brother with the same goals.

The two maintained this strange state. After a moment of silence, Jiang Xuan Xuan was a little helpless:

"It's getting late. Go back to bed quickly. There are still many things to do tomorrow."

"whispering sound……"

Finally, he said resentfully:

"You just dislike me for interrupting your business"

"if not?"

Jiang Xuan took it for granted and complained:

"I've been tolerant enough to you. If it were anyone else who dared to come and disturb me when I was doing business, I would have struck out with an iron fist."

After that, Jiang Xuan let go of his hand, rubbed Gui Su's head, and cleared the dust off her head with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back. Finally , he stared at Jiang Xuan dimly and said dissatisfiedly:

"Scumbag! You said before that you would play with me every day! It will also help me design skills!"

"Didn’t I help you design it?"

"Alas... that's not the point!"

Finally, he muttered:

"I have been resurrected for so long, and you ask me to research red stone technology for you every day. As soon as I enter that world, you urge me to work instead of playing with me!"

As he said this, he finally lowered his head in a somewhat disappointed manner.

"Really, if you don’t want to play with me, why are you resurrecting me?"

"Morax is avoiding me, Ping'er and Liuyun are doing some building work every day, and you are only interested in falling in love with Gan Yu and the others.……"

"Did you resurrect me just to make me work? If I didn't have the talent for machine arts, wouldn't you want to resurrect me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xuan sighed helplessly.

After all, she was a little hesitant after all.

She was a lively and active little girl. If you insist on saying that, even though she had lived for thousands of years, she still...

In the years before, I was just born after all, full of curiosity about the world.

But before I saw any scenery, I became the god of the people of Guiliji.

Commanding so many people, they were involved in the war between demons and gods.

Living every day She lives in dire straits in precarious days.

She is worried that her people will be attacked by demons and monsters, and she is worried that she cannot take good care of her people and will not be able to become a qualified god.

The girl's nature is suppressed to the limit.

To put it simply, at an age when she should be lively, she has to He was forced to be sensible and shoulder the responsibility of life and death for everyone.

Then... he fell during the attack of the demon.

Until the last moment, all he thought about was what his people would do without him in the future.

Morax was a good fighter. God, but when it comes to management, he is not bragging after all. None of the ten can compare to him.

This was also the terms of the original covenant.

Zhongli and the immortals under his command are responsible for protecting the people of Guiliji and are ultimately responsible for management.

But thousands of years later After being resurrected a hundred years later, I thought that I would still be needed by my people, and I would need to continue to lead my people forward.

Suddenly, I heard that I had been dead for thousands of years, Guiliji disappeared, and only the people of Liyue were left. The people of Liyue barely know much about her.

Emperor Yanwang abdicated, and Liyue entered the era of human rule.

After his resurrection, he took the time to travel all over Liyue.

Thousands of years of vicissitudes, and the world has changed. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He couldn't find any trace or necessity of his own existence.

The people of Liyue had abundant food and clothing, lived and worked in peace and contentment, did not need gods, and lived in a way that others could not afford.

I am finally confused.

Simply put, it is the biggest philosophical question in life.

"What does my existence mean to this world?"

After releasing the burdens and shackles on her body, she finally regained her girlish nature, but at the same time, she was also a little sentimental.

The meaning of the devil lies in loving people, and in the end, the meaning of the devil is to guide the people forward.

This time, she I can't find the need for myself.

Let her study red stone technology. In fact, first of all, she does have this talent after all. She is the most talented person Jiang Xuan has ever seen. She will also be a real red stone master.

Secondly, , also to find something to do in the end.

So far, two demon gods have been resurrected.

There is really no such hesitation, it is entirely because the shadows have made a lot of mess, and there is really no time to think about these things.

Moreover, Inazuma also needs to really Jurisdiction.

But Liyue, with her political transparency and prosperity, really does not need gods.

Saying that she loves to play is actually her pursuit after truly liberating her nature.

It is also a way to find other ways for herself to have a sense of existence.

It's a pity......

Just as Guizhu said.

That guy Zhongli really has no heart. After Guizhu was resurrected, Zhongli seemed to have solved the biggest knot in his heart.

After Guizhu was resurrected, he stopped caring.

Although Pingzi and Liuyun reconciled with Guizhu They are good best friends after all, but these two usually spend most of their time in the MC world playing with strange buildings. The only one who can play with Gui Zhi is Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan also promised Gui Zhi He would play with her, but in the final analysis, he still let Gui Zhong go to work first.

Sighing and looking at the somewhat disappointed Gui Zhong in front of him, Jiang Xuan rubbed her head and said softly:

"Don't think too much, your resurrection means a lot to everyone."

After all, he was stunned for a moment and looked up at Jiang Xuan blankly.

"Everyone needs you very much, and I need you very much."

Jiang Xuan said softly, and in an instant, Gui Shi's heart beat even more passionately.

He opened his mouth, and he didn't know what words came to his lips. Jiang Xuan whispered again:

"If you don't resurrect, how can I find like-minded brothers?"

"Zhongli and the others don’t understand our pursuit of art at all. Only you are my confidant!"

After all, he fell silent. After a while, he curled his lips and muttered:


Jiang Xuan didn't say any more, stretched and said with a smile:

"In short, don’t think too much. I have indeed neglected you during this period and have been asking you to help me research redstone technology."

"But I also said that only you can truly master red stone technology. Many of my future plans will be inseparable from red stone."

"I can only ask you, you are very important to my world, understand?"

"If you want to play, you can play anytime, but you can’t play every day, right?"

Jiang Xuan pinched Gui Shi's cheek and said softly:

"Okay, go back to sleep. Tomorrow we will go to the Twilight Forest. There is a firefly forest with beautiful scenery and many magical things."

"At that time, I will let you have enough fun. After the exploration of the Twilight Forest is completed, I will take three days to help you design gorgeous attack special effects wholeheartedly."

Noting that Gui Zhong's confusion and loss had dissipated, Jiang Xuan didn't want to continue chatting outside and left his little Qilin alone in the empty room. He passed Gui Zhong and walked straight to the door.

But suddenly, Gui Zhi grabbed Jiang Xuan took his hand, pursed his lips, and said softly:

"Jiang Xuan, I have a question for you……"

"Loved, not dated, save my mother"


The decisive answer made Gui Zhan freeze on the spot. Jiang Xuan didn't say anything more, smiled and shook her off, and returned to the house.

I don't know how long it took before I finally came to my senses.

Some became angry and said:

"You guy! What the hell is that answer! What does it mean to have loved! Whoever loves you wants to date you! How pretentious!"

He gritted his teeth and stomped the ground a few times.

But after waiting for a while, he suddenly heard vague applause coming from the room. It was also mixed with Gan Yu's cheerful call.

Although he didn't have much experience , he But these thousands of years have not been in vain.

What is going on inside, you can clearly think about it with your toes

"What a scumbag!"

Gui Yue snorted and stared at the window for a while.

After a while, the sound of dust dispersed was heard.

Gui Yue finally disappeared without a trace.

In the silent night, only a sigh of loss was left.

Li Yue The earth fell into the silence of the night.

Pingzi, who was burning the midnight oil to study the construction design drawings of the MC world's reunion, suddenly turned her head and looked outside the door.

She could feel that finally was back.

She pushed the door open and was about to ask about the final result. One sentence.

But he saw that he returned to the room with a straight face and said nothing, leaving only a loud sound of closing the door.

Pingzi was stunned for a moment and said suspiciously:

"Let Jiang Xuan deal with it again?"

After a long while, he shook his head, sighed helplessly, and went back to the night battle design for ten...

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