"Let go... let go!"

Gui Zhi stared at Jiang Xuan in shame.

Jiang Xuan coughed dryly, immediately let go of Gui Zhi's hand, and said seriously:

"Don't worry, since you also pursue special effects, you gave me this crystallization of magical power."

"I will never let you down!"

"During this period of time, I will put aside all research on the seven elemental powers and devote myself wholeheartedly to your earthly authority."

"I have thought of many cool, beautiful and majestic tricks"

"Do you think Sand Binding Coffin, Sand Storm Funeral, and Infinite Dust Breakthrough are better?"

"Or does Shifting Sand Apparition, Forbidden Wall, and Trial of Dust sound better?"

Pingzi and Liuyun had black lines on their heads and looked at them speechlessly.

But in the end, they were thinking very seriously. After a while, they muttered:

"The names of these skills are too tacky, and they are too murderous. Are there any that fit the status of a beautiful girl, and have murderous intent hidden in their elegance?"

Jiang Xuan was stunned for a moment and looked at the end with emotion.

"You have indeed come a long way on this road... don't worry, there is plenty!"

"It's rare to meet a like-minded partner. Even if you don't, I will design one for you?"

"What do you think of Long Xingqun? After all

, he was stunned for a moment and said in surprise:

"Dragon Star Group? It sounds pretty cool, but I always feel that there are too few names and there is no momentum when I shout them out."

"Moreover, it doesn’t sound very elegant, not even comparable to Morax’s heavenly movements."

Jiang Xuan waved his hand with a profound look on his face.

"Although the name is short, the expression is really cool."

"I had previously advised Zhongli to transform everything in the sky. A meteorite is too boring. The dragon stars are so handsome."

"Countless meteorites descended directly from the sky in dense masses, huge in scale and majestic."

Finally, my eyes lit up.

"Like a meteor shower?"

Jiang Xuan nodded seriously.

"So handsome!"

Finally, little stars twinkled in his eyes, and he said contemptuously:

"That guy Morax really has no sense of aesthetics. Isn't such a handsome skill better than his Heavenly Movement?"

"He moved everything that day, and the big rustic rocks landed, what's so good about it!"

A bit of golden light suddenly appeared, and Zhongli rushed here with Wendy and others.

As soon as he appeared, he said calmly:

"From a common rational point of view, the so-called Dragon Star Cluster has dispersed power and cannot condense like all the phenomena in the sky and focus on attacking."

"The more elemental power is output, the damage will be reduced."


Jiang Xuan and Gui rolled their eyes together and said in unison:

"what is the relationship! Just be handsome!"

After the words fell, the two of them were stunned for a moment. After looking at each other, a feeling of sympathy for each other came into their hearts.

This is what a close friend is!

Zhongli's mouth twitched and he said helplessly:

"My elemental power is not wasted on... special effects."

"A guy who has no aesthetics and doesn't understand art."

Jiang Xuan complained, and those on the side finally nodded in approval.

After a pause, Jiang Xuan said again:

"Then why don't you use the Detianzhen Zhenxing? That thing condenses and doesn't disperse. It's not flashy, right?"

"Meteorites fall from the sky, press through the clouds, and attack with a momentum that crushes everything. Isn't this a cool and powerful technique?"

Zhongli held his forehead and sighed as he had a headache.

"Indeed, Tianzhen Zhenxing is very strong, but……"

"Based on the principle of universality, it is extremely rare to condense a meteorite, and I do not use all the phenomena in the sky without any scruples."

"And you asked me to summon three meteorites at once, and also asked me to land slowly. After landing, I must set off an earth-shattering explosion and petrify all enemies."

"This is inevitable……"

Before he finished speaking, he finally said with a hopeful face:

"So handsome! This is art!"

"Sure enough, you think so too, right?"

Jiang Xuan looked at Guizhu with a moved face.

Zhongli was silent.


Jiang Xuan and Guizhu are the people he can't deal with the most.

One is a close friend, and he can't beat him.

The other is his identified sister, And he feels ashamed of her.

These two people are still people with wild and unreasonable ideas.

Now that these two people are together, Zhongli feels that they may never have a clean life in the future.

As for Jiang Xuan’s statement about Tianzhen Zhenxing , Zhongli admitted.

That move is very powerful, but...

What does it mean that meteorites must fall slowly, bringing unprecedented psychological pressure to the enemy?

What does it mean that three meteorites must be condensed together, and what does it mean to have deeper despair after despair?

It is best to return it. He had to ask Zhongli to stand in the air with his arms folded and say something like,"You have solved this one, but what about the next one?""

What" is just gravel, not half as good as me!"

What?" This world is too small, only enough for me to do all the trouble on my own!"

This kind of line...

Is Taishe dead?"

"Leave this guy alone! After all , he looked at Jiang Xuan excitedly and said expectantly:

"Can I use the Tianyu Zhenxing move?"

Jiang Xuan held his chin and thought for a while, then said softly:

"I still don’t know how far your earthly authority can go"

"Can you condense sand into meteorites?"

Finally, he thought carefully and said:

"It should be a little difficult to condense, but if I use all my divine power to output, it should be fine."

"That’s it!"

Jiang Xuan clapped his hands and said with satisfaction: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This move is a cool clearing move at the bottom of the box. It condenses three meteorites and smashes them down one by one."

"The enemy had just eliminated one, but found that there was another one. Finally, he eliminated two of them, and finally another one came."

"The deterrent effect of the meteorite coming, and the psychological pressure caused by not knowing how many attacks this thing has."

"I would like to call this move the strongest!"

After all, he nodded repeatedly.

"I made a note of it and will call you when I do the experiment! Pingzi felt helpless and said softly:

"Although this move is powerful, if you use all your divine power to attack, you will fall into a long period of weakness."

"Moreover, the enemy may not always attack your meteorites."

"A demon god who is no longer able to continue fighting, and a meteorite that is difficult to deal with at first glance. No matter who you choose, they will give priority to you, right?"

"By releasing the Sky-Barring Zhenxing, you won't even be able to defeat an ordinary monster. This is a self-defeating attack."

After all, he was stunned for a moment and turned to look at Jiang Xuan.

Jiang Xuan didn't want the confidant he finally found to change his attitude like this.

He immediately waved his hand and said without caring:

"It doesn't matter! After all, you can still use the magic staff and the totem of immortality to instantly restore your peak strength."

"No matter what happens, I will follow her when she releases the Tianzhen Zhenxing. As long as I am here, no one can harm my like-minded confidant!"

Finally, he patted Jiang Xuan with a look of joy.

"That’s up to you! I am responsible for being as beautiful as a flower, and you are responsible for beating all my enemies to the ground!"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed, and finally took notes with great interest.

"Besides Tianzhen Zhenxing, are there any other tricks? It’s best to have a nice name and beautiful skill effects! Jiang

Xuan thought for a while and said softly:

"What do you think is the end of the earth rumbling and the sky roaring? You can also do some very gorgeous moves before releasing your skills. After all

, he wrinkled his face, thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"Too tacky! Not nice! another."

Jiang Xuan doesn't feel that the final result is too demanding. On the contrary, Jiang Xuan feels relieved that such a demanding final result has come. At least, he finally has someone who understands his pursuit of special effects.

"In this case, I will use my best tricks."

Jiang Xuan solemnly took out a notebook, moved it to Gui's side, opened the notebook and started reading.

"What do you think of the broken iron clothes in the battlefield of hundreds of battles?"

"Hmm...sounds a bit philosophical, but not gorgeous and elegant enough"

"What about the broken pieces that have fallen into disgrace?"

"It's too murderous and doesn't suit my status as a beautiful girl!"

"Is that so...the desert is as sandy as snow?"

"Hmm... This, I feel like it's almost meaningless. It's a bit monotonous to shout it out."

"Jiang Xuan, am I being a little too demanding? Jiang

Xuan waved his hand and said excitedly:

"No matter how harsh it is, the pursuit of art requires you to have such a rigorous and serious attitude. It doesn’t matter. I have plenty of them, so just keep looking!"

"Look at this, the mountains and rivers are like Shan County, and the wind and moon are like Changsha. Is this okay?"

Finally, his eyes lit up and he nodded thoughtfully.

"When the time comes when I release the sand, is this what I will call? I feel it sounds much better than Morax shouting about the heavens moving all things and the laws of nature always driving them."

"Write it down. Write it down! This is the second one. Help me find another one!"

Jiang Xuan nodded seriously and said with emotion:

"I just like people like you who have ideas and pursuits! I will handle it!"

The two of them got closer and closer. After a while, they almost seemed to be whispering.

Zhongli and others sighed helplessly.

They didn't expect that Jiang Xuan would be so special to Gui Zhong in this matter. In sync.

Should I say...

People with clear ideas are always similar?

Zhongli chuckled, shook his head and drank tea by himself.

"Old man, don't you feel nothing when you see that you are so close to Jiang Xuan after all?"

Wendy rolled her eyes, smiled and whispered in Zhongli's ear.

Zhongli glanced at him indifferently.

"How many times do you have to be punished by eating rocks before you can remember that the relationship between Gui Zhong and me is just a comrade-in-arms?"


Wendy spread her hands and said no more.

"Even if (Li Lihao) is a comrade-in-arms and you treat her as your sister, wouldn't you object if your sister might be with Jiang Xuan, a guy with a strong love affair? Zhongli paused and said calmly:

"Everyone has their own destiny, I have no right to interfere"

"When I was in Guiliji in the past, I fought day and night and only returned a handful of times."

"It is said that the alliance governs the people together, but in fact, they are ultimately responsible for the lives of the people."

"That kind of war-torn, precarious life was too depressing for her and killed her girlish nature."

"I think letting her have some freedom now can be considered as compensation for her."

Wendy didn't say anything. Anyway, looking left and right, you can't tell that Zhongli is a person who talks about relationships.

For Wendy, it's a little less fun.

"Worry and the west wind have an appointment, and we go to Qingqiu together every year……"

Zhong Li leisurely repeated the poem that Jiang Xuan had just chatted with Guizhu privately, with a hint of appreciation on his face.

"It's a good poem. I think Jiang Xuan copied articles from his previous world in order to make some nice-looking and nice-sounding skills."

"If you have time, you can ask him for advice."

Jiang Xuanhe was still exchanging ideas about cool skills in the end.

Zhongli and others had nothing to do, so they just chatted about the situation in that world.

After an unknown amount of time, Ningguang and others were belatedly arriving.

Just now As soon as I entered the door, I noticed the fiery and strange atmosphere of Jiang Xuan and Guizhi.

Suddenly, I felt a little weird...

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