Try it yourself?

Looking at the magma all over the ground, even Otto, who had a soul steel body, was a little daunted.

The soul steel body is indeed powerful beyond the reach of flesh and blood, but it is not something that can resist magma.

If he really had the power to resist magma, wouldn't he be able to use Heavenly Fire repeatedly, why would he have to destroy a soul steel body with a mimic Heavenly Fire out of the sheath?


Otto thinks that the World Serpent should have this ability.

Wendy was already standing at the beginning of the parkour track at this time, carrying nothing on her body except for the immortal totem.

The already lively viewing platform around him suddenly became even more lively when he saw Wendy coming.

The intermediate track, although it is called intermediate, but this evaluation method is obviously evaluated by Jiang Xuan's own considerations~.

There are not many people who can walk through the intermediate track at all.

To see Wendy here right now is something to celebrate—a little bit.

The referee quickly took over, and after checking the equipment that Wendy was carrying as usual, the countdown began.


Looking at the magma-red arena in front of her, Wendy moved her wrist.

"The show begins. "

With a light jump, hot lava beneath her, and Wendy's destination was a glass window that stood tall in the air.

At this scene, the hearts of Randale and the others who watched it suddenly beat wildly, and vaguely, cold sweat broke out in their palms.

"It's too dangerous! It's a joke with life!"

Tesla looked at Wendy with some complications.

"Don't worry, we're all used to it. "

The god on the side replied with a smile.

Otto's eyes flashed, and he quietly glanced at him.

Pink hair, witch costume, Far Eastern style......

Nasty feeling!

Without waiting for Otodo to think about it, he noticed his gaze, and Navillette on the side introduced it casually.

"That is Yae Miko, from Inazuma, the palace priest of Inazuma Narukami Taisha, that is, a shrine maiden. "

Surname Yae?

Ok, good, good!

At the same time, she is also a dependant of Thor and Jiang Xuan's fiancée. "


Since she is Jiang Xuan's fiancée, she is obviously a good person, and she must be different from some donkey-eared pink-haired witches who snatch love with swords.

Otto is still quite easy to pick up and put down.

Thanking Navillette, Otto was a little amused.

I used to have such a complicated mind.

Every day, I don't want to execute the plan, or I have a Karen fantasy.

Now I can have such an entertaining mentality......

I think about it, it is also because I see a better future, and that future is not far away.

He seems to be slowly turning back into the great inventor he used to be.

It's just that Otto understands that he is already a sinner......

Yae Sakura and Karen, he doesn't care.

Sinners can't touch holy maidens, but shrinemaidens can.

Karen and Yae Sakura will be happier together, then he will definitely be happy too.

Keeping Karen smiling holy, is the meaning of his existence.


Or that Otto is pure love.


Glondelle raised her arms and shouted, her usually calm cheeks flushed with blood.

It looks like it's a marvel at Wendyna's tightrope walk on the magma.

Otto dispelled his thoughts and stared over.

At this time, Wendy walked quickly through the glass window in the air.

The glass window was specially constructed, with sinuous curves and a transparent effect, and it looked as if Wendy was about to fall into the lava from above at any moment.

Wendy, however, walked very steadily, grinning, and seemed to be completely unimpressed.

When she reached the place where the glass window was broken, Wendy opened her hands and jumped down freely.

Suddenly, not to mention the people in the Honkai World, even the onlookers stood up excitedly.

Seeing that the lava is about to stick to Wendy's face, he is about to be swallowed by the lava.

Wendy quickly opened the chest from behind a block and took out the fishing rod.

At the last moment, he hooked a square in the air, and the rod flew upwards with Wendy, and he successfully stood on an iron fence.

After a moment of silence, there was earth-shattering applause.

Kiana jumped up and down excitedly and shouted.

Fu Hua inevitably had a hint of flushing on his face, and this feeling of dancing on the edge of life and death was really nostalgic.

"It's too strong!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Glondelle sighed with emotion, her eyes full of yearning.

"Whether it's the courage to jump off the magma pool, or the composure in the face of life and death. "

Or the speed with which he opened the box and took out the strange fishing rod to save himself, or the choice and precision of the narrow foothold. "

"This vision and strength, I am far inferior!"

"No wonder Wendy...... Sir, you can be so strong, it turns out that you have been trained in this kind of life and death!"

Rita sensed that something was wrong, and just as she tried to dissuade her, Glondelle clenched her fists and her eyes were full of determination.

"Okay! I decided! I also have to work so hard, only by constantly hovering on the edge of life and death can I become stronger faster!"

Rita's expression was a little complicated.

She knew that the MC world would definitely activate the stimulus factor in Randell's bones.

She won't change the genes of the Caslana family in her bones because of her name......

"I'm not looking down on Bianca's strength, it's just ......"

Jiang Xuan opened his mouth and said helplessly:

"If it's parkour, for the first time, I recommend you go to the beginner track. "

"The intermediate track already takes advantage of many of the special properties of the MC world, as well as the unique effects of many blocks. "

"If you don't know this, you will never be able to get through the intermediate track. "

"Besides, the intermediate track itself is difficult, you see Wendy's car familiar now, do you know how many times Wendy has died on this track?"

Seeing that Randell was a little dazed, Jiang Yan raised his fingers.

"Wendy, this guy, has died 1,074 times on the intermediate track, and everything on this track, he can walk through with his eyes closed. "

"Practice makes perfect. "

Glondelle and the others were silent.

turned to a slightly broken expression, and looked at Wendy with a sudden realization.


Practice makes perfect, which means that you have to die more than a thousand times to remember it for a long time......

Except for the MC world, who can play like this!

Don't take your life seriously!

Is the world crazy!

Tesla kept the last of his senses, and glanced at the immortal totem hanging on everyone's waist, and broke the defense a little.

Even if you have an immortal totem, you can't treat life as a child's play!

The people of the Honkai world, if there is an immortal totem, a big collapse will kill many fewer people.

As a result, this incomparably precious treasure, placed in the MC world, is a consumable for playing games?

Tesla wanted to cry for some reason.

Wendy is also familiar with crossing many levels, showing waves of dazzling operations.

It seems to be smooth, but only Dvalin, who has been following him, knows how miserable Wendy is to get to this point.

Play the game, Wendy is serious!

Overcoming the sudden blockade of Redstone Tec, Wendy soon came to a cliff.

There was no foothold here, except for the endless magma below.

Only in the distance was a high platform with a drop of nearly 20 meters.

Below Wendy, not far from the lava, there was a small box dangling in the air.

However, the underside of the box is marked with a clear TNT pattern, and it is clear that the box cannot be stepped on.

But apart from the box, the only remaining foothold is to take out the high platform.

It seems that it has reached a dead end.

"Isn't it a dead end if you open the box and you can't find other blocks when you jump?

Delisa complained a little speechlessly.

This familiar voice immediately noticed Nahida beside her.

Turning her head and looking at Delisa curiously with big eyes, she immediately narrowed her cute big eyes and replied:

"You're so smart, you guessed it right, you just want Wendy to jump on the high platform. "


Teresa was stunned for a moment, then seemed to have discovered some blind spot and looked at Nahida incredulously.

"You...... How do you ......"

"How can your voice be so similar to mine!!".

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