"Oh, yes. "

Jiang Xuan suddenly said again, and said softly:

"Then Villette, you are close to the guests of the Honkai World, take care of them, if there is anything they don't understand, you can help answer it. "

"Anyway, now that you've come to the MC world, you must be mentally prepared. "

Otto elegantly wiped the corners of his mouth and said softly:

"With Mr. Jiang Xuan's status, he shouldn't lie to us, and I believe that the MC world can perfectly solve all my dreams. "

"Therefore, my personal opinion is to do my best to cooperate with the MC world, and coincidentally, my personal opinion is the opinion of the world. "

Hearing this, Delissa looked at Otto with some annoyance.

The latter smiled helplessly.

"Of course, even so, Destiny is not a dictator, and I still want to ask for my good granddaughter. "

"MC World, can you really help us solve the Honkai?"

Jiang Xuan smiled without saying a word, snapped his fingers, and a ball of light and shadow appeared in his palm.

The light and shadow disc "980" rotated, and gradually formed a looming tree.

But the people of the Honkai World waited for their eyes in an instant, and the last trace of hesitation in Otto's heart dissipated.

He had to admit that Rao was five hundred years of mental experience, and this moment ......

He still couldn't contain his ecstasy.

That thing......

That is the deepest root in the world of trees and seas, the origin of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers!

Jiang Xuan, who can get this origin, means that he is the tree of imaginary numbers that he walks.

What this means is clear.

As long as Jiang Xuan needs it, the collapse can be solved immediately, and the collapse of the Honkai world can be withdrawn from the Honkai world immediately.

And what Otto wants, the world line of Kalian's existence, Jiang Xuan can modify it.

This is the power to grasp the origin of the tree of imaginary numbers.

The current Jiang Xuan is equivalent to the game administrator in the Tree and Sea Universe game.

Jiang Xuan slowly spread out his hand, and seven or eight wonderful crystals appeared in his palm.

Understanding Reproduction, Imaginary Spaces, Electromagnetism, Ideal Fluids, Molecular Motion......

All kinds of divine hearts representing the power of the lawgiver condensed out, and Jiang Xuan casually stuffed them into the hands of Qiqi and Nahida and the others beside him.

"This is the power of the origin of part of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers that I have cut off, and I will converge it, you understand the Tree of Imaginary Numbers better, and you should know what it means. "

"So...... Still have questions?"

Kiana glanced at Jiang Xuan blankly, thought about the four cores on her big sword, and suddenly felt that her lawyer core was very worthless.

"Honkai, it's not a problem for me, but I've always encouraged the worlds to deal with their own troubles. "

"This is also a good way to transform the resources and strength obtained by the MC world into a foundation. "

"Just like Teyvat, when there are problems in various countries, it is not up to me or the MC world to solve them. "

"They develop in the MC world, and they get resources from the MC world to feed back to Teyvat, and in this way, a virtuous circle is formed. "

"It's been able to grow to where it is today in less than two years. "

"Absolute safety breeds inertia, but relative danger catalyzes progress. "

"Bishop Otto should be well aware of this. "

Otto's smile was sunny, and his gaze was particularly fiery when he looked at Jiang Xuan.

"As Mr. Jiang Xuan said, with the help of the MC world, we should indeed solve the Honkai by ourselves. "

"If the MC world helps us and we still can't expel Honkai, then there will be some mud that can't hold up the wall. "

"Honkai should be the experience of the Honkai world. "

Jiang Xuan smiled and added:

"I guess you still have a lot of questions, but since you're here, you shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

Otto chuckled and nodded, at this time, he felt steady and relaxed for the first time in five hundred years.

"Of course, it's also important for us to learn from the development of our friends at Teyvat. "

Jiang Xuan bowed slightly, looked at Ningguang, who had already stood up with a pile of documents, and nodded:

"Let's get started. "

"In that case, I'll start with a brief summary. "

Ningguang glanced at everyone and said with a smile:

"At the beginning of this year, the nine cities and eighteen satellite cities of the main continent that we planned have all been completed, and not only that, but we are also ahead of schedule. "

"The New World has been explored, but the city is mainly built on Kanria, and the land use of the New World is a bit wasteful. "

"We plan to divide the land of the New World within this year and completely control it. "

"On the mainland of the archipelago, there is currently only one city, Fontaine. "

"However, due to the particularity of the archipelago continent, the development of Fontaine is the most suitable. "

"Within this year, we had our first server, Redstone Technopolid. "

"The most important mods have appeared, Witchcraft, Magic Metal, Gray Tech, and so on. "

"Although the number of modules is a little smaller than before, the quality is extremely high. "

"This year, we faced a forty-nine-day monster siege because of the construction of Redstone Technopol. "

"Our army has paid a terrible price, and the good news is that thanks to our efforts, they have all been resurrected. "

"Now, with our efforts in the new year, the main continent, the new continent, and the archipelago continent have all shown a prosperous appearance. "

"The army, the people, the culture, the economy, with the blessing of the MC world, Teyvat has developed rapidly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"For many other detailed data introductions, please watch the summary report at hand. "

Everyone looked down at the list in their hands, and Otto looked at Navillette beside him with great interest, and said curiously:

"This friend, can you give me a copy?"

Navillette glanced at him, took a copy and handed it to him...

"Thanks, haven't asked yet, are you ......"

Otto looked curiously at Navillette, who said calmly:

"Supreme Inquisitor of Fontaine of the Seven Earthly Kingdoms of Teyvat, Navillette. "

Otto narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled thoughtfully:

"It turned out to be the presiding judge, Mr. Navillette. "

Rita on the side listened to Himiko and Delisa whispering about the identities of these people, turned her head and pressed the headset to whisper to Otto.

Otto's eyes flickered, and he looked at Villette's gaze with more and more meaning.

"The Complete Dragon...... Is the Water Dragon King, one of the Seven Ancient Dragon Kings of Teyvat Elemental, also considered to be in the top ten in the MC world?"

Otto didn't say anything more, and for now, he was more interested in the data on the list.

Tesla and Teresa on the side also asked Himeko for a list and looked at it.

There was a lot of data they couldn't read, but ...... []

I can feel that powerful.

After everyone had read it, Ningguang continued:

Next, it is Jiang Xuan who proposed the development plan for the MC World New Year. "

"First of all, the original world of the Land of Plenty will remain unchanged, and it will be built as the headquarters of the MC Development and Construction Group, and at the same time, we will also build a private amusement park for the Klees. "

"Secondly, the second world of the Fertile Land, which was copied and created by Jiang Xuan, was built as the core capital world of the temporary MC world. "

"Before the city in the sky was unveiled, all the core offices were in the second Fertile Land Latitude World. "

"In the new year, the World Exploration Force of various countries and the 2.1 Association of Adventurers should cooperate with each other, and Jiang Xuan requested that seven new continents be discovered this year. "

"Prepare for the big construction that follows. "

"It is also imperative that each country at least one city under its jurisdiction be turned into a server within this year. "

"Every country must have at least three administrators. "

As soon as the words fell, Navillette frowned slightly, raised her hand and asked:

"Wait a minute, I have a question. "

Ningguang looked at Navillette and motioned for him to ask.

"The exploration troops, the development and construction troops, have divided all the manpower of Fontaine. "

"We need more people to settle in the MC world, and it's best to start now, so can this part of the people live in the Fertile Land for a while?"

Sora on the side also nodded.

"The last of Kanria's people, about 240,000 people, will continue to come in during the next period of time. "

"The capital of Kanria and the three newly built new towns are not capable of carrying so many people, can the land of abundance be opened sooner?"

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