Looking in the direction of Ningguang's finger, it was a continuous black barrier.

Like a black dragon lying on the ground.

On the city walls, there are also many soldiers patrolling, and all kinds of wonderful towers are scattered around.

That tower Himeko had seen it in Redstone Technopolis, and she heard Ningguang say that it was a unique tower defense technology in the MC world.

"The obsidian wall, made entirely of obsidian, is second only to bedrock in its sturdiness, and it is difficult for any explosion to destroy obsidian except for a nuclear explosion. "

Ningguang introduced softly, and Himeko was a little dazed.

"Obsidian, but shouldn't obsidian be fragile?"

"It seems that Himeko also has obsidian in your world, but your obsidian is probably different from ours. "

Ningguang smiled 727 and took out a piece of obsidian with his backhand.

"It's a block created by mixing lava and water, and most of the cities are built with these. "

After all, Ningguang said that he had built a small door frame out of obsidian on the ground.

This scene stunned Himeko.

After a long time, he was shocked:

"Is building a city the same as building blocks?"

"I forgot to explain that to you. "

Ningguang smiled and said softly:

"This is the MC world, to be precise, the characteristics of the MC world blocks, as long as they are placed according to the corresponding pattern, you can build a perfect building. "

"So, in terms of construction, it's still quite convenient, and there are many ways to use this feature, which will be introduced to you slowly in the future. "

Himeko pushed down the obsidian, feeling a little complicated.

Now that I look at it, this world is more and more like a game world.

"Then the bedrock you just said is ......"

"Bedrock is the root of this world, the cornerstone of the world. "

Ningguang continued to patiently explain:

"Bedrock is absolutely indestructible, absolutely indismantling, and has absolute density. "

"Absolute density?!"

Himeko looked at Ningguang in shock, she was also a genius herself, and naturally knew what such a thing as absolute density was.

It was something that could not exist in the world.

If it is really absolute density, then the indestructibility of the bedrock must be a fact.

Ningguang took out another piece of bedrock, and Himeko leaned over to observe it for a long time, but she really couldn't see any characteristics of this unsightly stone.

After a long time, I can only regret (cgbg) and say:

"If Dr. Einstein and the others saw it, they would be happy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Bedrock, although the absolute density is indestructible, is only enough to build defenses, and it is enough to resist the attacks of the lawyers. "

"Even the Honkai God has a hard time shaking the bedrock. "

"Ningguang, your MC world is amazing. "

Ningguang smiled proudly, and said:

"What's even more amazing is that you'll see it later. "

With that, Ningguang waved his hand at the soldiers on the city wall, and pulled down the lever beside him as the soldiers pulled down.

The wall-like gate in front of him fell, sinking into the ground and disappearing without a trace.

This is Redstone Tec, Himeko has seen it.

But rather than talking about technology, she felt that this kind of performance device was more like a mechanism.

Passing through the obsidian gate, the stubbornness behind them rose together.

Himeko looked around curiously as if she had entered a new world.

Everywhere there are Millelith troops in military uniform, shuttling through the base.

Not far away, there were tall towers everywhere, and there were many Millelith troops surrounding the towers, and they didn't know what they were doing.

The surrounding area is the same as a small town, with the houses and stalls set up in their own right.

In Wangyuan, there is a huge dueling arena. []

It seems to be cheering at this time, and it looks quite lively.

On the other hand, there are quite a few people who are training.

The military appearance and military discipline are the best that Himeko has ever seen.

But Himeko was shocked not by this, but by the army's various strange abilities, as well as ......

They all have immortal totems on their waists!.

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