"Jiang Xuan!"

Seeing Jiang Xuan falling backwards, everyone was shocked, and Ganyu rushed behind Jiang Xuan in an instant and hugged him tightly.

"Jiang Xuan, wake up, how are you?"

The women also gathered anxiously.

They had never seen such a fragile Jiang Xuan.

His face was pale, as if he had lost all the color of his blood.

With his eyes closed, he couldn't hear anyone else's call at all.

This time, Ganyu and the others burst into tears.

"Brother Jiang Xuan...... Brother Jiang Xuan doesn't want to have an accident, Klee doesn't want Brother Jiang Xuan to have an accident!"

At this time, Klee also guessed what was happening, her little mouth deflated, and suddenly the little pearl slipped down, looking at Jiang Xuan aggrievedly.

Jiang Xuan, who was in a coma, seemed to have passed centuries in a trance, and tried to open his heavy eyelids again, only to find that the women were still surrounding him.

He shook his head a little tiredly and turned his head to look.

The ships are still stuck next to the vanished continent of the game.

Jiang Xuan smiled.


"Jiang Xuan, how do you feel?"

Ganyu hugged Jiang Xuan's head tightly and looked at him worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, just like the original Ningguang and them, they are overconsumed in mental power. "

Jiang Xuan sighed helplessly and said softly:

"Don't worry about me, I'll recover faster, I'll have to sleep for a day or two at most. "

"It's still too big to change the code of life and death. "

Hearing this, Barbielo nodded in agreement.

"In any world, life and death are the laws that affect the stability and balance of the whole world. "

"You are shaking the foundation of the existence of the entire world, if it weren't for the fact that you are the master of the world, the backlash of the world will come, and you would have died. "

Jiang Xuan nodded helplessly.

"Fortunately, this is just a change in the code of life and death in an area. "

"However, in general, the game continent is still built. "

Ning Guang stared at Jiang Xuan with some anger.

"What time is it, do you still care about the game continent, can you still teleport? Let's go back to Redstone Tech City to rest first. "

Jiang Xuan shook his head and said softly:

"We don't need to go to Redstone Technopolis, the resort manor in the middle of the lake that we built before has been completed, and we can also go and see it. "

When it comes to the resort manor in the middle of the lake, Funina is a little shy, but right now, it's not the time to talk about it.

Everyone didn't care where they were going to rest now, the top priority was to find a place for Jiang Xuan to rest.

His mental energy is too exhausted, and he is not a problem that needs to be cured by a doctor.

He can only rely on himself to reply.

Immediately, everyone did not drag and teleported directly to the resort manor on the island in the middle of the lake.

Before he had time to enjoy the scenery here, Jiang Xuan fell asleep in a daze again.

There was no way, Ganyu and the others could only send Jiang Xuan back to the room to rest first.

When they finally finished tossing and seeing Jiang Xuan sleeping heavily on the bed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ganyu sat beside Jiang Xuan with a blank eye, staring at him all the time.

Ningguang said softly:

"There's no big problem with Jiang Xuan's side, he just needs to sleep, let's just take turns watching him. "

"Ganyu, I'll take your place in two hours. "

Ganyu pursed her lips and did not answer.

It's rare for Jiang Xuan to sleep, and she still wants to stay alone with Jiang Xuan for a while.

But Ningguang and the others naturally wouldn't let her enjoy it alone, and under the gaze of the women, Ganyu could only give in. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Alright. "

Ningguang snickered, and then said softly:

"Since the completion of this Lake Island Resort Manor, it has not been put into use, so why don't we take advantage of it now?"

"Coincidentally, everyone also chose a room at the resort manor on the island in the middle of the lake. "

"This is a resort that Jiang Xuan specially built for us girls. "

Hearing Ningguang say this, everyone was interested, and immediately got up and followed Ningguang out of the room.

After a while, only Ganyu and Jiang Xuan remained.

Gan Yu sat on the edge of the bed with his face and stared at Jiang Xuan, and after a while, he cautiously kissed him.

Obviously, I usually don't kiss less.,But this time,After kissing, I smiled as bright as a flower.。。

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