Chapter 435

Everyone in the world has seen this scene.

Radiance covers the world.

The light spreading from the far side dyed the red sky and blue earth white, taking away the realm of heaven and earth.

The world lost its color, and except for those who had life, even time stopped.

All creatures who were confused by this scene saw a tangible impact enveloping the world.

But it is not destruction, the gentle power runs like a lick.

The creatures looking up to the sky opened their eyes wide.

The spiritual remains that covered the world disappeared like ashes in the wind.

The collapsed earth and the cracked mountains returned to their original shape.

Clear springs gush out from dry rivers, and the barren scorched earth is instantly covered with green grass.

Everything in the world is vast, showing the process of the world being reshaped to all creatures and all races.

The sun was bright and dazzling, and the gentle breeze blew gently across my face.

Green grasslands, endless forests, and the sea where fish sometimes jump out.

The goblin fleet lost power and could only fall on the grass, covered with plants.

The world comes to life.

Human beings came out of hiding gatherings one after another.

Bathed in the sunshine, enjoying this world full of vitality in a daze.

There are no more spiritual corpses floating in the sky that can burn the body.

A gentle and warm breeze, and even the sweet chirping of birds.

The dry river suddenly overflowed with clear water, and fish jumped out of it, splashing cool water.


Riku stared blankly at the brand-new world.

The war is indeed over.

And the moment Bai Ming got the Star Cup, he restored the environment before Star Wars.

All the negative effects caused by the war have also been restored. All were wiped out by Bai Ming.

A new era of purity and innocence.

And Bai Ming also replaced the God of Games Tetu and formulated ten new covenants.

The most important point is that humans are also divided into the sixteen races. Become part of an intelligent creature.

In addition, the most important thing is of course the power gained after obtaining the Star Cup.

With the status of a winner, after obtaining the Star Cup, he will not appear like in some film and television works That cannot be absorbed or the fusion is incomplete.

The magnificent energy of the entire universe exists in his body.

The most intuitive manifestation is power.

If we say that the previous Bai Ming could only reach the galaxy level, his overall strength has initially reached three levels. The threshold of digits.

So now, it is a huge leap from the galaxy level to the universe level.

The gap can no longer be described simply in words.

And the most important thing is that Bai Ming obtained the power of the"only god" through the Star Cup. Throne.

Now, he can transform his body into a star. His body and soul are indistinguishable between you and me. His body is filled with divinity and endless vitality.

As long as he is willing, he can now freely reorganize his body.

"Master, master!"

At this time, the call of the goddess came to his ears.

Bai Ming also woke up from the immersion in gaining this power.

The blond goddess did not know when to appear, looking at him with worry.

The goddess who was one with his mind had been distracted by her. Seeing it through, Bai Ming shook his head.

"I'm fine"

"call...Then I feel relieved. I felt your changes before and thought you were about to disappear and leave me."

The Biblical Loli God breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, she also became curious.

How could such a big change happen after obtaining the Star Cup?

"For example, right now, I can do anything I want."

Comparing the world to a blank sheet of paper.

Bai Ming is free to add or delete anything.

Expanding the area of ​​the world to the size of the Milky Way or making a certain physical law disappear from the universe are nothing more than A matter of thought.

Omnipotent and able to do whatever he wants.

It can be said to be the true portrayal of Bai Ming today. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is the authority of the"only God".

Of course.

The power of omniscience and omnipotence is only It can be effective in this universe.

When you go to other worlds, it is not as simple as deleting the laws of physics with just one thought.

However, it can be done on a small scale.

After all, the entire world is just the power flowing out of the Star Cup. Constructed.

The Star Cup is the core of the universe.

It is like the heart of the universe in the Marvel world.

Even if it leaves this universe, it can still exert its full power.

0 Asking for flowers, the pinnacle of the single universe

"If you put it in Hakoba, it can definitely be regarded as the top three-digit spirit. It is not impossible to even be rated in two digits by Hakoba."


Hearing Bai Ming's explanation, the Biblical Lolita God was also very excited.

As a subordinate god, the stronger the main god is, the stronger she will be.

"I’ll study the details later and finish other things first."

Bai Ming's tone was a little high.

After all, it was a power he obtained without much effort.

Although it was not shown in detail, Bai Ming was already extremely high.

A thought appeared directly in the fallen Abangt. On Heim.

Compared with the vibrant world, this place is shrouded in an atmosphere of despair.

The disappearance of the creator Artosh has made all Flügels except Jibril want to die.

In the end, it is Azriel. , under Jibril's persuasion, she deceived other Flügel with lies.

However, she didn't know how long the lie could last.

As time went by, paper could not contain the fire.

Jibril looked at the usually active Flügel. The sisters also have quite complicated emotions.

To be fair, she certainly doesn't want to see Arteo die.

After all, Arteo is the equivalent of a father figure to the Flügel.

But she also knows that there must be winners and losers in the war.

It's just the loser. Humans are the creators they respect most.

Furthermore, she is partly responsible for Artexu's death.

If she had not ridiculed Bai Ming when she first joined the group and spoke calmly, wouldn't Bai Ming have come to fight Artexu?

"it's out of the question."

Bai Ming appeared next to Jibril.

The sudden sound startled the young pink-haired girl.

"Artho's death is an inevitable event. Even if I don't take action, he will die under human's plan later, and being able to die in my hands is still a gift to him."

Jibril also understands this.

After all, it is better than dying in the hands of the weakest humans.

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