Chapter 340

When the monsters began to move towards the center of the island.

Bai Ming was not very satisfied.

Although these monsters are familiar, they are just superficial. If they were real, any one of them could level the entire world.

After all, there is a limit to the creation of Warcraft.

Of course, if you focus on creating only one, there is still a way to create a monster with similar strength to Jeton.

As for Glizza, don't even think about it.

The God Killing Gear can't do that yet.

As the monsters gradually fade away.

Those who landed on the island gradually regained their senses.


The tense atmosphere between the prisoners before disappeared automatically, and they all walked towards the outside of the island.

The same goes for the executioners responsible for guarding the prisoners.

I’m not planning to retreat, I just think it’s better to take a long-term approach.

"Okay, let's just go directly to the center of the island."

Bai Ming stretched out his waist lazily.

Creation of Warcraft is quite a waste of brain power.

27 If he hadn't been deeply impressed by these monsters, he would probably only be able to create a dozen of them in the end.


Zuo Che looked at Bai Ming in front of him.

Before, I was just in the chat group and saw other group members boasting about it, but I never felt it.

But now that I have seen how he casually fabricated monsters, I already have a clear understanding.

"Stop being in a daze, or do you want to stay here alone? Bai

Ming laughed.

He stretched out his palm in front of the girl and waved.

"You will gradually get used to it in the future"

"please...Please give me a little more time."

Hearing this, Zuo Che said with some embarrassment.

It's not that she didn't want to stand up. It

's just that her legs and feet were a little weak and she couldn't use her strength for the time being.

Seeing this, Bai Ming had to stop and wait for the girl to recover.

Although he could also just leave Zuo Che and go straight to Huanglong. , but after all, she was a member of the group who was meeting for the first time, so it would not be good to leave her like this.

However, just when Zuoqie was about to rest, figures appeared one after another from other directions in the forest.

At the same time, there was also a loud but somewhat loud sound. artificial female voice

"That's awesome. Did you kill all these monsters? It is indeed an empty shell of thrush pills. It’s really powerful. It’s just like that. It’s so powerful...."

Although it was a compliment, I couldn't hear any unnecessary emotion in the girl's voice.

"My name is Gang, and I am a ninja like you."

A group of three people walked out of the dense forest.

The speaker was a cute girl with purple hair and purple clothes, and a slim figure.

The clothes on her body were quite cool, giving people a slightly coquettish impression.

But Bai Ming knew. She was optimistic and outgoing on the surface. , is just a disguise of a female ninja.

Just like the more beautiful a woman is, the more thorny she is. If you are tempted by her beauty, you will literally be poisoned and die.

Because one of the abilities of this female ninja is That is, it can cause the body to secrete a large amount of special liquid like sweat in a short period of time.

If she wants to, she can also add poison to the sweat on the body surface, which will kill outsiders if she touches it.

In addition, there is also a A tall man, and a short and fat man.

With the intervention of three people in this group, the originally silent atmosphere was broken.

Both Huameiwan and the previous executioner in charge of the Hundred Sword Hunter subconsciously He breathed a sigh of relief.

Thrushmaru didn't answer.

After all, his attention was all on the man next to Zuo Che.

He was certain that this man did not exist among the people who landed on the island.

But he appeared out of thin air at the moment Zuo Che was attacked.

And he can also use spells that he has never seen before.

Is he a samurai with special abilities in the shogunate?


He does not hold a sword, and his hair does not have a samurai head.

Could he be a resident of Paradise Island?

But in this case, it makes even more sense. (If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, if the shogunate is capable of doing this, why would there be any reason to send prisoners like them to the island?

Is it just for the fun of watching them survive?

Although not It's impossible, but Thrushmaru has also analyzed the expressions of Zuo Che and the other executioner.

What's certain is that they don't know the man who suddenly appeared.

Huge doubts and a sense of crisis linger in Thrushmaru's heart.

He He wanted to live, but his ninja instinct warned him that he might not be able to survive even one move in the hands of that man.

On the other side, a girl named Gang saw Thrushmaru not answering. She was a little angry at first, but then she noticed Thrush Maru and the other executioner kept their eyes on the other man.


When Gang saw the man next to Zuoqi, a strange color appeared on his cute face.

Why didn't she notice it just now?

Moreover, he was dressed very strangely.

He didn't look like an island country person at all.

"Genji, and Sentai, why are you two together and there is only one prisoner?"

Zuo Che also discovered two colleagues and hurriedly spoke before them, fearing that others would speak rudely because they didn't know Bai Ming's identity. After all

, in the eyes of all the executioners, except for them, the people who landed on the island were the only ones who landed on the island. There are only prisoners.

If Lord Bai Ming is regarded as a prisoner...

Zuoqie quickly dismissed this thought

"The prisoners I was responsible for before were set up to die on the island by this female ninja. Later, the same thing happened, and I could only go with them." said the tall, dark-skinned Genji.

"By the way, the prisoner you are responsible for is probably Huamei Wan, and the man next to you is....."

Before he could finish speaking, Zuoqie hurriedly interrupted and introduced.

"this...Who is this...Well..."

The girl who was just about to introduce Bai Ming was suddenly stunned.

Questions swirled in my mind. yes.

Although it was to prevent others from mistaking Bai Ming's identity, how should she introduce Bai Ming's origin now?

Wouldn't it be too disrespectful to say that he is an immortal?

Thinking of this, she secretly looked back at the handsome young man beside her who was much taller than him.

Seeing Bai Ming looking at him, Zuo Che looked away awkwardly, his pretty face flushed.

Although she knew that Bai Ming was an unattainable immortal, as a woman, she instinctively felt admiration and longing for Bai Ming in her heart.

Can't blame her.

After all, Bai Mingguang is an absolute female killer in terms of image and temperament.

Seeing Zuo Qie looking at him, Bai Ming chuckled and said,"There is nothing to be scrupulous about this kind of thing, just say it."

There is nothing to write about in this world, and it will end soon..

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