Chapter 295

Just do it if you think of it.

Chelsea temporarily withdrew from the chat group, searched nearby for a while, and soon met Najehitan in an office.

A very serious-looking woman with short hair.

Like many of the top leaders of the revolutionary army, they were all from the empire.

He once said that he joined the rebel army because he could not bear the atrocities of Esdeath's massacre of foreign people and troops, as well as the darkness of the empire.

It is said that she was once a beauty.

But because he met Esdeath on the way to the headquarters, he lost his right eye and right hand, and his hair was cut into a men's short haircut.

Chelsea had been with her briefly before.

Different from his serious appearance, he is actually a very easy person to get along with.

When Chelsea entered the office, Najexitan was handling official business.

Seeing her come in, a smile appeared on her face

"Chelsea, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Chelsea suddenly felt a little nervous.

After all, what she was about to ask might involve many secrets.

But thinking of the suffering villagers in her hometown, she mustered up the courage

"Do you want to ask about the night raid? Don't worry, although they have different personalities, they are both easy to get along with, and you will be able to get along happily in the future."

Najiexitan said.

Chelsea is an excellent killer. She can transform into any creature's imperial weapon at will, making her useless in various assassination operations.

With her joining, Night Raid's strength is not only If it can grow stronger, it will be a greater deterrent to the nobles of the imperial capital in the future.

"That's not what I want to ask, Miss Najesitan. What I want to ask is...About the revolutionary army. Chelsea said hesitantly.

"Revolutionary Army?"

Hearing this, Najiesi showed a surprised expression.

Aren't you from the Revolutionary Army?

And you have been there for more than a year.

But seeing Chelsea's serious expression, she frowned slightly, calmed down and asked :"What do you want to ask?"

"I want to know if the revolutionary army ceded the land on the border to foreigners, and how those foreigners treated the residents of those lands. Did the revolutionary army properly resettle them?"

After saying that, Chelsea looked at Najiexitan hopefully, trying to get a definite answer from her.

But Najiexitan remained silent for a long time, which made the girl's heart gradually fall to the bottom.

"This is a helpless matter. The revolutionary army alone cannot compete with the imperial army head-on. It can only be restrained by the alien army."

"What about the villagers?"


Another silence gave Chelsea the answer she least wanted.

"In the past, foreign races always invaded us, but now we want to form an alliance with them. Doesn't it contradict the original intention of the revolutionary army? Chelsea asked rhetorically

"It seems that the boss is right, the revolutionary army is also untrustworthy"

"Chelsea, don't say this nonsense. If others hear it, they may suspect you are a spy for the Empire."

Najiexitan was shocked and quickly persuaded her.

However, Chelsea shook her head and said seriously:"It doesn't matter, I don't care about these things anyway, and Miss Nadezhitan, I also advise you. It is best for the members of the Night Raid and the Night Raid to break away from the control of the revolutionary army, otherwise, even if the revolution succeeds, the Night Raid will become abandoned in the end.

Najiexitan was stunned, and immediately asked with a serious expression:"Who told you these words?""

The revolutionary army will give up the night attack?

How is this possible?

The night attack caused a lot of trouble to the empire because of its activity in the imperial capital, and also gave the revolutionary army a lot of breathing space.

It can be said to be a great achievement.

How could it be possible that this would be done? The revolutionary army abandoned

"Have you been contacted by Imperial spies? Don't believe a word they say, I can assure you that the revolutionary army will not abandon us. But

Chelsea shook her head and looked away, saying,"It seems that even Miss Najexitan was kept in the dark.""

She also saw it.

Najiexitan is just a pawn who obeys the top brass of the Revolutionary Army.

But if you think about it carefully, it's normal.

After all, she is also an imperial general, and she can't let her do everything about the Revolutionary Army. I know.

If it weren't for Bai Ming's statement, she would have been kept in the dark until the day she died.

Thinking of Bai Ming's description of her death, Chelsea couldn't help but feel a chill.

Not only was her head chopped off, but she was also put on a pole and paraded through the streets. She had accumulated good deeds and acted chivalrously throughout her life. Not only did she die at the end of her life, she wouldn't have died so tragically.

Najexitan took a deep breath and asked with a serious expression. Said:"Chelsea, your mood is very unstable now. I'll call someone...No, I'll let Susano'o check it for you."

Susano'o. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The humanoid Teigu is not only extremely capable in combat, he is also particularly skilled in various housework, medical care and other tasks.

Najiesitan suspects that Chelsea may It was because the Emperor's Teigu user used a special Teigu to control her thoughts that she said these words today. She is completely different from the past!

As for what she said, Najiexitan did not delve into it.

At the moment After all, overthrowing the empire is more important.

"No. Chelsea took a step back and said

"And if you don't believe it, I can ask my friends to come over"


Since you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do.

I can only give Najiesi a little shock in the chat group.


Later, Chelsea expressed her decision in the chat group.

Headless female killer:"Everyone, I have decided that the task of overthrowing the empire must be left to our chat group!"

Lao Mo Na:"Oh oh oh!"

Nightmare Elf:"Wise decision, after all, Mr. Bai Ming You won't lie to us."

Discharge Girl:"Neither the Empire nor the Revolutionary Army are good things. I'm ready. I'll be discovered as soon as I'm discovered! I must go out for a sneak peek! Just words (Guatai limited) ).jpg."

Prison Demon Attack Officer:"Let me go there too. After all, I haven't done anything for a long time. Witch smiles.jpg."

As for the prison boundary contract.

We’ve already joined the chat group, so who cares?

If there is a chance in the future, this side effect must be eliminated.

The first genius of the Red Demon Clan:"I...I stopped going and was suddenly entangled by a troublesome guy. Damn it! Bai

Ming:"Decide on the candidate and go there now. It's better to do this kind of task sooner rather than later.""

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