Chapter 290


An ancient shrine on an unknown mountaintop.

The sun shines through the gaps in the curtains. Perhaps because of their age, the curtains are not very light-blocking, leaving dots of light spots on the bed.

Bai Ming woke up and covered the sun with his hands.

He was the only one in the room for the time being.

Linali should have fulfilled her duties as a maid, working from early to late to prepare breakfast for him. As for Himejima Akeno.

Recalling the girl's posture yesterday, Bai Ming showed a faint smile on his face.

Although she is always teasing and tempting on weekdays, she is actually a keyboard expert.

In addition to being eloquent, he was more conservative than anyone else on the battlefield.

In order to take care of the girl's emotions, Bai Ming naturally didn't do anything too"extraordinary".

As for Akeno's departure in the morning, he also knew about it.

But he didn't stop it.

After all, he had just lost a blood, and his heart must be unstable. If he was forced to stay, there might be problems.

But I will become more proficient in it later on.

After all, this kind of thing is just like eating durian, only zero times or countless times

"...There is just no Suzaku, which is a pity."

Bai Ming recalled it for a moment, with an expression of regret on his face.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

The five major clans underwent drastic changes because of him last night. Although when he left, he ordered those puppets to hand over their positions to the successor clan leader as soon as possible, but considering the clan's internal problems , and the remaining elders hiding in the ancestral hall, Bai Ming also left the specific matters to Himejima Suzaku. After getting dressed, just as Bai Ming left the messy room and was about to go find Akeno, he saw a familiar figure in the front yard of the shrine..

Himejima Suzaku.

The girl who is no longer wearing a student uniform, but some kind of modified kimono is walking slowly.

"All done?"

Bai Ming asked

"It's almost done. I also asked the sect leaders to go back and deal with all the elders who were hiding. Now there won't be any objections, and the situation will soon stabilize. Himejima

Suzaku simply described it. Although it was simple, Bai Ming also knew that a lot of things must have happened from yesterday evening to today's daytime.

And what surprised him was that Himejima Suzaku actually had the courage to bring down the members of the clan. The elder dealt with it secretly.

It has to be said that he is worthy of a big responsibility. This also made Bai Ming appreciate Himejima Suzaku even more.

After all, he only gave her the choice because she was beautiful.

As for actually doing it He didn't care at all.

In fact, Himejima Suzaku was also hesitant at the time.

But thinking about it now that they had chosen to attach themselves to Bai Ming, they simply kept doing nothing and kept those who had lived for hundreds of years behind the scenes. The old stubborns who directed the family's internal affairs are all sent to the west.

Only in this way can the five major families usher in a new life!

"Adapted quickly"

"After all, most of the clan members are young people."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Bai Ming's face:"Okay, you are Akeno's cousin, you don't have to be so reserved in front of me in the future."

"Another thing I want to ask you is, apart from us, are there people from other forces coming to this place?"

After pausing for a few seconds, Himejima Suzaku fell into thinking, and then said:"Apart from the entry application for adults and the underworld, there are only the main gods of Norse mythology, Odin, and his Valkyrie followers. Apart from that, there should be...there is none left."

She could only answer with"should".

After all, before last night, she was just the successor master.

Bai Ming still remembered that in the plot in Tokyo, the hero faction of the Disaster Group would kidnap Yasaka, the general of the monsters, and use In an experiment to summon the Great Red.

But now the plot has been disrupted, and he doesn’t know whether the other party has come or not.

"After returning home, I contacted the monster forces and told them that the five major sects of you had decided to put an end to their past feud and form an alliance with the monsters."


Himejima Suzaku nodded.

She didn't ask why.

"By the way, Lord Odin is currently visiting Takamagahara. When the visit is over, the gods of Takamagahara will definitely discover the changes in our five major families, so I would like to ask you, what should we do?"

"You don’t have to do anything, I’ll take care of the little things like that."

Bai Ming said disdainfully.

Gao Tianyuan's divine system can be said to be the most rubbish group of mythological forces in this world.

In local mythology, the eight million gods mentioned are also a joke.

After all, according to the island country's setting of gods , in Eastern mythology, those who can only be regarded as vegetation, monsters, monsters and monsters can be regarded as gods.

Therefore, there is a lot of water.

The only ones who can be regarded as gods are the two or three big cats and kittens in Gaotianyuan. Only.

The reason why they control the five major sects and prevent them from contacting the outside world is probably because they are worried about exposing their background and causing trouble, so they can only act like a paper tiger.

As for contact with monsters.

On the one hand, it is because of the misfortune group. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, forming an alliance is good for everyone.

As for the other hand, it is naturally related to Yasaka.

After all, what man wouldn’t love a 36D fox demon?

"But this matter is not urgent. Let’s stay for lunch before leaving."

Bai Ming said

"After all, you should be Akeno's only relative in this world."


Hearing this, Himejima Suzaku flipped up his hair, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"She is indeed a miserable child."

After the affairs of the five major families settled down, Bai Ming naturally did not forget about Rias and her group who were still playing in Tokyo.

After taking the time to tell them about this matter, people such as Ravel, Xenovia, Heige and others Congratulations to Akeno Himejima for her successful revenge.

In the end, Rias was the only one who thought deeply about it, and she couldn't hold it together at all.

Did you agree not to cause trouble?

Why did you disappear overnight, and the entire five major clans were taken over by you alone? Did you get it?

But now that the matter was over, she had nothing to say. She could only find out the actual situation from Himejima Suzaku, and then reported it to Sirzechs through the dedicated line.

And Sirzechs's reply was also very unexpected.

"Oh, I know, it is indeed very Mr. Bai Ming’s style. And my dear sister, I wish you and Mr. Bai Ming have a good time in Tokyo!"

You guessed the feelings a long time ago!

Rias's mood suddenly became unhappy. Of course, she was only targeting Sirzechs who was hiding it from her.

"In the next time, you can have fun in Tokyo."

Bai Ming feels that the world has become boring again.

When will those people from the Disaster Group show up? If they don't show up, he won't be able to find Ophis.

After all, there is a cute dragon that can be controlled. , who doesn’t want to raise one?

Speaking of which, there has been no water group for a few days. When the girls were traveling, Bai Ming logged into chat group 8.

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