Chapter 271

I originally planned to have a direct showdown with the Holy Emperor, but after seeing this episode, Bai Ming stayed aside and watched for the time being.

At the same time, the scene in the live broadcast room was also transferred to the big screen in front of the Holy Emperor.

The civil peace officers who had been summoned gathered together and listened to the report of the Holy Emperor with solemn expressions.

"To sum up, your task is to find the suitcase. Do you have any other objections?"

Said the Holy Emperor

"I have."

Tendou Kisara frowned slightly.

The effort and reward of this mission are completely out of proportion.

A gastrea animal that is only about the second stage can be easily solved even if she goes alone, but she has to summon the entire Tokyo area. Civilian police organization.

There must be a huge shady secret hidden behind this.

But before she could continue to raise her objection"880", she was interrupted by a burst of sharp and harsh laughter.

Hearing this sound, all the civil police officers present showed their faces. An uncomfortable expression.

The man who had insulted Rentaro Satomi before said impatiently:"Who is it?"

"it's me."

After the words fell, everyone followed the sound.

To everyone's surprise, there was a man with a clown mask on his face and a red tuxedo suit in the empty seat where one person was absent before. His feet were casually raised on the table. He was still humming an unknown ditty.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the man dressed as a clown bent his legs and feet and stood lightly in the center of the conference table.

Ignoring the shocked looks of others, he walked up to the screen and Looking at the Holy Emperor.

As if this is enough for her to look at him

"Who are you?"

The Holy Emperor suppressed his inner thoughts and said

"excuse me."

The man took off his hat and bowed like a host before a performance.

"I am Zhizi Yingyin, meeting you for the first time. I am an incompetent head of state. As for my identity, I am your enemy."

The Holy Emperor remained silent.

But the previous official shouted angrily:"How did you get in?! Where are the guards outside!"

"Of course he walked in openly. As for those annoying flies, I killed them easily. Please don't blame them."

What the man said in a playful tone made everyone present shudder.

"Oh, I have to introduce to you my starter, Hina Kohina, come here."

"OK, Dad."

A girl with short wavy hair and wearing a black dress decorated with lace climbed onto the table on her hands and knees, pulled up her skirt and saluted.

"My name is Hiroko Kohina, I am ten years old."

"She is my starter and my daughter."

Zhizi Yingyin covered her mask and smiled from the depths of her throat.

"So stop talking nonsense, we will also participate in this mission, of course we will not be in the same camp as you. In the process, I will kill you one by one, how about it?"


Beside the conference table, the man roared violently.

Then, a scene of gunfire and bullets appeared on the screen.

Even the gastrula in stage three would be beaten into sieves here.

However, in the center of the table full of bullet marks, the shadow of Leech Yin and her daughter were unharmed.

Uncontrollable fear jumped out of everyone's minds.

Could this man be a monster?...God?

After all, even gastrula cannot raise the protective shield.

The scene just now was like a scene from science fiction and fantasy novels


Zhizi Yingyin didn't intend to explain anything.

Mystery brings appropriate levels of fear.

And this will also make his next actions smoother.

After making the announcement, Hiroko Yingyin and Kohina broke the windows and jumped from the building dozens of meters high.

No one would want to pursue, they just felt that what just happened was like a fantasy. at the same time.

In the chat group.

The group members who saw this scene exclaimed that it was outrageous.

Model Model Na:"The clown man just used a protective shield, right? Am I dazzled?"

Discharge Girl:"Yes, you are dazzled."

Model Model Na:"No! I obviously saw it right! Misaka-san, you are too despicable.!"

Discharge Girl:"But this kind of thing just now can only be described as outrageous! In that world, there are actually superpowers?!"

Prison Attack Officer:"Have you forgotten that the gastrula virus can be transformed ? It is not impossible that human DNA can cause genetic mutations and that a person qualified for the virus will emerge......"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nightmare Elf:"What a standard direction. Sure enough, whenever you want to do something, a villain will come out to cause trouble."

Headless Female Killer:"I'm the only one Do people care what's inside the suitcase?"

The first genius of the Red Devil clan:"Bai Ming, Mr. Bai Ming, please spoil it for us directly."

Bai Ming:"Then let me explain everything. That clown is not using super powers. It's the effect of the machinery buried in the body after human body modification."

Discharge Girl:"So, it's not super power, but technological power?"

Bai Ming:"As for what's inside the box, it's just a small bicycle for children to ride on. It's just a tricycle."

Butterfly Kanae:"?"

Nightmare Elf:"Didn't you lie to us?"

Bai Ming:"By the way, that little tricycle will attract a stage 5 gastrula."

The group members fell into brief contemplation.

Headless female killer:"Hey, please don't tell me, the truth is not what I think!"

Nightmare Elf:"Children's toys that can attract gastrea animals, if they have not been tampered with, there is only one guess.."

Discharge Girl:"At that stage, the five gastrula were transformed from human children."

Coming to this conclusion, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room once again fell into unspeakable silence.

Before, I finally got some comfort from the 5.8 side of the sewer, but when I turned around, I learned the dark truth.

When Bai Ming first chased Fan, he immediately thought of this result.

That stage five animal was most likely one of the first batch of infected people.

Because my childhood toy was a tricycle, I was attracted by my own pheromones attached to it.

"Okay, it's time for us to show up."

Give the girls some time to heal, Bai Ming asked the spell scribe girl to remove their disguise.

"Yes, master."

After the effect of the spell dissipated, the movement behind him instantly attracted the attention of the Holy Emperor. He turned his head subconsciously, and a group of four people, led by Bai Ming, came into view.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then her pair of blue eyes There was a look of astonishment in his eyes.

What happened today?

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