Chapter 240

The divine light is powerful enough to destroy everything. Within the area affected by it, everything will be burned to ashes, regardless of entity or soul.

And the black dragon transformed by Woban is naturally no exception.

Although it originally has the power of resurrection, when both body and soul are annihilated, no matter how strong the immortality is, it is impossible to be resurrected.

Unless Woban is the earth's rule, or the embodiment of a certain concept.

As long as the concept of rules is immortal, it can be resurrected again.

But Woban is just a God-killer. Before becoming a God-killer, he was just a homeless beggar and had nothing to do with concepts.

The turbulent energy flow swept over the city of Tokyo. After Woban's body disappeared, the skull transformed by power also turned into particles and disappeared. Only some fragments fell down, destroying many buildings and cars.

The dark sky became clear again, and the water vapor permeating the atmosphere refracted the sunlight, forming a rainbow bridge to the stars behind the giant soldier.

After the rain, the sky clears up.

The people taking refuge looked at themselves and others around them in disbelief.

In the end, everyone's eyes were attracted by the giant divine soldier standing on the earth.

Under the shining sun, a blue halo lingered around the giant god.

This is...How holy, how holy!

People wept with joy over the survivors, and because after meeting God, the deepest parts of their souls were touched.

Reason and sensibility were all abandoned by them at this moment.

Then one after another people walked out of the building where they had taken refuge, and then they knelt on the ground regardless of the mud on the ground or the supermarket, with expressions of joy, excitement, piety, or fanaticism.

This is true even for the physically handicapped.

They knocked their heads to the ground one after another, even if their foreheads were turned red, they didn't seem to notice.

Because I didn't know the name of his god, I didn't know how to express my touched soul, so I had to kneel on the ground to express it like this.

Compared with the past, modern people are a generation that lacks faith.

Many people are pure materialists.

However, one day the"god" who is above all things will really come and save you from the huge disaster.

Even if it's just unintentional.

The people who were rescued will never forget what happened at that time.

The emptier and lonely you are, the more you need a sustenance.

However, most modern humans believe that gods are false and are fictional characters that only exist in legends and fictional stories, so they say they do not believe in gods. but...Once faced with a desperate situation, people will subconsciously pray to gods that they thought were false in the past.

In this situation.

If a god really appears one day.

It's normal for them to convert immediately.

What's more, the gods appearing here at this moment are so huge, so clear, and so sacred!

It is not a virtual phenomenon or CG special effects, but a real God.

Just looking at His figure gave me a suffocating feeling that my soul and heart were being grabbed.

But this still does not prevent people from giving their faith to the giant god in front of them

"...Is this his other side?"

Luo Hao has left the hotel, used alchemy, and came to the vicinity of Qingye Terrace.

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, she stared at the sacred figure.

A desire to touch Him gradually emerged in her heart.

But after all, it was God Killing. The person has already accepted the mysterious existence, so he can still suppress his inner emotions.

However, another guess floats in his mind.

Could it be...Is he really a god?

It is not the God of the Divine Realm who is bound by myths, nor is it the disobedient God who breaks away from myths, but the true God who is incomprehensible to ordinary people but exists objectively!

Compared to Luo Hao's guess, Shaye Gongxin also felt a sense of divine majesty rushing towards her face at this moment.

This feeling made her kneel on the ground.

When he came back to his senses, he had a headache again. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now it’s all over.

Although her god has solved the Marquis of Vauban, information about the mysterious side has also been made public.

This time they failed to evacuate the nearby people in time, allowing the Marquis of Vauban to take advantage of the opportunity.

The news that he wanted to come to Aoba Dai has begun to spread all over the world through the Internet.

Generally speaking.

The God of Disobedience cannot be photographed by ordinary people who do not have the power of magic, as well as by technological cameras and other equipment.

But not only can the appearance of the Titan Soldier be seen, but it is also extremely clear.

Right now, even if you want to keep silent, you can't.

Island countries don’t have that much capability yet.

Saya Gongxin can already guess what the world will discuss next.

After all, this is the"first time" since the birth of human civilization that the arrival of gods has been discovered

"marquis...Did it actually fail?"

The rainwater stood on her silver hair, sticking to both sides of her temples.

Liliana looked at the figure of the Titan Soldier in horror.

She was sent by her grandfather to assist the Marquis of Vauban for nearly a year.

As a follower She knew very well how powerful Woban was as the Demon King.

But even so, he was still crushed by the god with force.

At this moment, Liliana was very confused. She was obviously so high-spirited before setting off and starting the battle, but it was really a fight. Why did it suddenly disappear?

The girl couldn’t understand

"Girl, do you want to avenge your king?"

Athena glanced at her.

The strong gaze from the God of Disobedience made Liliana wake up from a dream.


As a girl who abides by the code of chivalry, Liliana should have done this.

But she had no desire to avenge Woban.

After all, firstly, she did not assist Woban voluntarily, but was forcibly sent here by her grandfather. Secondly, Woban’s usual style could not be recognized by the knight Liliana, and in his eyes, she was just one of the animals he raised. A"wolf" who only resists.

For various reasons, she certainly would not avenge Woban.

After all, strictly speaking, she was not so much a knight of Vauban as she was recommended to work.

"Please wait a moment, Lady Athena, this one is my friend."

At this moment, a blond girl with traces of wind and rain on her body appeared from the gap in the building.

Erica Browntree.

For the sake of her former friend, she did not hesitate to stand up for herself when Athena questioned her.

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