I will not die!

Chapter 198

After a few days, she really stopped sending messages, but she contacted me directly much more often. However, due to the fake breakup, our meetings were often when no one was around. But even so, I would occasionally be bumped into by my colleagues, which aroused some suspicion. It was only because of my nature as a topic terminator that they did not expand their suspicion.

"How about a weekend outing?"

It's finally here, a weekend for normal people! Agree or refuse? If you agree, it will be my first time to go out on the weekend, and it will be with others. I can't imagine what it is like. If I refuse, I will always find some excuse. , have something to do? Want to sleep all day? Don’t want to go out? Regardless of that, it is a very indifferent interface.……


At the end of the day, I'm just not good at saying no.

"I'll send you a message then"


Why is this happening? I thought she would stop talking to me in a few days, but why didn't she lose her patience at all because of my inaction? In fact, our interactions seem to be becoming more and more frequent.

Irritability.The next day, I couldn’t sleep because she said she wanted to go out with me yesterday. Because she didn’t say the specific time, so in order not to affect today’s trip, I turned the message ringtone to the maximum so that I could be woken up. , and then around eleven o'clock, my message ring really woke me up.

There was a message like this:"Are you up?"

"Just got up"

"Where is your home? I'll come find you."

"Not going out to play?"

"Yes, so I came to you and went together."

What kind of logic is this? However, I still told her the address.

About five or six minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. Is it her? This is too fast. Did she come by car, or was she originally here? Is she nearby? With an uneasy feeling, I opened the door. It was indeed her, but her outfit seemed better than usual today. I don’t know how to dress, but I just felt like this.

"Can I come in? If it's not convenient, I can wait outside."

"come in"

"Do you need to change shoes?"

"No."And I don't have any shoes for you to change.

After entering the door, her eyes kept looking around, and I couldn't help but look around. The furniture could be seen as a wardrobe, table, bed, and the electrical appliances could be seen as an air conditioner, water heater, refrigerator, washing machine, etc. Of course, these were all there before I rented them. There was a pile of bread and milk on the floor, and cardboard boxes full of garbage, but nothing else. I didn’t see any other men living alone. I don’t know what the house looks like. I don’t know what my level is. It should be considered ordinary.

"Are you a minimalist?"

"Probably not"

"Oh...the house is very clean. Do you clean it often?"

"No, it will only be cleaned about once a month."

"Hey, when was the last time you cleaned?"

"about a month ago"

"Varied!"It seemed to me to be just ordinary news, but to her it sounded like a shocking secret. Then, she kept mumbling to herself,"One month, one month.……"

Sure enough, this frequency is too lazy. Although I think I am a bit lazy, I was hated as soon as I came here. I really don’t know what to say.

"If I don't clean it for a day, it will be even dirtier than this.……"


"Oh, by the way, have you eaten?"

"not yet."You came just after washing up.

"So do you usually eat these?"She looked at the bread on the ground and said


"So, do you want to try something else?"

"good."It doesn't matter what I eat, as long as it can fill my stomach.

And the other thing she mentioned was meat buns.

When the hot meat and soup entered my mouth, the fatigue caused by the morning disappeared instantly. Although it was already noon in terms of time.

After breakfast, or should I say lunch, I finally asked the most critical question,"Where are we going?"

She chuckled:"Scare room!""

An hour later, we walked out of the fright room. Her face, which was already very white, became even whiter, while mine remained the same.

"Sure enough, I knew that your resistance to this kind of thing is very high.……"She spoke in an awkward tone, obviously she hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

"If you're scared, why would you come to a place like this?"

"With you here, I won’t be so scared."

I looked at her holding her hand tightly and thought, isn't she still scared?

"So where to go next?"

"amusement park. Jumping machine, big pendulum, I want to ride on all the things I didn’t dare to ride before!"

"If you didn’t dare before, do you dare now?"

"Because you are here."She grinned at me and said,"As soon as I see your dead fish face, I feel that there is nothing to be afraid of."


After we played all the items in the amusement park, it was already evening. The amusement park was brightly lit at night and was very beautiful. This was the first time I saw such a night view. We sat on a bench and rested. I looked at the people passing by. She was rubbing her legs. Suddenly, I felt a soft feeling on my legs and realized that it was her who was beating my legs.



"I heard there will be liquid fireworks to be set off later."


"How about we kiss while the fireworks explode?"


"Hahahaha... I'm just kidding."

What's so funny?

Suddenly, a piercing scream accompanied by a soaring bright light pierced the night sky, and then exploded violently, forming a dazzling flower in the sky, and then a series of rings, and cartoons Patterns, etc. The fireworks really started to go off, but she didn’t come to kiss me as she said.Because she was fascinated by it.

I actually don’t really understand the charm of fireworks, and I have seen much more shocking ones in VR games, but because she liked it very much, I still watched it together.

Shortly after watching the fireworks show, we left the amusement park and found a restaurant to sit down. But what I didn’t expect was that I met an acquaintance here.



Looking at the familiar-looking waiter in front of me, I tentatively called out his name. Over the years, Yakumo and I have maintained a certain degree of contact, but we have never met again. Every time he comes to see me It was all about borrowing money, each time the amount was not much, and each time he paid it back on time, and then they chatted for a while each time when borrowing and repaying the money. After a few years, his girlfriend seemed to have some reasons. After that, he continued to work as a programmer for a while and stopped because he said it was too boring. After that, he kept wandering around in various industries, but he didn't do it for a long time and he still said he was bored. In a recent chat, he He said that he was going to calm down and rest for a while. His previous life was too tiring. Unexpectedly, he came here to rest.

"Wow, it's really you. I thought I saw it wrong. He looked me up and down and said,"How come you haven't changed at all in all these years? Are you a hidden vampire or alien?" If you are a vampire, can you bite me? I also want to stay young forever. I can accept the price if I don’t expose myself to the sun."

"You haven't changed much either."I ignored his teasing and looked at him.

"I've changed a lot compared to you, okay? I heard that a person's emotions can affect his appearance. Judging from your state, it may be true. Is this your wife?"

"cough! We're not there yet……"She answered before I had the idea of ​​hitting Yakumo.

"Oh...that should be soon"

"Currently, not sure……"she said with a blush.

Yakumo chuckled:"My name is Yakumo, and I used to be colleagues with Guangyuan."

"Hello, my name is Alley, and I am also his colleague now."

"Guangyuan, it turns out you like this kind of recipe."

"The secret?"

"Oh, it's the dirty talk between me and him, that is……"

"I want a copy of this."I pointed to a dessert on the menu and said

"Oh, I'm so sorry. What do you want to eat? I'll pay for this meal."

"No, no, we can do it ourselves."She shied away.

"It's just a meal, no need to be polite to me, Guangyuan is never polite to me."

She glanced at me and saw that I didn't say anything, so she smiled and agreed.

"You and he had a good relationship before, right?"she asked

"good."I just want to beat him to death occasionally.

"I thought you were always alone"

"Roughly the same"

"Do you have other friends like this?"

"No more, it’s just him"

"Oh...by the way, what is the slang thing he just said? Can you tell me?"

"I do not want to say……"

"Oh~ can I guess, if I guess rightJust nod your head"


She put her head slightly close to my ear. I thought to myself, can't I just say it directly? Just when she was about to say it, Yakumo appeared at the right time.

"What else should I say secretly?"He put the desserts we ordered on the table

"Ah, nothing, thank you."Her attention immediately turned to desserts.

"Can I ask."Yakumo said

"Oh, what to ask?"

"how long have you been together?"

"Um, less than a month"

"Less than a month...haven't you taken him down after all this time?"

She dropped the dessert just as she was about to bring it to her mouth, but I was not surprised by his words.

"It's not too long...……"She smiled wryly

"Is it because he is too rigid for you to take action? Yakumo suddenly brought his face closer,"Would you like me to teach you a move? I guarantee you'll be able to pin him down in no time!""

"Is it so powerful?"

"I have worked with him for a long time and know him very well."

She's been working with me longer than you have

"How is it, want to know?"

She nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

Then, Yakumo motioned for her to put his ear closer. Then, the two of them talked about my conspiracy in front of me in a voice that I couldn't hear. This feeling was not very good.

"Trust me, it’s absolutely no problem!"Yakumo deliberately made the pronunciation of the word Zetsu very long, just as long as his Pinocchio's nose.

"Well...I'll remember that!"

She nodded, looking like she was thinking about the accuracy and reliability of the intelligence, and making plans on how to implement the plan.

"Guangyuan, no need to thank me."Yakumo winked at me very shamelessly.

I just thank you for the treat.

After saying that, Yakumo went to do other things.

"Do you want to know what he just said to me?"she asked suddenly

"In no mood."It won't be a good thing anyway.

"Speaking of which, what I was going to say just now, is that the wonderful recipe you are talking about?"She pointed the screen of her phone at me, and when I saw the picture above, I nodded in shame.

She laughed so hard that she even kicked me accidentally.

"Ah, sorry!"

Damn Yakumo!

When we were about to leave, Yakumo came up to us again and asked us to come and sit for a while when we had time. He would treat us again when he became the store manager. Later, we did go there a few more times. times, but I have never seen him become a store manager.

"Your friend is really interesting. Since he used to be your colleague, he must also be a programmer. How could he be a waiter?"On the way home, we walked side by side and chatted.

"Said it was too boring"

"Oh, what about you, are you bored?"


"Have you ever thought about changing to another job?"



"All boring"

"Have you had any other jobs?"


"How do you know if you haven't tried it?"


"Ah, but I’m not qualified to say that either."


"In fact, this company is now my first serious job. I used to be a freelancer and worked from home for ten years. Although I could barely make ends meet, I always felt that life like that was not bad, because I was afraid of going to work in a company and felt that it would be boring and stuffy. I have to quarrel with my colleagues every day, and scold my boss when I have nothing to do after get off work. But after I actually came here, I found that it was actually not as boring as I thought, and my colleagues and boss were not as miserable as I thought. Sometimes I even found it quite interesting. But there is also a certain amount of luck involved. After all, not every company is the same."

"Why don't you keep doing it?"

"Because I can't live anymore……" understand.

We arrived near the nearest subway station, and the platform prompts that heralded our departure were approaching together with the train.

We sat together for a few stops without saying anything. It wasn't until we parted that we finally said something to each other.

"Let’s find a time to come out together next time, okay?"

"good."Anyway, it's very free, and it doesn't matter what I do.

The sound of the train pulling out of the platform sounded, and I walked towards home.

When I got home, today's long and short day was finally over. Will there be a day like this again in the future?

Will it happen again?

Do I hope it will happen again?


It doesn't matter.

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