I will not die!

Chapter 183

I, Yu Guangyuan, am 22 years old, graduated from university, and am a programmer.

Today is my first day working in the company after completing my studies. Because I have been an intern for several months before, it is no different from usual. If I have to say, my salary has been converted from internship to formal, from two One thousand became two thousand eighty, which is below average. For the city where I live, it is barely enough if I don’t save money.

But I will save it because I want to buy a new computer. This has been with me for four years now, and the configuration was not very good at the time. It is no longer sufficient now.

In order to save money, I have to live a tight life, but fortunately I don't spend much money. A bottle of milk and two slices of convenience store toast in the morning only cost three yuan, and I eat company food at noon and evening. For a month It costs almost nothing on food. If I save a little more, I don't even have to eat breakfast, but if I can't drink milk, I still forget it.

The main monthly expense is rent. Because I don’t like taking cars, I chose a place closer to the company. It is 1,500 meters away from the company. The rent is also 1,500 yuan. The room is 15 square meters, one bedroom and one room. Bathroom, air conditioning and washing machine. Because there is not much ventilation, there is always a musty smell, but you get used to it once you get used to it.

In addition to rent, the second largest monthly expense is water and electricity bills, which probably cost more than 100.

As for clothes and daily necessities, one hundred a month is enough.

After all, I can save seven to eight hundred a month without any problem. It will take about a year to buy a high-end computer, but in reality, there is no need to buy such a good computer. It will be more than enough to buy a medium-end computer, which will take about half a year. If overtime pay is included, the time can be even less.

Programmers used to be a high-paying industry, but with the development of the industry and AI, it has become a profession with a low minimum limit and an extremely high ceiling. But thanks to this, people like me who are not good at academics can also have the opportunity to enter the industry.

The company's computers are not shut down for a long time. After arriving at the workstation, I basically check my mailbox, reply to messages, and then work. I check my mailbox, reply to messages, work, and occasionally check my phone for a while. In the blink of an eye, it's time for lunch..

The company does not have a canteen. We eat in the public canteen in the building. In addition to our company, many other companies also eat here. I usually sit and eat with my masters Wan Chao and Yakumo. Yakumo and I were interns at different universities at the same time, and we were in the same group, so we usually got along well with each other. Brother Wan Chaochao is an old programmer with eight years of experience in front-end development. He moved here two years ago and is currently in charge. Take my seniors.

While eating, Yakumo and Chao-nii would often chat about something that was not there. Occasionally I would add a word or two to highlight the dispensable presence. Of course, most of the time I just talked about it while eating. He was immersed in scrolling through his cell phone.

Today, Brother Chao started the conversation as usual:"Have you seen the strong light that erupted in Area 111 recently? There are rumors that the light seemed to be caused by a nuclear bomb!"

Yakumo said, and then scooped up a big spoonful of rice. Put it in your mouth and chew it while answering the messages on your phone with one hand.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Curious about what?"

"Nuclear bomb! Why is the explosion sound of a nuclear bomb observed by ordinary people? Even if it is not a nuclear bomb, the thing that can produce that kind of sound is definitely not a conventional weapon or phenomenon."

"Maybe that video is fake?"

"without! Someone has verified it and it is true. Moreover, some people compared it with the video of previous nuclear bomb explosions, and it was exactly the same as the movement! Brother

Chao seemed to have wanted to say this for a long time, and immediately handed the video he had prepared on his phone to Yakumo,"Look, are they exactly the same?""

I also took a peek at the side and saw that the split-screen mobile phone displayed a still picture of a wasteland and a mushroom cloud.

"Isn't this just a flash? Let's add a mushroom cloud. Brother

Chao seemed too lazy to continue convincing Yakumo and changed his words:"Well, anyway, I think there must be something fishy here." And recently I also saw news that a certain district is developing a new type of nuclear weapon. I suspect that the light was caused by that new weapon."

Yakumo said carelessly. I tilted my head and made a thinking gesture.

Brother Chao looked at the two of us with weird eyes,"Aren't you curious? The war will stop for a hundred years. Why are we still building new weapons after so many years?"


"Of course it’s because there are enemies!"

"Who is the enemy? Brother

Chao was stopped by Yakumo's question. He paused for two seconds and said,"I think it's possible that it's an alien, or something like XX, XXX, XXXX." But I think aliens are most likely"

"Will there be aliens?……"

"There must be some. If you relax your definition of life, there might already be aliens among the things we have discovered."

"How to say?"

"Didn't scientists in the last century discover that black holes seem to be able to store information? Maybe a certain black hole has been modified by that civilization and has the ability to think, but we can't verify it yet, or it may have been produced after swallowing something strange. It has some kind of wonderful reaction, like a plant, it has some kind of instinct."

"Can it still be like this? Brother Chao, are you planning to go there?"

"Is there any scientific basis for black hole aliens?"I said it suddenly

"Black hole star? what?"

"An alien whose body is a black hole and who likes to steal things."

Two faces of confusion

"Even if it is really a weapon, it may be to deal with supernatural disasters."Yakumo said again

"Shouldn't we build something for rescue or protection? What can weapons be used for, gagging?"

"Attack can sometimes also be defense."


Such small talk has happened almost every day since I joined the company. Of course, most of the time I just stay silent.

After finishing the meal, the master and I returned to our seats first. The first thing I did when I returned to my seat was to check my mailbox, while the master looked at his mobile phone. My master and I almost only talk about work matters and rarely make small talk. In addition to my own lack of conversation, it is also partly because I don’t like talking to him very much.

The master smokes, drinks, and perms his hair on weekdays. He is the type that I am not good at dealing with, especially because he smokes very seriously. A bad smell comes out of his mouth when he opens his mouth. In addition, he speaks in a loud and hoarse voice, even if he sometimes talks to me. When he speaks, he often ends in two sentences.

Although I said a lot of bad things about the master, I simply didn't like talking to him, rather than hating him. In fact, he is actually quite good in many aspects. He doesn't have any airs about being an old employee. He often invites us to eat. He is also serious and responsible in his work. And the most important thing is that he doesn't dislike me for not being talkative like many people do. Therefore, the inability to chat with him is purely my own problem, and Yakumo does not have this problem.

It is winter now, and the snow outside the window is as white as goose velvet. Occasionally, vehicles and pedestrians pass by on the road. The rest of the time, it is like a still landscape painting, with a sense of tranquility that makes people want to roll around in it.

After work ended in the afternoon, Chao brother Yakumo and I ate together in the cafeteria again. I got bread and milk, Yakumo got rice, and Chao brother got noodles.

"I'm the only one eating?"

"It’s lunch. I want to eat something else in the evening."

"You seem to get this every time there is bread and milk."Yakumo asked me

"Well, I prefer sweet things"

"This bread doesn’t look very good, and so does the milk. They are all synthetic milk. I still prefer the real thing."

"Pretty much the same."

I have actually drank a lot of real milk, but I can't tell much of a difference, so I usually buy cheaper synthetic milk.

"There, it’s a lot different, okay! Real milk tastes more delicate and smooth, and has a richer milky flavor."

"But the synthetic one is more cost-effective."

"It's only a dollar or two cheaper, so what's the price/performance ratio?"

I was speechless, and the scene fell into silence for a while. Fortunately, Brother Chao finally spoke. He stared at the phone and curled his lips and said:"These merchants are too thief, not only your preferences, but also the things you bought. It depends on how long it takes. I just finished eating the snacks I bought a few days ago, and the coupon was immediately sent to me again. If I don’t buy it now, I don’t know when it will be sent next time."

"Hasn’t it been like this a long time ago? But I think it’s pretty good. If you want to go to the toilet, someone will bring you paper."

"Nice hammer, I like to bring my own paper"

"Then buy it somewhere else."

"But I like his stuff."

The topic was brought back to daily life again, and I ate alone and watched as usual, as if everything around me had nothing to do with me.

After eating, it was time to work overtime again, usually from seven to nine o'clock. Except when the days are busier. I don’t hate working overtime, because overtime is paid 1.5 times the salary. However, there are still a few people who think like me. Most people still hate working overtime. For example, Yakumo and Chaoge, every time When you work overtime, you will become sighing, as if someone had drugged you in the meal just now and you learned that you are not going to die soon. After working overtime, Brother Chao returned to his energetic state and offered to go get something to eat.

"Let's go, old boy, let's go have a good massage, I'll treat you!"Of course I won't refuse to this.

Stepping on the fluffy snow, we came to a barbecue stall with few customers. We ordered some small skewers and beer and started eating without any nonsense. Brother Chao would drink every two sips. Yakumo touched one. Since I don’t drink, I just kept eating skewers in silence.

"Yesterday I was cutting my toenails, and I suddenly cramped while cutting. Then I just put my foot down, and my XX became numb again! The sourness is so refreshing!"

I have experienced what Brother Chao said, but it's actually okay. The cramps alone are more painful, and the numbness and cramps are not that painful. But I didn't express my thoughts.

"What cramps feel like, I have never experienced it since I was a child."Yakumo said

"You don't want to go through this."

When eating barbecue, I always pay attention to the eyes of the people around me from time to time. Yakumo and I are both the kind of characters who can be identified as stupid young people at a glance, and Chaoge is a middle-aged man who smokes and drinks. The helplessness he occasionally showed made us look like we were helping Big Brother.

But the facts proved that all this was just my imagination. Others would only care about whether the food on the table was to their liking. We didn’t care whether the person next to us was a human or a ghost.

After eating and drinking, we finally parted ways without any greetings, because we knew we would meet again tomorrow, and without any nostalgia, because we knew we would meet again next time.

Returning to our separation again After being in the warm bed for a long time, I wanted to just sleep like this, but I couldn't. I have been suffering from insomnia since I was very young. I would become hyperactive at night, unless I was extremely tired like before. Otherwise, there would be no point in falling asleep. After taking a shower, I played on the computer for a few more hours, but all I watched was content related to making games.

Although the main reason for joining a game company was that I had no other more suitable choice, After all, it’s unrealistic to ask someone like me to run business and pick up customers. But I actually like games myself, and I really want to make a game of my own. Of course, it’s not a simple little game. A game should at least have something of its own in it, such as a plot. This is why I have to save money to buy a new computer.

Not long after, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and I felt tired, so I turned off my phone and lay quietly on the bed.

Usually I would fall asleep if I lay like this for about half an hour, but there were exceptions. Sometimes I was unlucky and couldn't fall asleep even if I lay there until dawn. I had no choice but to endure the exhaustion. My body went to work as usual the next day, and then squinted for a while during my break. Although it was difficult during the day, it was relatively easy at night and not too bad.

During the half hour before I fell asleep, I often I can't help but think about what happened today, what I said, what I heard, the actions I took, the actions of others towards me. I am always very sensitive to my name, every time someone calls my name , I always think about it repeatedly before going to bed, thinking about that person's demeanor, voice, tone, and movements, and I can't let go of it for a long time.

Sometimes, my memories are not limited to today, I think about yesterday and the day before yesterday, and sometimes I even recall up to ten The past has been so long that I doubt whether I have ever had this memory.

Today happens to be such a night.

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