On the 17th floor of the underground maze, the entire space is very empty, because this is the domain of the"Lone King of the Maze".

Only such a vast space can accommodate the king of the giants, the lone king named"Goliath".

This is a humanoid monster about five stories tall, with light gray-brown skin and blood-like eyes.

New adventurers rarely have the opportunity to see the true face of Goliath with their own eyes, because they usually wait for high-level adventurers to pass by the 17th floor during the"Expedition", and then defeat the lonely king of the maze guarding the floor before safely entering the 18th floor. layer


The huge roar was full of anger and deafening.

The blonde swordswoman who was galloping in the passage downstairs suddenly tightened her expression.

Goliath in an angry state is obviously more dangerous.

From what the new adventurers just said

, It is difficult to deduce that the person who attracted Goliath's attention is Chu Mu.

Therefore, Chu Mu is now in a very dangerous situation, and he must be saved as soon as possible.

This is what the somewhat stupid Ais was thinking at this time.

When she arrived After the"753" battle, a familiar figure came into view. The adventurer who was fighting Goliath was indeed the boy she was familiar with.

Just as she pulled out the silver-white sword blade, she was ready to intervene in the battle. At that moment, she heard Chu Mu, who had already noticed her, shouting hurriedly

"……No need to help me!"

The next moment, under Aisi's surprised gaze, Chu Mu's figure rushed towards the giant again, with an indomitable momentum.

"That is to say, it is illegal to steal other people's prey in the maze, Ais."

The Amazon sisters who were following Ais also saw this scene.

Tiona came over and patted the Sword Girl on the shoulder, looking very curious.

"Do you know this stupid young man? Looks a bit brave"

"Facing the lonely king of the maze, courage alone is not enough."

Burt hurried over slowly from behind, looked at the situation on the battlefield, and said with some criticism.

"That kid is looking for death. It should be time for us to take action soon."

"Don't be ridiculous, Bert."

Riveria warned the werewolf young man, and the gorgeous staff in her hand began to shine.

Obviously, she was already brewing some kind of magic.

"We'll take action again when the Hestia Familia adventurer can't hold on any longer."

"Eh? Is this really good? That guy is only Level 1, he will definitely be smashed into a pulp by Goliath, right?"

The elder sister of the Amazon sisters, Tione, who has a more calm personality, couldn't help but retorted.

"We happen to be passing by here, so why not just kill Goliath?"

"Leave him alone, I think this black-haired boy just wants to show off in front of Ace."

Burt was gloating and sarcastic. It seemed that he was very keen on this.

"Although he is a weakling, he does not have the consciousness of being a weakling. Because there is a beautiful woman watching from the side, his blood surges and he wants to show off his masculinity.……"

"Haven't we seen this kind of thing many times? It would be shameful to save him at this time."

While these senior adventurers were arguing over whether to take action or not, a voice suddenly came from the side that was so weak that it was almost covered up by the quarrel.


Lily came out of her hiding place and entered the sight of Loki's family members.

"You guys shouldn’t have to worry about Lord Chu Mu’s safety."

"Huh? Who is this little human...or orc guy? Is he a close relative of yours, Burt?"

"Go to hell! Don't get involved with me just because you see an orc adventurer."

As the representative of the team, Riveria walked up to Lily and asked in a gentle tone.

"Are you his supporter?"


Lily nodded proudly.

Although the elegant elf in front of her was the"strongest mage" who was famous in Orario, she still couldn't compare with the master she served.

"So, can you tell me about his strength?"

"Lord Chu Mu is currently a Level 1 adventurer."

Hearing Lily's answer, not only the Amazon sisters, but even Bert couldn't help laughing.

"Ha, hahaha... I think we should take action early, Ais... Ais?"

The werewolf young man walked up to Sword Girl and stopped immediately after seeing the expression on her face.

A pair of beautiful golden eyes widened in shock on the pretty face of the girl who always lacked emotion.

She said with the most serious expression Eyes, watching the battle in front of me

"what are you looking at……"

Bert followed her gaze and froze in place.

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The strength is lower than expected...the lone king of the labyrinth."

Chu Mu dodged the swing of the giant's arm in the air, bounced off the rough skin, and landed on the ground.

"It should be because he has not been mutated by divine power, he is just an ordinary solitary maze king."

"That's why he's so... weak."

In the original plot, because Hestia liberated the"divine power" in the underground labyrinth, she directly incurred the hatred of the entire labyrinth, giving birth to the mutated"Lone King of the Labyrinth" Goliath. The mutated Goliath should be The black skin, the strength is not Lv4 but the higher Lv5.

However, the giant in front of Chu Mu is just an ordinary version with gray-brown skin.

This makes him a little disappointed - if it is a mutated version of Goliath, maybe Can contribute to a greater"great cause".

Yes, he came here completely for the goal of gaining experience and upgrading.

What is a"great cause"?

A great feat accomplished by a mortal body.

The lone king who challenges the maze alone , there should be quite good"great achievements" feedback


Being harassed by weak humans again and again, Goliath roared angrily and became furious...........

And this was exactly what Chu Mu wanted to see - original sin, rage!

During the battle, he continued to inject"original sin" into the enemy, which should be quite effective so far.

"The attributes of my posture are those of a Lv3 adventurer."

"If you want to kill the Lone Maze King with Level 4 strength, and a frontal attack has little effect, then... you can only use that move."

Actually, the arrival of Aisi did not distract Chu Mu too much.

Except for the words"No need to help me" he shouted at the beginning, he put all his energy on the carefully prepared""Final blow". At this moment, Chu Mu had mastered the sword style of Breath of the Sun.

There were a total of twelve sword skills, covering offense, feint attack, defense, deception and strong attack.

And if these twelve moves of"Sun Breath" were used , The sword skills of"Breath of the Sun" are connected end to end and performed in sequence.

It will evolve into the thirteenth form of"Breath of the Sun"!

The sword is like the bright sun, shining brightly.

However, Chu Mu does not use"Breath of the Sun" as his main attack , he just used this set of sword skills as a medium.

What really wanted to kill the"Lone King of the Labyrinth"... was the power of"original sin" that exploded from the inside out!

"about there."

The time went back to the moment when Chu Mu landed, looking at the bruised but still vigorous giant, he murmured in a low voice.

"This is...the moment of judgment."

Goliath's arm, which was about to wave, suddenly froze in mid-air.

Just like the expressions on the faces of Ace, Bert, and even all the senior adventurers, they were all stunned at this moment.

A huge word"sin" appeared on the The maze king condensed out of his huge body.

Then in the blink of an eye, it was split into two and fell apart as if cut by a sharp blade. 1.0 was also split into two halves, as was Goliath's giant body.


The behemoth fell to the ground, raising dust all over the sky, and the air was suddenly filled with the smell of blood.

In everyone's disbelieving eyes, Chu Mu, standing in front of the fallen giant, glowed with divine brilliance, as if he was bathed in holy light.

"Is this... a level upgrade?!"

Tiona couldn't help but exclaimed, but she soon felt relieved.

"Yes, after all, he directly defeated a lonely maze king, so it is natural for him to be promoted to Lv2.……"

Before she could finish talking to herself, another ray of light fell from the sky and enveloped Chu Mu.

Now everyone's eyes were filled with deep shock.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

The werewolf youth frowned, as if what happened in front of him was too unbelievable and he couldn't understand it no matter what.

"He actually rose directly from Level 1 to Level 3……?!"


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