""Evolution" is a unique characteristic of war pets.

After constantly fighting with reincarnated players, or using certain precious materials and props, war pets can refine their own bloodline, thereby leaping to a new race and acquiring new forms and characteristics..

This method of power improvement is similar to operations such as reincarnation players gaining bloodline, changing jobs, etc.

However,"evolution" is relatively random, and most battle pets can only evolve once.

If the direction of evolution does not match the original power system , or some negative characteristics appear...

Then the powerful battle pets that players spend a lot of resources to cultivate will be in vain.

But even so, many people still invest a lot of energy in cultivating battle pets.

After all, , a well-trained battle pet can provide players with extremely considerable combat power!

If there is a good racial evolution, it can be regarded as a huge profit!

As a legendary battle pet,"Shadow of the Abyss" The upper limit of the number of evolutions is...3 times!

"Racial evolution……"

Seeing the prompt in front of him, Chu Mu remembered the characteristics of the"King of Filth".

The legendary King of Filth was originally born as the"Shadow of the Abyss".

It's just that after it experienced two consecutive racial evolutions, it turned into the posture he encountered... a

"world-destroying disaster" that could travel between multiple dimensions and be enough to destroy the world!

And now, I have a chance to re-train the"King of Filth"!

"Anyway, let’s see what our options are first."

This is also the first time Chu Mu has come into contact with the evolution of battle pets. He can only adapt to the situation.


【The level of your battle pet"Shadow of the Abyss" has been raised to Lv30!】

【""Shadow of the Abyss" received a chance for racial evolution!】

【Please choose the evolution direction of"Shadow of the Abyss"!】

【1. Obtain the characteristic of"multi-dimensional life", which can preserve multiple planes and draw power from different worlds.】

【2. Obtain the characteristics of"Eternal Bee Swarm", give birth to maternal consciousness, and improve the efficiency of cluster operation.】

【3. Acquire the"Idea Fusion" characteristic, which can fuse with the host and inherit the characteristics and abilities of the battle pet.】


There were three evolutionary routes before Chu Mu.

The first"multi-dimensional life~'life" is obviously the evolutionary direction of the former"King of Filth".

If Chu Mu had never seen the fate of the King of Filth, I'm afraid he would definitely choose this direction.

After all,"multidimensional life" sounds very noble... but if you think about it carefully, you will find that this feature is actually of no use to Chu Mu.

At least for him, there was no improvement or help.

The most it can do is increase the survivability of the"Abyssal Scourge" - even if all the Abyssal Scourges in this world are killed, as long as there is one black butterfly alive in other worlds, they can be reborn.

However, the probability of this happening cannot be said to be zero, but it will definitely not exceed 1%.

After all, the owner of this legendary battle pet is Chu Mu.

If you want to kill all the"Shadows of the Abyss" in front of him...

Unless a high-level player of level 80 or 90 takes action personally, this is absolutely impossible.

The second"eternal swarm" feature is a bit interesting.

It allows the countless black butterflies that were originally a loose group and can only execute orders according to Chu Mu's will to give birth to a"matrix consciousness" to assist in the management of the Abyssal Disaster. cluster".

To put it simply, it means that Yuanhai Huanying has an additional"administrator".

However, considering that this is an evolutionary direction that goes hand in hand with the high-level characteristics of"multidimensional life".

This so-called"maternal consciousness" should be more than that simple.

It's a pity that Chu Mu couldn't know the specific information before evolving.

As for the third evolutionary direction,"fusion of ideas," Chu Mu was the first to rule it out.

Although it is very tempting to gain the characteristics and abilities of the Abyssal Scourge after fusion... but don't forget that these black butterflies are not harmless little animals, but truly feed on"negative energy" , even the existence of a collection of negative energy itself!

Fusion with this kind of thing, you don't have to think about it to know that there will be huge side effects.

Chu Mu is not lacking in combat power now, so there is no need to improve his strength in this way.

"After eliminating the two wrong answers, it seems that only the second one is left to choose.……"

After thinking carefully, Chu Mu finally decided to use"Eternal Bee Swarm" as the evolutionary direction this time.

After making his choice, he turned his attention to the sea of ​​black butterflies that filled the sky.

The black"sea water" seemed to have a premonition that a storm was coming, and began to ripple uneasily.

The"Shadows of the Abyss" that covered the divine kingdom suddenly seemed to be frightened, and began to fly wildly in the former beautiful divine kingdom. For a while, it seemed like heavy black snow was falling.

When ordinary people see such an abnormal scene, they will only feel chills behind their backs and horrified in their hearts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Chu Mu knew that this was some kind of change happening to the"cluster" of Abyssal Shadows.

He quietly stared at the chaotic butterfly sea. As the master of the Abyssal Shadow, there was always a blank area around him, and no black butterflies flew into it.

"Don't know how long it will last……"

Chu Mu looked at the time. Half an hour had passed since the"evolution" started.

".If I put it off any longer, I'll miss my appointment in the afternoon."

As if hearing his voice, the disorderly butterfly sea seemed to have finally achieved some kind of breakthrough.

They spontaneously condensed towards a certain center, and then wrapped up layer by layer, as if forming a dark giant cocoon!

This scene also seemed very... Looks familiar...

Seeing this"cocoon", Chu Mu couldn't help but think of the cocoon that trapped Qingming's body.

It seems... even if he evolved into the King of Filth, he still hasn't forgotten some skills.

Just when he was thinking wildly , the shape of the Shadow of the Abyss has undergone tremendous changes!

The once overwhelming sea of ​​butterflies that occupied the entire Kingdom of God has disappeared... replaced by a cocoon that is slowly"blooming" like a black flower!


Chu Mu realized that this was an extremely critical moment, subconsciously holding his breath and carefully watching the scene in the cocoon.

I saw among the layers of"petals" peeled away, in the center of the"cocoon"... a black-haired girl without any clothes, looking around in confusion.

When Chu Mu became the first figure to enter her field of vision, (Zhao Nuohao) the black-haired girl's eyes finally flashed with dazzling light.

She took a gentle step and turned into a group of free butterflies in the blink of an eye. , within a moment, she landed silently in front of Chu Mu and transformed into a human girl again.

"This is... the mother consciousness of Abyssal Misfortune?"

Seeing the pretty girl standing in front of him, Chu Mu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

He never expected that his battle pet would actually turn into a human form!

Although it is indeed very eye-catching.

The plain white body in front of him , I don’t know if it’s because he was born in the kingdom of the"God of Beauty".

His body is in extremely perfect golden proportions, and he has more upright and delicate facial features and face than the elves. The most striking feature is the smooth black hair that is dragged to the ground. It was as spectacular as a waterfall.

However, the first words of this girl who could be called a collection of"beautiful" people after she came to Chu Mu almost made him lose the expression on his face.

"Dad master!".

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