"Good name!"

The gray wolf's eyes lit up, and he felt that the name Chu Wei gave was extremely appropriate.

But the next moment, the gray wolf's face became bitter, and he said with some regret: "Store manager, I have installed an energy circulation system in any door, which can allow it to cross space without restrictions, but if you want to travel through time and space, you need the same energy as the time machine, and the consumption of any door is greater, and the energy replenishment in a year can only be used once......"

Saying that, the gray wolf sighed and said, "If you want to be full of energy and put it into use, I'm afraid it will take a year before you can ......."

Hearing the words of the gray wolf, Chu Wei was not surprised, this kind of bug-level black technology is impossible to use all functions without restrictions, otherwise it will be too outrageous.

However, once a year in the world of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, for Chu Wei, the main "930" world is only a little more than a month, which is not a long time, and it is completely acceptable.

On the surface, any door seems to have the same function as a time machine, except that it can cross space at will.

But in fact, Chu Wei knows very well that this arbitrary door is in the realm of shuttling through time and space, and it can definitely throw off the time machine a few streets!

Because in the process of introduction, the gray wolf said the word "arbitrary" for the time and space journey!

What does any one of the timelines represent?

It means that as long as any gate is put into use, even if Chu Wei wants to return to the main world countless years ago, the period when Blue Star was born, he can easily do it!

This cannot be done by a time machine, because before the time machine travels through time and space, it needs to adjust the time through the dial, and the upper and lower limits of the dial are 30,000 years.

In other words, the time machine can only support a 30,000-year journey through time and space, and once this limit is exceeded, it cannot be traveled.

At this thought, Chu Wei showed a smile on his face, patted the gray wolf on the shoulder and said, "Well done, when any door can be put into use, you will send it as soon as possible!"

For Chu Wei, the effect of any door crossing space is of little value, because he has the side door of the House of Everything, and he can reach any location in the other world through the side door.

But the problem is, those guests of the House of Everything can't do it!

Even if they came to the House of Everything and left through the side door, they would only have to return to where they were before the crossing.

Therefore, in a sense, the effect of any door crossing space is still very powerful!

As a simple example, if Chu Wei now has a map of the Great Thousand Worlds and implants this map into the sensors of any door, then he can ignore the spatial barrier and go directly to the Great World through any door!

Presumably, when any door is put into use, this effect will make many guests excited.

At that time, Chu Wei can rent out any door, and I believe that many people will be willing to give a high price.

You must know that even in the supergod world where the power system is ridiculously strong, even if it is Keisha as the king of the gods, the demon queen Liang Bing, and even Carl, who has the deepest research on the void and ultimate fear in the known universe, it is not easy to travel through the universe across a long light year.

For example, when a gluttonous civilization invaded the earth, it took thousands of years to finally reach its destination.

But if they have any gate, they can wage war against any civilization at any time!

"If you run out of mutton, you can go to the House of Everything at any time to find the god Dai Lishi, I will pass on some new knowledge to you now, the amount of information is a bit large, and you will feel some pain in the process. "

Chu Wei looked at the gray wolf, and the latter's eyes lit up as soon as he heard that there was new knowledge to learn.

The knowledge of wormhole operation has given the gray wolf a taste of sweetness, and if he can master more new theories, he will definitely be able to create even more magical inventions!

This is an irresistible temptation for any inventor.

Thinking of this, the gray wolf patted his chest, held his head high and said, "Shopkeeper!

After a while, Chu Wei pushed open the door and walked out of the laboratory, then beckoned to the red wolf, pointed to the laboratory, and said helplessly: "Your husband's state is not very good, I think you better go in and have a look." "

After speaking, Chu Wei waved his hand lightly, a light gate appeared on his side, and he walked in. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The red wolf was a little confused, and walked into the laboratory suspiciously, and then saw it at a glance, and fell to the ground with convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and rolling his eyes.

Seeing her like this, the red wolf suddenly panicked, hurriedly ran forward, kept shaking the gray wolf's body, tears flowed down instantly, and shouted:

"Husband, husband, wake up, husband, you're dead, what should I do with my son?"


The gray wolf made a sound unconsciously, and then raised his hand tremblingly. []

The red wolf looked happy, quickly stopped shaking, brought his ears closer, and heard the gray wolf say in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Old ...... Wife...... You shake ...... again I'm going to die......"

The red wolf was stunned for a moment, then looked embarrassed, and quickly picked up the gray wolf, walked out of the laboratory, and put him on the bed in the bedroom.

Fortunately, Little Gray ran out to play with the lambs after eating, otherwise he would have collapsed on the spot when he saw his father become like this.


After leaving the world of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, Chu Wei did not return to the Wanshiwu directly, but went to the Douqi World, wandered around the Douqi Continent, and secretly went around the top forces in Zhongzhou.

Through small talk between people, and secretly listening to the meetings of the top powers, Chu Wei got some information he wanted to know.

Since the end of the auction of the Ten Thousand Worlds, the entire 0.3 Douqi Continent has been surging, and in the bloody storm outside the small world, countless forces and strong people have been involved.

There are many people who have just received treasures that have not yet been robbed before they can realize the heat, and there are also many people who want to kill people and seize treasures, but their corpses are exposed in the wilderness.

This has led to the formation of bonds between some forces that were not tied up in the slightest, and even mortal enemies!

The most interesting thing is that some cases were originally located at the two ends of the mainland, and the eight poles had nothing to do with each other, but because of this auction of all worlds, they settled in Zhongzhou one after another, and started a long saw.

The flames of revenge were ignited all over the mainland, causing chaos in the entire Douqi continent.

This can make the soul clan happy, originally they didn't get any benefits at the auction of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and they also lost many Dou Saints in vain, which greatly reduced the strength of the clan.

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