The angel civilization wandered around the galaxy and waited for a long time before entering the earth, and it also took time for Liang Bing and Carl to plan and layout, coupled with the intervention of the gluttonous civilization, and the war between the earth and the three major civilizations later......

Although it was mentioned in the original plot, this process will take at least a year or so!

"It seems that Keisha has a sense of crisis because of my words, and Liang Bing is also eager to eradicate Keisha because of the loss of Thorton......"

Chu Wei thought so, he knew very well that the reason why all this was advanced was entirely because of his appearance.

Judging from the original plot, Keisha's many layouts of what happened after his death, the king of the gods of the known universe had already anticipated his end, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

She believed Chu Wei's words, because what Chu Wei said coincided with her hunch.

Thinking of this, a smile flashed in Chu Wei's eyes, since Kaisha believed him, then this king of angels would inevitably become a high-quality customer of Wanshiwu.

However, on the surface, Chu Wei still showed a look of concern, walked quickly in front of Dukao, and said in a deep voice: "General Dukao, your physical condition is not optimistic, if you choose to trade with the House of Everything, in addition to the Rose of Time and Space, add the power of the galaxy 870, I can protect you from death and solve the crisis of the earth!"

Hearing Chu Wei's words, the corners of Du Kao's mouth twitched, although he didn't expect that Chu Wei, who had only been on the same side, would be able to come to the rescue, but he didn't expect this guy to take advantage of the fire to rob.

Dukao shook his head without hesitation and said, "For the earth, everything in the universe is unknown and unfamiliar, whether it is the gluttonous civilization, the angel civilization, or the demon civilization, it is only the first difficulty facing the earth. "

"If there is no galactic power, the earth will be bullied in this universe, and I can't agree to anything!"

Chu Wei was silent, he was not a saint, Dukao had nothing to do with him, the two had only met once, since the other party had refused the deal, he naturally had no reason to rush to the rescue.

"But ......"

At this moment, Dukao changed his words, took a deep breath, and said, "Store Manager Chu, I promised you the deal you proposed last time, and I am willing to use the space-time gene on Rose's body as a bargaining chip, and ask you to save the earth!"

Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared on Dukao's face, the Space-Time Rose was a god-making project that he cherished, and he would not be willing to hand it over unless it reached the point of exhaustion.

But now, the earth is in danger, and the people are suffering in dire straits, as the chief said......

No matter whether tomorrow war comes, death comes, doomsday comes, but the people's army will never betray the people!

Once in the Deno system, Dukao made a big mistake, and the entire Deno system was destroyed for the sake of war.

After coming to Earth, Dukao gradually integrated into this civilization, so that the cold-blooded man gradually learned to be a husband and a father, and gradually became more human.

In the long run, although the Spacetime Rose is not as strategically significant as the Galactic Force, it is definitely one of the indispensable forces for the Earth to defend against alien civilizations.

Or to be precise, the Male Soldier Company is the strongest force on the earth that can kill gods, and every member of the few is indispensable, and when they grow up one by one, they will definitely be able to make the earth occupy a place in the universe!

But now......

Chuway gave Ducao a new option, which was to trade the Spacetime Rose for a brief peace.

This was the first emotional decision made by Dukao since joining the army, but for the sake of millions of lives on Earth, he reported this decision, which was unanimously approved by the chiefs.

"General Dukao, I think I need to remind you that once the deal is made, you and Rose must fulfill the trade contract, otherwise it will ......"

Chu Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, a cold glint flashed in his eyes, and continued: "If I take action to solve the crisis on the earth, but (befe) Rose didn't take the initiative to come afterwards and hand over the space-time gene, I will go to her to collect it!" (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you refuse to cooperate, it will be regarded as a breach of contract and will be erased on the spot!"

Dukao nodded, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Don't worry! Since I came here today, I have already made all the arrangements, and we still have this credit." "

Chu Wei did not question it, he knew very well that Du Kao came today to represent the earth, and it was also the official of Huaxia on behalf of the earth, and it was just a routine reminder just now, so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble.

"Store Manager Chu, I'...... Ahem...... I have one more request......"

Dukao coughed violently, his voice getting weaker and weaker, and a trail of blood came out of his mouth, looking rather miserable. []

"In the house of everything, only talk about transactions, not about favors!"

Chu Wei's face was expressionless, which made Du Kao suddenly feel that even if those high-ranking gods came, they would not be as ruthless as Chu Wei, right?

"Losing the space-time gene, Rose will not have the ability to protect herself in this whirlpool, as a member of the Male Soldier Company, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept this sense of disparity, I don't know what price to pay, can I exchange the power of Rose to protect herself from Store Manager Chu?"

Ducao thought about it for a moment and said his purpose directly.

At this moment, he is no longer the supreme commander of the Giant Gorge, nor does he represent the Huaxia official and the earth, just as a father, fighting for his daughter to have the strength to survive in this battle of the gods.

"I want all the knowledge about the god-making project in your head, if you choose to trade, I will take away the space-time genes at the same time, and leave Rose with the power of the earth at this stage, second only to the Great Sage!"

Chu Wei looked directly at Du Kao, this request made by the other party was completely unexpected for him, the gray wolf had already begun to try to integrate the knowledge of wormhole operation with the concept of space-time machine, if he got the knowledge of God Creation Engineering from Du Kao, he would definitely be able to make breakthroughs in the Void and Anti-Void fields!

At that time, maybe the gray wolf will be able to create an existence that is not weaker than the power of the galaxy!

"I can agree to this deal, but the premise is that after Store Manager Chu gets the knowledge of the God-making Project, he can't use it to deal with the Xiongbing Company!"

Dukao's expression became solemn, because he knew very well that once Chu Wei had all the knowledge to cause the project, the male company would expose all the weaknesses and flaws in front of the other party.


Chu Wei did not hesitate in the slightest, although this was the first time he had agreed to the additional conditions of a client without changing the trading chips, but it did not actually affect him.

Because Chu Wei had no intention of being an enemy of the Earth at all, the members of the Male Soldier Company did not pose any threat to the interests of him and the Wanshiwu.

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