I don’t know if the exposure platform of the heavens appears again, whether it is a blessing or a curse. Anyway, the last time it appeared in the land of Nine Provinces and All Nations, it was not so much adding difficulty to Wang Yu, but rather helping Wang Yu in disguise.

As soon as the exposure came out, the morale of all the sects in Kyushu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms quickly collapsed, and Mr. Wang took down the land of Kyushu and Ten Thousand Nations with almost no effort.

Therefore, the position and function of this exposure platform are very funny. Rather than giving an advance notice, it is more like discouraging the world from all parties and giving up resistance.

Back to business.

The picture rotated in the sky, and a huge green planet appeared.

The images played on the exposure platform were not the mainland of the Great Zhou Empire, but the land of Kyushu and all nations.

However, the subtitle logo shows the Great Zhou Empire. Obviously, the exposure stage quickly switches the screen. The close-up shows the mainland of the Great Zhou Empire or Dongzhou, and the panoramic view shows the land of Kyushu and all nations.

Soon a blue earth dozens of times smaller appeared next to the green planet.

【This small blue planet is the world you live in, and the green planet is a huge planet 26 billion light-years away. Its area is more than dozens of times larger than the blue planet.】

"Are there really aliens?"

"It's impossible for such a big planet to be without people"

"why it is green"

"Oh my god, 26 billion light years, what a far distance it is."

People on the blue planet in 2023 were also a little amazed

"So we live in a ball?"

"Why won't we fall?"

Some people in the ancient world opened their eyes and talked about it

【In 1977 AD, a probe called"Voyager" 1 was launched on your blue earth and at the same time sent a greeting signal. This weak signal fortunately crossed the boundaries of time and space and was picked up by the huge green planet. Got it, but that's exactly why the blue planet is about to be invaded】

"What! Aliens are going to invade us?!"

"real or fake?"

"The more I talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes."

"alien? They only exist in fantasy!"

Most people on the blue planet of 2023 naturally sneer at it.

Soon the scene in the sky changed again, and a magnificent palace appeared on the scene.

2023 blue planet

"Is it an ancient civilization?"

"So how did they receive the signal?"

"Haha, this is definitely a prank"

"Farke! too crazy! That's it?!"

Of course, people don't care about these palace buildings. What they focus on is the technological level and civilization level of the so-called"alien".

But when the camera showed a close-up of a person's shoulder, the 2023 Blue Planet was silent.

Just look at the close-up picture, where five glittering five-pointed stars are arranged in a circle and fixed on the epaulette.

【Green Planet, Minister of Defense and Prime Minister of the Great Zhou Empire, Chu Xun] As a handsome guy in military uniform appeared on the screen, a label about his identity also appeared almost at the same time.

"Green planet? What's the meaning?"

"Yes, I just thought it was strange why this planet is green"

"Minister of Defense of the Zhou Empire.. What a joke"

The weird picture made the people of the 2023 Blue Planet even more puzzled. They had just seen a maid wearing a horse-faced skirt and a collared top, and saw an ancient palace, but what happened to modern people appearing in the picture?

【The green planet is relative to the blue earth. The land area on that planet is much larger than the ocean. This feature is exactly the opposite of the blue planet, so it is called the green planet.】

【As for the Great Zhou Empire, it is the most powerful empire on the planet. It has a population of more than 40 billion, and the magnificent palace in the picture is a palace of His Royal Highness the Regent, one of the rulers of the empire.】 some ancient world


"Are they traitors?"

"What does 40 billion people mean?"

"Great Zhou Empire? Which big week?"

These ancient people were talking a lot.

2023 blue planet

"40 billion people"


"Seeing as how big the planet is, it’s easy to pretend there are 40 billion people."

"Who is the Prince Regent? Doesn't this country have an emperor?"

People are also talking about it.

The scene changed, and soon the protagonist appeared. He was a white-haired man wearing a red-bottomed gold round-neck robe with a dragon and phoenix pattern and a bun crown. However, his face was blurred on the exposure stage, and people from all over the world could see Not sure what he looks like

【This is the regent of the Great Zhou Empire.] Following the introduction of the exposure stage, text labels also appeared next to Wang Yu in the picture.

【"Your Highness, we have received this, please take a look." Chu Xun in the picture said and handed over a document]

Obviously these pictures are all fabricated. The Great Zhou Empire and the land of Nine States and All Nations are not in the same place as the 2023 Blue Planet. same time and space

【"Well, it is.. Be bold!"Wang Yu immediately became furious after reading it. He threw the document heavily on the ground.】

"What's going on here?"

"What exactly is on the file?"

"What did the memorial say that made the regent furious?"

"I have to say that Chu Xun is really handsome."

"Sigh, shameless"

"The regent couldn't see clearly what he looked like, but judging from his figure, he probably looked the same."

People from all over the world are talking about it, but with different focus

【"I will personally lead an army to defeat these rude people!"Wang Yu said in the screen】

【"Your Highness, this signal came from more than 20 billion light years away from us. Based on it, we have basically determined the other party's position," said Chu Xun in the screen.】

【"Very good, you have to mobilize the elite troops across the country as quickly as possible, and I will completely destroy everything there!"In the picture, Wang Yu roared】

【"Your Highness, I can gather six million soldiers in three months, and 20 million soldiers in another three months," Chu Xun said in the screen.

Wang Yu in the screen was very satisfied after hearing this.

Then, the screen turned and the camera showed Army and soldiers.

Just look at the picture of a large number of Kyushu soldiers using purple light rifles for shooting training at the target.

The rifle sprays a purple beam of light and hits the target, completely melting it.

"This is.. This is a laser gun! Too sci-fi"

"Yeah, this.. You didn't make it up, right?"

"Six million soldiers, twenty million soldiers"

"Wait, it's located more than 20 billion light years away.. Isn’t that us?"

"I remember that country M likes to send signals and detectors into space the most."

"As mentioned above, it was the signal sent by the Voyager 1 detector of country M."

"Are aliens really going to invade?"

"Wake up, don't dream"

People on Blue Planet 2023 are talking a lot. Everything is so dreamy, but very real

【The signal sent by the M country on the blue planet into the universe was successfully captured by aliens, but errors occurred during interpretation. This greeting signal was considered by the aliens to be provocative and abusive, so the regent decided to go to war. Interstellar War] came the emotional voice of Mo De.

At this time, all the worlds became quiet, quietly looking at the picture in the sky and listening to the words of the exposure station.

Some elites on the blue planet in 2023 are holding a secret meeting. They are discussing the exposure platform and aliens.

People on the blue planet mostly understand aliens from science fiction movies, that is, the aliens pull their crotches and flirt in various ways, and are killed by a few or dozens of humans with outdated weapons. Then the crisis is resolved and everyone is happy.

Soon, the scene in the sky changed again. A group of huge combat flying saucers fired purple light cannons, completely destroying a planet no smaller than the blue planet. This greatly shocked people in all worlds.

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