In late June 1951, the situation in Chaoxian changed again.

"The important supply station"Cheorwon" was captured by the United Nations Army and a large amount of supplies were seized.

What happened? It turned out that Cheorwon occupied by the 188th Division of the 47th Army under the 15th Corps of the Kyushu Army was attacked by the superior force of the United Nations Army. A fierce attack.

Originally, the Cheorwon area was jointly guarded by the 46th and 47th Army. Later, all the 46th Army and three divisions of the 47th Army were gradually transferred away, leaving only 25,000 people from the 188th Division of the 47th Army to guard Cheorwon. This force requires It was very difficult to defend Cheorwon, but when the other three divisions of the 47th Army evacuated, the army headquarters ordered all the artillery regiments and armored regiments originally belonging to the 187th Division to stay in Cheorwon to assist the 188th Division in defensive operations.

As a result, the 188th Division The actual strength of the division has reached more than 35,000, with 80 tanks and 192 artillery pieces of 105 caliber and above. In addition, 90% of the ammunition and materials will be transferred to the 188th Division for use when other troops withdraw. Therefore, as long as the current 188th Division does not have the entire army Their weapons, equipment and other supplies were sufficient to support at least three months of high-intensity combat.

The mobilization of the Kyushu Army could not be hidden from Van Fleet, because aerial and ground reconnaissance had discovered a large number of vehicles unloading and transferring supplies, which made Van Fleet He mistakenly thought this was a supply depot for the Kyushu Army, but he couldn't figure out why only 20,000 to 30,000 people were left to guard such an important place.

Based on previous combat experience, although the Kyushu Army once defeated the United Nations troops and fled, However, the rapid offensive did not last long. It was obvious that there was a problem with ammunition and supplies. It was based on this judgment that Van Fleet formulated the Cheorwon battle plan. The

United Nations Army saw the Kyushu Army unloading supplies through the reconnaissance station It was exactly the scene where other troops left supplies behind when they evacuated. Because the amount was so huge, the Chaoxian scouts who performed ground reconnaissance missions reported that Cheolwon was a supply depot, and the M country pilots who conducted aerial reconnaissance did not object to this..

On June 10, 1951, more than 130,000 people in total including the 10th Army of the 8th Army of M, the 18th Army of the Kuomintang and the 2nd Chaoxian Army began to attack the positions of the 188th Division of the Kyushu Army under the cover of large-caliber artillery and aircraft..The day before the offensive began, from 8pm on June 9th to 7am on the 10th, the large-caliber artillery of the United Nations fired 37,000 artillery shells at the 188th Division. The first line of defense positions had been completely destroyed. After the shelling ended , the 188th Division did not return to the first line of defense. They only started to block the enemy on the second line of defense.

This time, the United Nations Army took the Chao Xian 2nd Army as the leading force, the Kuomintang army in the middle, and the M country army advanced in the final way. As an attack arrow, the 6th Division of the Korean 2nd Army first exchanged fire with the 2nd Battalion of the 564th Regiment of the 188th Division of the Kyushu Army. The 2nd Battalion only had 1,700 people, while the Chaozhou 6th Division had 10,000 people. The strength comparison between the two sides reached 1 to 1. Around 6.

But all the soldiers in this battalion are equipped with fully automatic rifles, and their rifle firepower is much stronger than that of the Chaoxian 6th Division, where most of the soldiers still use Garand semi-automatic rifles.

As soon as the firefight began, Chaoxian The 6th Division was beaten to a pulp. Under the intensive firepower of the defenders, hundreds of Koreans were killed on the spot. The remaining ones did not dare to advance and could only find cover and reinforcements on the spot.

After receiving the signal for help from the Chao Xian army, the M people were very loyal and arranged air support within a few minutes.

Three F80 fighter jets of the US Air Force flew over the defenders' positions carrying bombs and dropped the bombs horizontally.

Although the defenders were well protected, the power of aerial bombs was no joke. Hundreds of people in the 2nd Battalion were killed and dozens injured.

After the M country plane flew away, the battalion commander ordered the entire battalion to pack up their equipment, take the wounded, and evacuate the position.

About three hours later, the Chaoxian 6th Division carefully moved into the position and occupied it. It was approximately 11:40 in the morning on June 10th.

The 564th Regiment of the Kyushu Army fiercely attacked the Chaosian Army. The latter called for M country aircraft for support, and the 564th Regiment retreated.

The actions of the 564th Regiment and the entire 188th Division also continued to lose positions. By June 13, Cheorwon fell and a large amount of supplies were captured by the United Nations forces.

On June 16, the other three divisions of the 47th Army of the Kyushu Army stationed in Pingchuan, together with the withdrawn 188th Division, launched a counterattack towards Cheorwon in an attempt to recapture Cheorwon.

This counterattack further confirmed Van Fleet's idea that Cheorwon was indeed an important supply station.

However, the Kyushu Army's counterattack was quickly defeated by the United Nations forces.

On June 23, the 47th Army of the Kyushu Army lost Pingchuan and the troops continued to retreat toward Yunshan.

By the end of July 1951, the United Nations' front line had advanced to the vicinity of Yunshan, and the situation in Chaoxian had returned to the state at the beginning of the war.

Returning to the capital, there was a small banquet.

In order to celebrate Chi Lian's return this time, Wang Yu did not hold a big celebration. Except for Chu Bufan's family of four, the rest were all members of his own family.

"Come on, try this soup. It's made from dragon turtle meat. It's the most nourishing to the body. Take a good supplement so that you can give me a big, fat boy." Wang Yu made love to Jing Salamander like this in front of everyone. Zi showed affection.

The dragon turtle he mentioned was actually a giant tortoise. This huge tortoise was relatively rare in the mainland of the Zhou Empire. It was also a new species synthesized by Wang Yu using different animals. Some people asked whether this was a volume. Horned turtle, actually not. The dragon turtle's carapace is much larger than that of the horned turtle, and it is more than 6.5 meters long. Moreover, the head of the"dragon turtle" is similar to the dragon's head, so it is called the dragon turtle. It is made from its meat. The soup can replenish qi and blood, and is most suitable for pregnant women to drink.

In the mainland of the Great Zhou Empire, dragon turtles are difficult to capture due to their small population and huge size, so they are extremely expensive. They are only used by the Zhou royal family or hereditary nobles. You can afford such high-end supplements.

(PS: Just talk to the Taishi Mansion and the Zhou royal family.

Wang Yu: Zhao Guogong’s Ying family is also a hereditary and irreplaceable noble family.


"Thank you, Your Highness." Jing salamander responded to Wang Yu with a slightly red face.

"Prince Regent, I won the battle for you and you came back from such a far away place. Why don't you ask me to replenish my health?"Chi Lian, the light bulb, started teasing me again.

"You are my great hero, I will give you a dragon turtle later." Wang Yu said with a smile

"You still have some conscience," Chi Lian joked.

""Haha, come on, come on, let's all eat vegetables." Then Wang Yu invited everyone to eat and drink.

The maid gave Wang Yu a large piece of stewed beef and put it on the plate, and then poured wine into Wang Yu's wine cup. This wine was also Chi Lian got it from Bordeaux, and there are only two bottles left.

""Prime Minister" Wang Yu was eating and called Chu Bufan

""I'm here." Chu Bufan quickly put down his chopsticks and responded.

"This wine was given to me by the president from a place called Bordeaux in Gaul. I will drink a bottle and this bottle will be given to you." Wang Yu said and gestured. The maid took the unopened bottle. The wine was delivered to Chu Bufan

"Thank you very much, His Highness the Regent, for the reward, and thank you very much, President." Chu Bufan stood up and took it with both hands, then thanked him.

"Haha." Wang Yu smiled and motioned for Chu Bufan to sit down.

""Husband, show me." Ying Yuxi wanted to see the wine from Gaul and Bordeaux.

Chu Bufan put the wine in front of Ying Yuxi, who looked at it carefully. In fact, Ying Yuxi couldn't read French either. The bottle is nice and the label is very delicate. It was brought by the President as a gift to the Prince Regent. It should be a relatively rare and high-end product.

"Zhong Heng, how is the situation in the capital recently?" Wang Yu asked Wang Qi while eating beef.

"Father, the situation in North China has been relatively stable recently, but according to the news from the Japanese Special High School, the Communist Party’s army seems to have encountered difficulties," Wang Qi said

"oh? Tell me," Wang Yu asked.

"There is a problem with Gong Jun's food and grass, some people in the army seem to be deserting, and there are also people fleeing in the areas controlled by Gong Jun," Wang Qi said

"Fugitive? Is it a food shortage?"Wang Yu asked

"Yes," Wang Qi said

"Your Highness the Regent, please report this to me." At this time, Chu Bufan spoke.

""Speak," Wang Yu signaled.

"People have been fleeing to areas under our control since last year. As of the end of May this year, there were as many as three million people fleeing, and the number is still increasing," Chu Bufan said

"How did you arrange it?" Wang Yu said

"I have contacted the governor of the Northeast to transfer the people to the new Far East region for resettlement via the Northeast. They will provide land, grain, and housing according to the population of each household, and asked the Sixth Prince who guards the Northeast to allocate relief," Chu Bufan said

"Okay, you have done a good job, but I hope these people can live and work in peace and contentment in their new homes," Wang Yu said

"The Sixth Prince said that he has sent special personnel to supervise the distribution of money and grain to prevent any deductions," Chu Bufan said.

Wang Yu nodded after hearing this.

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