"Da da da da da da"


The guns and artillery fired in Eindhoven. The Kyushu Army attacked the British 1st Airborne Division surrounded by the city center from four directions at the same time.

The area controlled by the British 1st Airborne Division was getting smaller and smaller, and the most fatal thing was the high altitude. The intense fighting consumed their ammunition and other supplies very quickly, and it was estimated that they would be out of ammunition and food in a few days.

Although the division headquarters had contacted the United Nations frontline command in Bali, the latter also sent The plane dropped supplies.

However, because the area controlled by the airborne troops was too small, the airdrops were not accurate. Most of them were not known where they had flown. Very few of them could be delivered to the British airborne troops, which was not enough to support them for a long time. High-intensity combat consumption

"Quick, quick, keep attacking and destroy them!"This is the 613th Regiment of the 204th Division of the 51st Army of the Kyushu Army attacking from the north. Under the leadership of the regiment commander Colonel Wu Chengwen, they attacked a battalion of airborne troops in Britain.

Wu Chengwen's troops had more than 8,000 people. This They are almost catching up with the number of British 1st Airborne Division.

Under the cover of armored vehicles and divisional heavy artillery, his entire regiment attacks a building guarded by hundreds of British Airborne troops in front of them. If they cannot take it down within an hour, he will The commander of the regiment should stop doing it. This was the order given to him by the commander of the 204th Division.

So Wu Chengwen urged all the soldiers below to press forward and strive to eliminate the airborne troops in front of him within half an hour.

"Go!"The battalion commanders held the automatic rifles in their hands and led their soldiers to attack the positions set up by the airborne troops outside the building.

"Sergeant Greer! We don't have many bullets, I'm afraid we can't hold it anymore!"Machine gunner Berman said to another companion while shooting.

"How many more bullets are there?" Greer asked as he fired his rifle.

"150 rounds left," Greer said.

"Oh hell! We're fucked!"When Sergeant Greer heard this and saw the dark Kyushu Army sweeping in, he suddenly collapsed.

"Sergeant! What should we do? We will soon run out of bullets! The enemy is getting closer.. Forehead!"Machine gunner Berman said, and an automatic rifle bullet hit him. Berman was killed on the spot.

Sergeant Grayer could only pick up Berman's"Bren" machine gun and continue shooting, but after dozens of seconds, Grayer Er could only throw away the machine gun without ammunition and continue to shoot with his"Enfield" rifle.

Soon the rifle bullets were all gone, but the Kyushu Army was already close at hand.

Before Sergeant Greer could throw the grenade, he It was beaten into honeycomb by dense bullets. This small position was lost.

The situation was the same with the small position on the other side of the main entrance of the building. As the outside of the building was cleared, the soldiers of the 613th Regiment of the Kyushu Army chose to retreat a distance because The regiment leader Wu Chengwen has contacted heavy artillery to bomb the building.

The shells cut through the air with a rapid scream and flew towards the building. The mountain-drilling shells were so powerful that just a few shells blew the reinforced concrete building into ruins. More than 200 British airborne troops were all killed.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon on January 22, 1951, and only twenty minutes had passed since the 613th Regiment launched the attack.

After the battle in the building ended, the soldiers of the 613th Regiment did not relax. Wu Chengwen They led them to search for survivors and hidden British airborne troops, but there was no other harvest at the scene except ruins and broken limbs.

Wu Chengwen, the commander of the 613th Regiment, reported that the combat mission had been completed and the remaining enemies were being searched for.

January On the night of the 25th, all the British airborne troops in Eindhoven were wiped out.

The next morning, the Kyushu Army withdrew from Eindhoven and continued to move east. Before leaving, they fired a batch of incendiary bombs into the city, igniting Eindhoven.

On January 29, when the tanks of the British Guards Armored Division arrived in Eindhoven, there was nothing but the charred city.

But the Kyushu Army did not leave Eindhoven after it evacuated The Netherlands withdrew into Poland via Denmark, but turned again and headed towards Gaul to attack.

The aerial reconnaissance of the European United Nations Army quickly discovered the traces of the Kyushu Army, and General Patton immediately mobilized troops to intercept it.

But at this time, the commander of the 51st Army Zhang Bo once again led the troops of the two armies to move eastward. This time they were really leaving. They entered Poland through the border of Germany and Denmark, and arrived in the new Japanese territory in late March 1951 to rest and build defense lines. On the other side , the Kyushu Army withdrew from Austria has also reached the new Japanese country, and now there is no soldier of the Kyushu Army in Western Europe.

By April 1951, the situation began to stabilize on the front from Poland in the north to Greece in the south. In Europe The United Nations forces recaptured Western Europe despite the deliberate release of the Kyushu Army. The Western world breathed a sigh of relief, and there was even a small celebration in Country M.

However, in Chaoxian, the Kyushu Army assembled two armies of more than 20 Ten thousand troops launched an offensive operation. Under the cover of a large number of tanks and heavy artillery, they recaptured Beizhen and at the same time broke through the UN defense line in Yunshan, and then continued southward to attack Seoul, the capital of Chaoxian.

This sudden and fierce attack The counterattack caught the 8th Army of Country M off guard. Seeing the enemy coming overwhelmingly, it was like entering a deserted land to attack Seoul. Walker had no choice but to move his troops to be on the safe side. He was seriously injured in a car accident during the evacuation. Fortunately, he was rescued. His life was saved, but due to the severity of his injuries, he had to be sent back to Taiwan for further treatment.

After receiving treatment in Taiwan, Walker was transferred back to Country M to recuperate. Van Fleet, the former commander of the 3rd Army of the Army of Country M, was promoted to commander of the 8th Army.

After taking office as the commander of the 8th Army, Van Fleet immediately gathered troops in Suwon and Yangpyeong. At the same time, he ordered the 18th and 64th armies of the Kuomintang and the 1st Chaoxian Army to launch a counterattack against the 46th Army of the Kyushu Army that had invaded Seoul. Buy time for other troops to assemble.

However, I thought that the Kuomintang army and Chaoxian army would suffer a heavy defeat, but unexpectedly, the Kuomintang army and Chaoxian army suppressed the Kyushu army from the beginning of the battle, easily recaptured Seoul and drove the opponent to Cheorwon. A batch of supplies was also seized.

Encountering strong resistance from the Kyushu Army's 46th and 47th Army in Cheorwon, the Kuomintang Army and the Chaosian Army withdrew to Seoul.

As soon as Van Fleet took office, he stabilized the situation and won a victory to regain the lost territory, which made General MacArthur very satisfied. The Kuomintang troops were also praised for their"combat bravery." Chiang was also very happy after receiving the battle report in Taiwan. He ordered a telegram to commend all officers and soldiers of the 18th and 64th armies.

However, the Kuomintang officers and soldiers participating in the battle always felt that something was not right with the enemy. The enemy's rapid firepower could force the M people to flee in panic and lose half of the fresh food, but why did they lose their temper when facing the national army whose equipment was not as good as the M people? The 18th Army Army Commander Yang Botao always felt a chill behind his back. He felt that the Kyushu Army must be preparing for a larger-scale combat operation.

At the end of May in the fourth year of Chong'an in the Great Zhou Empire (AD 1951), in the Yongshou Palace in the Forbidden City

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Concubine Pei is indeed my woman, and she has given me another big fat boy, hahaha"Wang Yu held his newborn son and laughed proudly. He praised Concubine Pei.

This son is Wang Yu’s nineteenth son, named Wang Kun.

"Congratulations to the regent for having another son." This is a group of maids congratulating Wang Yu.

""Okay, okay, big fat" Wang Yu was very happy

"The slave is here," the fat female official responded.

"Today, all the maids serving Concubine Pei in Yongshou Palace will each receive a gold bar." Wang Yu rewarded

"The servants kowtow to express their gratitude to His Highness the Regent." The maids knelt down to express their thanks.

""Okay, okay, you have to serve Concubine Pei well and don't do anything half-heartedly." Wang Yu handed the child to the wet nurse, and then ordered the maids

"Yes, the slaves will do their best," the maids quickly assured.

After coming out of Pei Nanwei's place, Wang Yu returned to the Qianqing Palace. Currently, the entire military and political institutions of the Forbidden City are being moved to the Old Summer Palace. Wang Yu plans to wait until Pei Nanwei is out of confinement. When we go to the Old Summer Palace together in the future, only Wang Yu, Pei Nanwei and the newly born Wang Kun will be left in the Forbidden City.

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