On March 9, 1950, the two-month shelling finally ended.

The Kyushu Army marched into Shanxi after the bombardment. Although they entered Taiyuan City without resistance, the process was not smooth sailing and encountered some troubles.

What's going on?

It turned out that the biggest trouble for the Kyushu Army during this march was the unrecognizable terrain. Due to the bombing of the"Long Claw" rail gun, many dirt roads in Shanxi were blown up or damaged by sliding mountain structures.

In order to clean and repair these roads, the engineers of the Kyushu Army spent a lot of time.

It was not until mid-May 1950 that the Kyushu Army entered Taiyuan City.

The camera returns to the capital from Shanxi, and the time is set back to the end of January 1950.

In the front hall of Qianqing Palace, Wang Yuduan sat on the dragon chair, and Pei Nanwei led his sons to stand beside him.

Below stood a group of men and women, including Wang Qi's family and Wang Ying's family, and Ayan was among them.

Then Wang Yu introduced a group of his juniors to Pei Nanwei, and the juniors also met Pei Nanwei under the leadership of Wang Ying.

Wang Yu's juniors currently in the capital are all from the Zhou Empire. They have never met Pei Nanwei, and Pei Nanwei has not met them either.

So both parties have to know each other.

After greeting each other, Wang Yu introduced Pei Nanwei's sons to Wang Ying and others.

Ayan was very dissatisfied with Pei Nanwei's arrival. Originally, her mother had occupied part of her time here, but now, her father didn't know where he got such a vixen and gave birth to several younger brothers. This made her Have a feeling of being abandoned

"If the father can have such a beautiful concubine waiting by his side, we children can rest assured." Ayan actually spoke with a mocking and contemptuous tone, and his voice was very loud.

"Um, this.. this"Pei Nanwei was embarrassed after hearing this. This was a blatant insult to her for being a foxy girl.

"Ayan, what are you talking about?" Wang Yu looked at Pei Nanwei, then showed displeasure and scolded Ayan.

""Father, my son and I are praising Princess Pei's beauty," Ayan retorted.

"You are so unruly! You must understand that Concubine Pei is your elder. Is this how you usually talk to your elders?"Wang Yu stood up, pointed at Ayan and scolded

"Second sister, second sister, please stop saying a few words and don't make your father unhappy." Wang Ying quickly pulled Ayan's sleeve and whispered.

"Leave me alone?"Ayan flicked his sleeves and hit back at Wang Ying.

"Ayan! You have gone too far! It seems that I usually dote on you too much and spoil you rotten! Get out of here immediately! Go back to your own palace and think about your mistakes behind closed doors!"Wang Yu scolded Ayan again

"snort!"Ayan snorted heavily, then turned around and ran away.

"Your Highness, please calm down. The second princess is also Your Highness’s flesh and blood. Why should there be such a big anger between father and daughter?" Pei Nanwei pretended to persuade Wang Yu at this time. But she didn’t know that Ayan was Wang Yu’s goddaughter.

"It's so unbecoming, she actually openly said such things here." Wang Yu was helped by Pei Nanwei to sit back on the throne, and then scolded her again.

"Father, please calm down, the second sister made the mistake unintentionally," Wang Ying said.

"What an unintentional mistake! She is deliberately tearing me down! After a while, you go and spread my words and confine her to the palace. If she doesn't reflect well, she will never come to see me again!"Wang Yu ordered Wang Ying

""Um, I'll take care of it later." Wang Ying was stunned for a moment, and then answered. But in the end Wang Ying didn't go either.

Everyone knows that Wang Yu dotes on A Yan, and saying he can't see her now is just out of anger, and no one takes it seriously.

"You all go back, the prince, the second prince and the prime minister will be responsible for future wars." Wang Yu drove the juniors away.

""Yes, father, rest in peace." Wang Ying left with a group of juniors.

Only Wang Yu, Pei Nanwei and several sons she gave birth to were left in the palace.

The youngest son Wang Zin was just over three years old.

"Come on, come on, let me hug you." Wang Yu clapped his hands and called Wang Zin

""Father," Wang Zhen was led by the maid to come closer and called Wang Yu in a sweet voice.

"Okay, hahahaha"Wang Yu laughed and hugged Wang Zin

"Oh, this guy is better than you." Wang Yu looked at the old Thirteen Wang Lian while hugging Wang Zin, and then said

"What the father said.."What you said is absolutely true." Wang Jian bowed slightly and responded.

Wang Jian's dullness is not the same as that of Wang Jie, who was born to the Moon God. Wang Jian simply doesn't like to talk, while Wang Jian may have psychological reasons. Just now, his brothers and sisters and A bunch of nephews were here, and he was so frightened that he could hardly stand. It was obvious that Wang Lian was somewhat afraid of these half-brothers and sisters he had never seen before.

Pei Nanwei looked at the big baby he had given birth to. Son, I couldn't help but feel angry. This child is too dull. What's going to happen if this goes on.

After following Wang Yu to the Republic of China, Pei Nanwei also hoped that Wang Jian, his adult son, could find some important jobs to relieve his father's worries. But now it seems that Pei Nanwei is overthinking

"You go down too, I have something to say with your mother." Wang Yu curled his lips and signaled to Wang Jian that he could go out.

However, Wang Jian turned around and left without saying goodbye to his parents.

"stop!"Jian'er, you are so rude, come here and apologize to your father." Pei Nanwei didn't think so and quickly called Wang Jian.

"I beg my father to forgive me." Wang Jian was so excited that he quickly came back and knelt down to apologize.

"Okay, okay, go down!"Wang Yu frowned, his tone a little impatient.

""Well, I'm sorry, please leave." Only then did Wang Yan remember to say goodbye.

After putting down Wang Zhen

"This kid is very stupid, hey"Wang Yu pointed in the direction where Wang Lian left and sighed helplessly.

"Your Highness, Gan'er is here for the first time, and seeing so many relatives, he is a little at a loss. Please forgive me." Pei Nanwei quickly defended his son.

"Well, don't plead for him, he is my son, I know best." Wang Yu waved his hand.

""Yes." Pei Nanwei responded.

He looked at the Western clock and found that it was almost eleven o'clock. Wang Yu called the female official Da Pang and ordered lunch to be prepared.

On the other side, on the way back to the Old Summer Palace

"Your father’s little wife is really beautiful," Li Xiaoman and Wang Qi said in the car.

"Stop talking, talking about this kind of thing is disrespectful, be careful if your father finds out, he will punish you." Wang Qi immediately told his wife to shut up.

"Did you see, it’s almost noon, and your dad didn’t even save lunch?" Li Xiaoman changed the topic again and said

"What do you mean?"Wang Qi asked

"Your father now dotes on Concubine Pei and your good brothers. He thinks we are an eyesore and hastily drove us away," Li Xiaoman said.

"Why are you becoming more and more pretentious and forgetting the lesson learned last time?"Wang Qi frowned and scolded

"I don’t know when Beixuan will come back, it’s been more than a year." Li Xiaoman talked about Wang Beixuan again

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back, it’s better to be in Luoyi than here," Wang Qi said.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman nodded.

In Yuqing Palace

"Your Majesty, your father doesn’t want to see us anymore." The snow girl came back and complained similar words.

"Don't talk nonsense, father, you have your own reasons." Wang Ying was served by the maid and took off his square official hat, and then took off the black cloak outside.

"Your father is always justified, beating people is justified, scolding people is justified, exiling others is justified, killing people is justified; but is there ever a time when he is unreasonable?" Snow Girl teased

"What nonsense! You are so courageous, you actually arranged for your father to hang yourself if you don’t want to live anymore," Wang Ying scolded.

"Humph." Xue Nu glared at Wang Ying and went back to the inner palace.

"you"Wang Ying was furious.

After the Shanxi Campaign, Wang Yu set up a war criminals management center in the capital to detain captured senior enemy military and political personnel. Chu Bufan had an idea and named the management center"Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center."

Currently, the management center houses several corps and division-level officers of the Kuomintang army. These people were captured during the"Chong'an 2nd Year Local Attack" and were the top leaders of the former Kuomintang's New Third Army.

After the Jiuzhou Army occupied Taiyuan City, they began to hunt down Kuomintang military and political personnel in Shanxi. The remnants of Yan Xishan were annihilated in Datong. He himself was wounded and captured, and was later imprisoned in the"Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center."

Yan Laoxi is currently the person with the highest military rank in the management office.

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