After Chu Bufan left, Wang Yu sat for a while and came to a group of Japanese and traitors.

""Your Highness the Regent" A group of Japanese traitors nodded and bowed to Wang Yu

"Okay, okay, General Gengen, I need your help with something." Wang Yu pulled Gengenbo to a remote corner and said

"Please give your orders to the regent," said Netohiro.

"How many aircraft do you have under your command?"Wang Yu asked

"At present, our army has 350 fighter jets, 120 bombers, and 75 transport aircraft in North China," said Ben Bo.

"Very good, I will give you a batch of seeds in five days, and you can send planes to drop them into enemy-occupied areas. I will go to your headquarters to discuss the specific details tomorrow afternoon. This matter is top secret and must not be leaked." Wang Yu said

"Hi! I am respectfully waiting for you as the regent." Nemoto Hiro responded respectfully.

"Okay." After saying that, Wang Yu left.

He changed his mind. In fact, no agreement was reached in this truce negotiation. It was just wishful thinking of the Kyushu Army, and the Japanese were not included in the truce. So Wang Yu asked the Autobots to send the Japanese. Army bombers went to sow these seeds that destroyed the soil structure.

When they arrived at Wang Jue's place, the brothers were still rolling the dishes on the table. The maids stood aside and waited for instructions to serve the dishes at any time.

Wang Ying, who was talking to his mother, saw The father went to where his sons were. He quickly called the snow girl over. After all, these sons looked too ugly. What if they made the"old man" unhappy?

""Father," Snow Girl quickly came to Wang Yu and bowed respectfully.

"Well, what?"Wang Yu was a little confused.

""Grandpa" Wang Jue and the other five people quickly put down their food, knelt down and greeted Wang Yu

"Get up." Wang Yu motioned to his five grandsons to get up.

"How about this dish? Does it suit your taste?" Wang Yu did not blame his grandchildren for not knowing etiquette, he only asked if the food was good.

"Okay, delicious," Wang Wei said and burped.

"Wei'er! No rules!"Xue Nu scolded her son.

Wang Yu waved his hand. Xue Nu stopped talking and just stood aside with a respectful bow.

"As long as it suits your taste, eat more," Wang Yu signaled.

Only the five of them continued to serve the food to the table.

"Go ahead and let the chef do whatever the five princes and grandsons want to eat. Do you understand?" Wang Yu ordered the maids

""Yes, master" the maids responded.

Then Wang Yu went back to his dragon chair, and Xue Nu also breathed a sigh of relief and followed her back.

"Bo Heng, how did these children become like this?" Wang Yu asked his son

"In recent years, Erchen and his family have lived in seclusion in the Kunlun Mountains, making a living mostly by hunting and not leaving the mountains unless necessary," Wang Ying said.

"Oh, it’s nothing. I won’t blame my grandchildren for this little thing. To be honest, I was not as good as them when I was down and out." Wang Yu said, joking.

"How do you plan to compensate your grandchildren in the future?" Moon God asked

"What's the meaning?"Wang Yu asked

"Your grandchildren have suffered so much, shouldn't you compensate them?" Moon God said again

"Tomorrow I will confer barons on my six grandchildren, that’s enough," Wang Yu said.


""Mother, it is a great grace that my father loves his six sons. I would like to thank my father for the six children." The

Moon God still wanted to argue, but Wang Ying interrupted, and then he thanked his father.

After hearing this, the Moon God stopped. Say anything more

"Okay, tomorrow I will personally write an edict and announce it to the world," Wang Yu said. Wang Yu plans to train his six grandsons into six small princes. In the future, they will be in charge of land, property and the army either within the Republic of China or in the New Far East. , thus achieving the purpose of controlling some areas.

Since modern times, Wang Yu has also relied on nepotism and promoted his sons and grandchildren to replace some people with other surnames.

"Thank you, father." Wang Ying thanked him.

On the other side was the Old Summer Palace.

After returning, Li Xiaoman threw off his shoes without changing his clothes. He went directly to bed and leaned on the cushion to sulk.

""Master", the female officer who was close to him saw that the master was angry, so she ordered someone to make tea and then served it.

""Go." Li Xiaoman reached out and pulled.

The tea tray fell off the maid's hand, and the water was spilled on the hand.

"Clumsy, what's the use of you! Drag him out and give him fifty lashes! Li Xiaoman said angrily

"Master, please spare this slave, Master; this slave did not do it on purpose, Master, please spare this slave." When the maid who was putting away the tea bowls and trays heard that she was going to be beaten, she immediately kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"What are you waiting for! Drag him out and beat him! Hit me hard!"Li Xiaoman became even more angry and shouted

"Someone come! Take it down!"The female officer had to call for someone to drag the unfortunate maid out.

"Master, please calm down. The people below are not sensible. Master, there is no need to argue with them, lest you become angry and ruin your body." the female officer advised.

"snort!"Li Xiaoman turned around and ignored the female officer.

""Master, rest in peace, slave, please leave." The female officer also wisely withdrew.

Li Xiaoman leaned on the bed alone, getting more and more angry as he thought about it, and decided to wait for her husband to come back to talk properly.

The banquet ended at almost midnight, and all the participants also Everyone goes back to their homes


"What does it mean?"

In the palace, the Moon God hit Wang Yu's hand, who was just about to hug her.

"It's nothing, you are too rude and don't know how to cherish it," Luna said

"Hey, we have been husband and wife for so many years, but you still have so many ideas, come here." Wang Yu clapped his hands, and as he said that, he forced the moon god into his arms. In the darkness,

I didn't know what was going on, but my eyes were good The audience can observe for themselves.

In the Old Summer Palace, Wang Qi and his two sons also returned by car. The Old Summer Palace is not too far from the Forbidden City, about 20 kilometers away, and it can be reached by car in half an hour.

""Master." Just as Wang Qi was on his way back to his palace, the female officer stopped him.

"What's up?"Wang Qi asked

"The lady is angry, master, be careful," the female officer whispered.

"A woman rebelled against her, so go ahead." Wang Qi said, waving away the female officer.

After entering the bedroom, Wang Qi sat beside the bed.

Li Xiaoman immediately turned away and didn't look at her.

"What's wrong with you? Wang Qi asked.

Li Xiaoman still remained silent.

"I'm confused, so I quickly changed my clothes and went to bed. It's almost two o'clock." Wang Qi said and stood up to take off his clothes.

"You go down!"When Wang Qi returned to bed, Li Xiaoman kicked him

"You are crazy!"Wang Qi scolded

"Anyway, I won’t let you go to my bed." Li Xiaoman drove Wang Qi down.

"Little Hoof, why are you so crazy again!"Wang Yu grabbed Li Xiaoman's ankle and scolded

"What are you doing! open!"Li Xiaoman struggled and shouted

"Little hooves! If you go crazy again, I will break your legs and lock you up." Wang Qi stared at her to scare her.

"Just beat me to death! Beat me to death and then marry someone better!"Li Xiaoman was so excited that she made a big fuss.

"Stop it! Let people hear the joke!"Wang Qi quickly let go and then covered the other person's mouth.

"I have been married to you for so many years and have given birth to three sons. I serve my parents at the top, you in the middle, and the children in the middle. I take care of several sisters-in-law when they come here. I have no merit but hard work. Today is a good day. Your eldest brother and his family are back. Yes, your father immediately stopped seeing us. This is so unfair to me!"Li Xiaoman said while biting Wang Qi's hand and crying.

"Shut up! Stop talking! If it reaches your father’s ears, no one can protect you!"Wang Qi quickly stopped Li Xiaoman.

"I'm going to say it! Just say it!"Li Xiaoman actually got into a fight with Wang Qi

"you.. Crazy woman, come quickly! Someone come!"Wang Yu scolded, then opened the door and called for someone.

Four maids came quickly.

"Madam is sick, tie her up quickly and take her away! Don't make her yell! How unbecoming!"Wang Qi ordered

"Well this"The maids stared with big eyes and dared not move.

"Okay, you and your son are working together to kill me, right? I'll fight with you!"Li Xiaoman wanted to fight Wang Qi again from the bed.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!"Wang Qi, while resisting Li Xiaoman, ordered the maid to

"yes"The maids hurried out to find the rope

"Crazy woman! Be honest with me!"Wang Qi shouted while grabbing Li Xiaoman's hands.

"let me go! open! Uh-huh"

After a while, Li Xiaoman was pinned down on the bed and tied up, and his mouth was gagged.

Wang Qi sent Li Xiaoman to another bedroom, and then sent a maid to watch him 24 hours a day.

"let me out! I'm not sick! Wang Qi! you are not human!"Li Xiaoman, who was untied, knocked on the door of the bedroom and yelled

"It's finally quiet." After returning, Wang Qi muttered to himself and went to sleep. He planned to lock Li Xiaoman for two days to let her calm down.

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