"Okay, okay, please be quiet, reporters, please be quiet." Chu Bufan motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"Well, the second news I want to announce is that since Mr. Chiang’s National Government has been driven overseas by our army, although he has now fled back to Taiwan Province, we believe that the National Government led by Mr. Chiang is the official in exile. The government is no longer the legitimate government of the Republic of China, and Mr. Jiang can no longer represent the Republic of China," Chu Bufan said

"But Taiwan is still the territory of the Republic of China!"A reporter shouted

"Taiwan is indeed the territory of the Republic of China. There is no doubt about this. But can this reporter guarantee that next year or the year after tomorrow, Mr. Chiang will still be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in Taipei? It is not difficult for our military to cross the sea to attack Taiwan." Chu Bufan said

"Well this"The female reporter was left speechless

"In other words, the Republic of China is now in a state of chaos without a proper government, and we have an obligation to end this chaos," Chu Bufan said

"General, you keep saying that you want to negotiate an armistice. Since the National Government is no longer the legal government, who are you going to negotiate with?"Another reporter shouted

"It all depends on how the various forces compete," Chu Bufan said with a smile.

"Can the new National Government in Wuhan replace Mr. Chiang’s Government?" a reporter asked

"It's a pity that I don't know anything about the New National Government in Wuhan and have no comment," Chu Bufan said.

Wang Yu never recognized the Wang puppet regime, including the Puppet Manchukuo. Both puppet regimes were not recognized by Wang Yu. It was supported by the Japanese and has nothing to do with Mr. Wang.

"Although the regent has decided to cease the war within the Republic of China, he will not waver in sending assassins to assassinate political figures from various countries. It is these unscrupulous businessmen and politicians who ignore the national economy and people's livelihood for their own desires. They cause trouble everywhere and plunge the whole world into war. These people must be severely punished; to be honest, the regent has issued an order to exterminate the nine tribes, and the people on the hunting list will kill the nine tribes and will not tolerate them!"Chu Bufan said.

This is true. Wang Yu sent Jixiantang killers and Jiuzhou monks around the world to hunt down politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists and other people who might have an impact on the war. In order to prevent a resurgence, Jixiantang killers not only If you want to hunt yourself, but also your family members, you must do your best to eliminate evil.

The hunting of targets in the Goose Kingdom is particularly rampant. Many marshals, generals, weapons designers and outstanding engineers have been hunted, which is a huge blow. He became the center of the Goose Kingdom's armed forces.

In a thousand words, Mr. Wang is best at making others die of their children and grandchildren. Instead of overtaking in a corner, it is better to directly overtake the track and leave people with no way to go.

""Quiet, please be quiet." Chu Bufan motioned to the reporters talking below to quiet down.

"Mr. Chiang's army and the M army have repeatedly harassed local people in Fujian. In response to this, I call on the people of the Republic of China to rise up and resist. Don't be afraid. Our army will be your strong backing. I now declare that whoever kills a national army will be The reward is five oceans. For killing an M countryman, the reward is eight oceans. If anyone can get the head of Mr. Chiang Kai-shek or MacArthur, the regent will grant him the title of honorary baron of the Great Zhou Empire, and a reward equal to the person's weight."Gold" Chu Bufan continues to win fire

"Haha, let me add one more point, if the National Army soldiers can break away from the Kuomintang army and fight back, the Regent will also give a heavy reward." Chu Bufan added. As soon as Wang Yu said this, the reporters were shocked. How could this be prepared? Negotiating a peace and truce is obviously a provocation in disguise. However, reporters have heard about what happened in Fujian.

"Dear reporters, the Regent has taught that since ancient times, gentlemen have been friends but not party members. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, so why should they share the same goals? Therefore, the Regent ordered me to relay that the Kuomintang is an illegal organization and must be banned. If other parties can follow the general trend, they can do so on their own. The disintegration is a blessing for the country," Chu Bufan said.

As soon as he said this, reporters started talking even more. At present, the various forces in the Republic of China are intertwined. It is not easy to smooth things over.

"Ahem, as for the remnants of warlords in various places, our army will invest strong forces to completely eliminate them. These local warlords prey on the people and do all kinds of evil. They are the source of cholera in the country," Chu Bufan said again.

This press conference seemed to convey the message of peace. The signal is actually a firefight. Wang Yu's attempt to fake a truce and really prepare for war has been exposed. Chu Bufan had already noticed it when he heard Wang Yu say these things. The

Kyushu Army in the Republic of China will not launch a campaign for the next year. A large-scale offensive campaign, only defensive operations were carried out. After the press conference, major newspapers published the contents of this press conference.

Taipei, Chairman's Residence

"Niang Xipi! The Japanese devil actually said that I was an illegal official. It was really unreasonable! How abominable!"Jiang angrily threw the newspaper and cursed Wang Yu.

Chang Kaishen was beaten by the Kyushu Army in recent years, and the direct troops he had painstakingly rebuilt were repeatedly taken away by the opponent. He was bitter towards Wang Yu. The deep hatred has strengthened Chang Kaishen's determination to fight, but he is definitely not for the nation and country, he is for his own power and position.

Now Wang Yu has announced that his Kuomintang has lost its ability to govern, and also said that the Kuomintang is illegal This undoubtedly made Chang Kaishen very embarrassed, and also humiliated many faction leaders in the Kuomintang. Wang Yu's operation indirectly helped the various factions in the Kuomintang unite.

"Chairman, calm down, this is just their propaganda offensive," Major General Mao Renfeng, the security chief, picked up the newspaper on the ground and put it on the table.

Why is it replaced by Mao Renfeng now? Where did Dai Li go? What happened to the Military Command Bureau? Has it also become a secrecy bureau? This matter has to start in 1946. Dai Li, who was still in Australia at that time, was accidentally shot by the M Army air defense force while flying on business and was seriously injured. He eventually died of his injuries.

Memorial service After that, Chiang immediately reorganized the Military Control Bureau, and appointed Major General Feng Feng as the director of the newly reorganized Security Bureau.

"Chairman, Zhou Guizi also said in the newspaper that he hopes other parties can follow the general trend and disintegrate automatically, so Zhou Guizi is not just targeting us," said Mao Renfeng

"If Zhou Guizi was not targeting me, why did he just say that our party and army are illegal organizations?" Jiang said

"Well, the Japanese Japs have been fighting with us all these years, so they naturally have malicious intentions towards us," Mao Renfeng explained forcefully.

"Chairman of the Generalissimo, Zhou Guizi also called on the people to oppose our army, saying that the reward for killing a National Army soldier was five oceans, and an M Army soldier was eight oceans, and"

"do not talk! It’s so deceiving!"

Feng Ye Gong, a fashionable man, is very good at anger, which provoked Mr. Jiang to scold him immediately.

""Yes." Mao Renfeng stopped talking immediately.

In the Goose Kingdom, as hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops arrived one after another, they were handed over to carry out the cleanup operations. This deceived the people of the Goose Kingdom, and the Japanese were the best at doing this.

The Japanese They were suppressed by the Kyushu Army in the Republic of China and did not dare to go too far. Now, they can do these things legitimately in the Goose Kingdom.

Nearly 10 million people in various"laboratories" and"human circles" have fallen in the Goose Kingdom. Square kilometers of land kept springing up like mushrooms after rain.

The Kyushu Army was free to continue attacking. At the same time, Chi Lian contacted Wang Yu and asked Wang Yu to send her reinforcements to clear out the remaining Goose people. The

Goose Kingdom is too big. With only four million Kyushu troops, it was difficult to achieve"no blind spots" clearing, so the Japanese played their role.

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