"I won’t say anything else, but for the victory of the President and for all the warriors fighting on the front line of Goose Country, cheers," Wang Yu said at the end. Everyone stood up and raised their glasses. Then everyone sat down to eat and talk about the present and the future. situation

"Prince Regent, according to the intelligence compiled by our Special Higher Education Course, due to the massive shrinkage of our army in North and Central China, the Eighth Route Army unscrupulously occupied many cities, including some big cities," said Hiroshi Nemoto, commander of the North China Expeditionary Army.

"As long as we consolidate the Northeast, North China, Central China and large areas south of the Yangtze River, we will be invincible," Wang Yu said

"Moreover, our top priority is to concentrate our forces to eliminate the Goose Kingdom, and then turn around and fight against the resistance forces of the Republic of China. It is not too late," Wang Yu said

"But if left unchecked, once they develop and grow, they will pose a great threat to our defense line," said Nemotobo

"Then please ask the general to send troops to fight them and eliminate this threat," Wang Yu said

"Well, I will treat this matter carefully," said Nemotobo

"Father, more and more Kuomintang troops are landing in Xiamen. If this continues, I am afraid that the whole of Fujian will fall into their hands," Wang Qi said

"How many people are from the M country among them?"Wang Yu asked

"According to the latest intelligence, by September 20, 90,000 M troops had followed the Kuomintang troops and landed in Xiamen," Wang Qi said

"Don't worry, let's wait until they occupy Fujian. Let all our troops in Fujian be transferred to Zhejiang or Jiangxi." Wang Yu waved his hand while eating food.

"Yes, I will give the order later," Wang Qi said.

While Wang Yu was eating and drinking here, far away in Fujian, more and more Kuomintang troops and M troops arrived and messed up the local security. The crime rate The situation skyrocketed. Many women were raped by the M people, and people in Fujian were panicked. At this time, the 307th Division of the Kyushu Army was still in Fujian, and more and more local people gathered outside their station. These people actually came to petition and asked the Kyushu Army to drive out the Americans. Chiang Kai-shek, this sudden change caught the commander of the 307th Division, Major General Su Cheng, off guard. He could only ask the army translator to appease and then resettled some fleeing civilians near the station.

Su Cheng reported the situation to the 68th Army Headquarters, and then the The 68th Army reported to the East Road Cluster Headquarters and finally reported to the South China Corps Headquarters in Guangzhou. After receiving the report, Commander-in-Chief Lu Wuqin only said to let the 307th Division settle these people first, and he asked the Vice President of the Capital for further instructions. Disposal plan.

Capital Forbidden City

"Vice President, this is an urgent telegram from the South China Corps." A telecommunications officer came in from the outside with a folder under his arm and walked quickly to Wang Qi. He quickly took out the telegram and handed it to him.

"Well, let's go." Wang Qi signaled the officer to leave.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yu asked casually

"Father, the people in Fujian are afraid that the Kuomintang and the M will harm them, so they have asked our 307th Division in Fujian for help." Wang Qi said and handed over Lu Wuqin's telegram.

"Great, you immediately ask Lu Wuqin to send nearby troops to respond, and treat the people well, these are our important strategic resources," Wang Yu said

"Yes, I will give the order immediately." Wang Qi said and left the banquet.

"Everyone, just now, a strange thing happened in Fujian; the people in Fujian actually hated their own army and the M people, and turned to our army for help. The foundation of the Republic of China is crumbling! The outcome of this war has been determined, and we can guarantee undefeated at worst," Wang Yu said to the crowd while holding up a telegram.

"Onboard! Onboard!"


The Japs, led by Nemotobo, stood up again and started shouting

"The regent's strategy of treating the people well and distinguishing between the military and the civilians has shown results. The regent is wise," Qi Meng said, holding up his wine glass.

""My father is wise," said Wang Ruo

"Okay, okay, when we fight against the Kuomintang in the future, we must first shout to keep the people away from the battlefield. If not, we will not be blamed." Wang Yu signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said

"As a result, the Kuomintang army will be panicked and will inevitably suffer a major defeat." This is what Lieutenant General Takahashi Tan, chief of staff of the Japanese North China Expeditionary Army, said.

"Haha, the Kuomintang never knows how to care for the common people. Chiang and his bandit army only know how to take. They think they can do whatever they want with the backing of M country people. I will definitely let them shoot themselves in the foot," Wang Yu said

"what do you mean"Chu Bufan said

"I am ready to directly attack the mainland of country M and completely eliminate one of the sources of turmoil in this world," Wang Yu said

"Um, this.. Okay." Chu Bufan nodded.

Wang Yu decided to carry out a nuclear strike on the mainland of country M, thus forcing all the people of country M to either participate in the war or withdraw from the battlefield immediately.

Wang Yu hopes that all people of country M will participate in the war, so that more people can be better The people of Country M were sent into the abyss of death.

In the Pacific War, Country M only lost nearly one million soldiers. This result was far lower than Wang Yu expected. We must find a way to attract more people of Country M to the battlefield..

On the other side of Guangzhou, Lu Wuqin received the order and transferred the three main divisions of the 68th Army of the East Road Cluster into Fujian to support the 307th Division. The

308th Division under the 68th Army is currently stationed in Jiangxi, the 309th and 310th Divisions are stationed in Zhejiang, and the 68th Army The headquarters is also in Zhejiang.

After receiving the order, the commander of the army immediately led the headquarters and the 309th Division, which had just returned from training, to set off by car. The 310th Division was still resting and would need to wait a few days before setting off. The

308th Division entered directly from Jiangxi The 307th Division merged with Fujian.

The movements of the Kyushu Army were quickly discovered by the reconnaissance planes of the M country. The US-Chiang Kai-shek coalition was immediately alert and prepared for combat. At the same time, it urged Taiwan to send more troops to board ships and ship to Xiamen as soon as possible to strengthen the defense force.

By November 1947 In the middle of the year, the U.S.-Chianglian coalition in Fujian had reached 400,000 people, including 230,000 M troops and 170,000 Kuomintang troops. In addition, the U.S.-Chiang coalition in Fujian also had more than 500 tanks and 210 aircraft of various types.

The camera went back to After arriving in the capital, after the banquet, Wang Yu left all his personnel behind to discuss matters.

"I plan to transfer the materials stored in North China to the south of the Yangtze River," Wang Yu said

"Does His Highness have to give up North China?"Chu Bufan felt a little surprised and asked

"No, we are just prepared. Once the war situation changes, we will not panic before leaving if we give up the retreat from North China to the South," Wang Yu said

"Your Highness, I believe that North China must never be abandoned under any circumstances," Chu Bufan said.

"Father, North China is too important to give up easily," Wang Qi said.

"Your Highness, please also mobilize troops to strengthen the defense of North China. I believe that with the powerful troops in our hands, it will not be a problem to protect North China," Chu Bufan said

"Let’s wait until the war in Goose Country is over," Wang Yu said.

""Yes" everyone responded.

On February 5, the 40th year of the Great Zhou Empire (the 37th year of the Republic of China, 1948 AD), urgent news came from Luoyi that Emperor Zhou Ji Jian was critically ill.

This time Wang Yu and Chu Bufan were in the Republic of China. Sitting in town, Wang Qi's family and Wang Ruo all returned to Luoyi. In the Luoyi Palace, in the Taishi Hall.

Ji Yizhen burst into tears and held the left hand of Emperor Zhou to say his final farewell. At this time, Emperor Zhou was already on his deathbed. It’s time for the meeting.

The bedroom and the outer hall were already full of people kneeling, waiting for the imperial doctor to announce the death of Emperor Zhou.

After a while, Emperor Zhou took his last breath, and his left handDrooping down weakly.

Several imperial doctors came forward to confirm repeatedly and announced the news of Emperor Zhou's death. Emperor Zhou Ji Jian reigned for forty years and died at the age of sixty. His posthumous title was Emperor Zhao of Zhou.

All of a sudden, all the princes, princesses and concubines in the outer hall of the bedroom burst into tears. Ji Yizhen fainted from sadness and was quickly carried elsewhere by the palace maids to be rescued by the imperial doctor.

After Zhou Tianzijian died, the Moon God and Concubine Yan immediately led the imperial army into the palace to maintain order. Without waiting for Ji Jian, who had just passed away, to be buried, the Moon God allowed the 31-year-old prince to take over and proclaim himself emperor.

However, the prince excused himself and said that he would wait until Emperor Daxing was enthroned before discussing the matter of succession. However, the Moon God said that it was a time of war and"special matters need to be handled".

The prince had no choice but to give in. Before his father's body was enshrined, he succeeded to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Taishi Hall. In fact, this guy is very happy. There is only one word difference between prince and emperor, but this one word is completely different.

After the prince succeeded to the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, the Moon God told Wang Yu, who was far away in the Republic of China, about the matter through a sound transmission spell. It was around nine o'clock in the evening on February 5, 1948, three hours after the death of Emperor Zhou.

Capital of the Republic of China, in the Palace of Qianqing

"The time has come for Emperor Zhou to die." Wang Yuzheng was holding Jing Salamander in his arms and preparing to sleep, when the voice of the Moon God came to his ears, he said helplessly

"ah?"I was shocked and confused in my arms.

"Emperor Zhou passed away, and the Moon God just sent me a message," Wang Yu said

"That"Frightened Salamander doesn’t know how to answer

"I'm going out for a moment." Wang Yu got up, put on his clothes and went out.

When he came to the front hall, Wang Yu pressed the button.

The night watch maid came in and listened to the order.

"Send someone to declare the Prime Minister," Wang Yu ordered.

""Yes." The maid responded and went out to find Chu Bufan.

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